
Cookie Banner Generator | 5 Essential Tools!

It’s no secret anymore, the rules on the Internet are pretty complicated. To have a site that complies with security standards and to generate cookies that comply with these standards, you must be very careful. Are you looking for a solution for managing cookie acceptance banners? Follow the guide, we explain everything you need to know on the subject!

What are the rules regarding cookies?

Some professionals surround themselves with legal experts to ensure that their professional website does not violate any laws. However, whatever the field of activity, the services of a professional represent a budget! So if you choose this option then you have to keep these expenses in mind.

On the web, the CNIL is responsible for defining these laws. The National Commission for Computing and Freedom (CNIL) fulfills several missions, including:

  • protection of rights;
  • information and support on good web practices;
  • Sanction of practices that go against digital laws.

To complement the GDPR, the European Commission has created a text of “e-privacy” laws that focus primarily on cookies and consent on the web. This organization issues certificates such as ePrivacyseal, EDAA-OBA, ePrivacyApp, and Targetingseal.

These stamps guarantee the security of your website, but also of visitors and their personal data.

From April 1, 2021, the CNIL mandates the removal of cookie walls (single-choice cookie banners that require the visitor to accept all cookies) and websites with a multiple-choice option, readable and accessible to all Obliges to offer accessible.

How do cookie banners work?

The cookie banner typically appears during your first visit to a web page. Its purpose is to inform you, but not to obtain your consent for marketing analytics tools used to collect your data (surname, first name, age, current shopping cart, etc.) depending on the information provided. On the basis).

But what is a cookie? By definition, a cookie is a file that is processed and stored by a server. It records information about the user’s browsing. Thus, thanks to the cookie, among other things, it is possible to know how the visitor got to the web page. There are 2 types of cookies:

  • Internal Cookies (First-Party) : Installed by the site consulted by the Internet user, internal cookies make it possible to collect personal data on the user and to understand his behavior or his consumption habits.
  • External or third-party cookies : Deposited by third parties, external cookies make it possible to trace visited pages and other information in order to optimize advertising strategies.

What is the difference between module and cookie banner?

The main difference between cookie banner and module is how it works and its level of security.

There is a long list of free cookie banner generators, but not all of them are GDPR compliant and do not guarantee the security of your website visitor data. When the cookie banner only informs the user, the module provides several options for managing cookies.

The module offers advanced tools such as audits, cookie analysis or, as on, customized consent rules for each field.

How to generate a GDPR-compliant cookie banner?

To create a GDPR-compliant cookie banner, you must pay attention to these obligations:

  • register consent : You are required to keep proof of collection of consent. For the latter to be valid, consent must be collected only once for a specific purpose. If this consent has multiple purposes, the user must be informed and have the option to accept or decline. Furthermore, it is essential that the consent is clear and transparent (including all information relating to the data controller, the type of data and the possibility to withdraw consent.
  • Register for treatment : This rule is applicable to all companies, whether private or public. However, companies with fewer than 250 employees only have to declare certain types of data such as information related to geolocation, sensitive data (such as health) as well as data related to payroll, customers or suppliers. To learn more about this specification, we recommend that you refer to the GDPR in detail.
  • GUARANTEE DATA SECURITY : According to Article 32 of Chapter 4 of the GDPR, you are obliged to guarantee this protection. Therefore you will need to ensure the level of security you set up according to the subjects you are dealing with (for example legal and medical information will require the highest level of security). The purpose of this guarantee is to reduce the risk of missing or unauthorized access to the data concerned. For more information, we recommend that you consult the IT Hygiene Guide written by ANSSI on the protection of personal data, as well as the CNIL guide which specifically explains the details related to the TLS protocol (which replaces the SSL certificate). addresses.
  • Ensure readability of information : All information related to data collection should be readable and accessible to all.

What tools are there for making cookie banners?

cookie consent

Cookie Consent is a free online tool that creates GDPR-compliant cookie banners. On the site, you can live preview the banner you are creating for your website.

The Cookie Consent was developed in a one-page format, it contains all the information related to the installation of the cookie banner on your website. You’ll find a tutorial with screenshots to walk you through step-by-step, but also explanatory videos that you can follow along at your own pace.

Once you have completed all the fields, all you have to do is copy/paste the line of code to integrate the Cookie Banner into your website.

popup cookie maker

Popup Cookie Creator is a free and easy-to-use cookie banner generator. Like Cookie Consent, this solution allows you to create GDPR-compliant banners.

This tool allows you to quickly create a pop-up banner to warn visitors to your showcase site or your online store, for example, that you are using cookies. The banner served by the popup cookie creator does not allow users to refuse the submission of these cookies. It only contains an “Accept” button as well as a clickable link in the banner that invites users to learn more about the cookies used.

What is the alternative to cookie banner?


Axeptio is called a CMP (Consent Management Platform) or Cookie Approval Module. their aim? Offer a fun and ultra-secure solution for consent management.

Axeptio, like, offers you the opportunity to test their cookie management module for free, without obligation and without a credit card. There is no time limit to this trial, however, the offer is much more limited than the paid subscription.

On the subscription side, Acceptio offers 3 plans ranging from €9 to €99 as well as special offers for companies with specific needs.

Whether with a free plan or a paid subscription, Axeptio offers multilingual functionality along with a consent register, two essential options for managing cookies.

cookie secure

Unlike Cookie Consent, Cookie Secure is not a free solution. The software offers a price list ranging from €9 to €72 per month.

At Cookie Secure, there is no trial version, but you can contact someone to learn more through the form provided for the purpose.

The brand specifies that the installation of the cookie banner is free provided that you authorize technicians temporary access to your website.

Cookie Secure also provides other types of services at an estimate such as technical audits, data management or support with specialized lawyers in computer law. is a module developed in the United States. This solution offers 3 offers, one of which is 100% free, suitable for companies with small needs, such as a professional creating a start-up or a freelancer.

The services offered by are quite comprehensive. They notably include multilingual functionality (required if you’ve built a multilingual site) or the implementation of consent rules targeted by region to provide your visitors with a 100% personalized experience.

On Termly you will also be able to analyze your cookies as well as have access to a library of legal documents (e.g. shipping and return policies) written by legal experts.

questions to ask

What are cookie banners used for?

The purpose of the cookie banner is to notify you, but also to collect or not provide your consent for marketing analysis tools used to collect your data (surname, first name, age, current shopping cart, etc.) Based on the information given.

Are cookie banners mandatory?

Yes ! However, from April 1, 2021, CNIL has mandated the removal of cookie walls (single-choice cookie banners that require the visitor to accept all cookies) and websites to display a multiple-choice option, readable and accessible to all Obliges to offer accessible to

What is cookie?

By definition, a cookie is a file that is processed and stored by a server. It records information about the user’s browsing. There are 2 types of cookies, internal cookies (first-party) and external or third-party cookies (third-party).

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