
Become a Web Writer Steps and Tips for Success

Do you have absolute mastery over the French language and a fascination for web professions? Discover the profession of web editor with us! Often carried out as an independent, this activity, which appeared only a few years ago, is booming. Why and how to become a web editor? What are the steps to get started and with what training? We answer all your questions.

Why become a web editor?

With the growth of the Internet and the strong competition of the market, all companies, regardless of their size or their field of activity, are interested in being present on the web. Websites, blogs, social networks are ways to be active on the web and thus improve its attractiveness.

It’s good to be on the web. It still has to be done in a relevant and efficient manner. Thus was born the profession of web editor. This word specialist writes a variety of content that enriches the blogs and websites of his clients. It meets the requirements of search engines by composing appropriate and relevant texts to improve the context of the site in question.

It is a profession of the future that offers many benefits to those who use it: flexibility, independence and autonomy, variety of topics covered and client profiles, potential career growth, and more.

What Qualities Are Required to Become a Freelance Web Copywriter?

To become a good freelance web copywriter, you need to:

  • Be curious and have a good general culture;
  • Has impeccable spelling and grammar and a rich vocabulary;
  • Be rigid and organized;
  • Be polite and know how to adapt.

Contrary to popular belief, web writing is not limited to writing content.

It’s also about building texts while respecting the constraints of the web. For this the web editor should also have knowledge of natural referencing and HTML language for example. He may also have mastered one or more SEO software or website building tools.

Finally, it is a profession in a constantly developing field. So you should keep yourself abreast of the development of web writing techniques.

Do you need to be a graduate to become a freelance web copywriter?

There is no special training for the profession of web editor. But if you can justify a course or diploma related to this profession, it will be even more reassuring for your clients. Journalism, communication, marketing and web marketing are areas that directly or indirectly influence web writing.

There are also more and more face-to-face or distance training courses of varying lengths that allow you to gain a foundation in web writing, SEO, CMS, etc., over the course of your professional life.

But above all, it is the practice that will make you a good web copywriter. Our advice: read and write as much as you can!

What is the legal status to become a web editor?

Web editor jobs are rare within a company as an employee. That’s why most web editors start out as freelancers.

Even if there are other situations, most web copywriters who get started decide to become self-employed. With a simple manufacturing process and light accounting obligations, this is the ideal legal form to start with.

Its main limitation is the turnover limit. As your activity grows and when you reach these limits, you can consider switching to another position such as SASU or EURL, or even moving to a classic sole proprietorship can consider.

5 Key Steps to Success as a Web Copywriter

1. Analyze Competition and Market

Despite the fact that this is a recent profession, the number of web editors has increased rapidly. In order to gain a foothold in this increasingly competitive market, it is important to understand the needs of businesses and know what is already on offer.

To do this, spending time on the web is a useful first step. You can browse the many showcase sites and blogs maintained by web editors who explain their background and their activity. The offers made by companies on freelance platforms are also indicative of their needs and expectations.

Then, by comparing your background (training, experience, etc.), what you already have on offer and market demand, you can define your profile. The idea is to differentiate yourself by answering a few questions:

  • which domain?
  • what mission?
  • What type of customers?

You can focus your profile on specific activities or vice versa, be multidisciplinary by offering a more diverse range of tasks.

2. Build a Portfolio

A portfolio is an essential communication tool for freelance in web writing. This is a professional presentation of your journey. It includes examples of your achievements (the best!) and can take the form of a showcase site, a LinkedIn or Malt profile, a paper or PDF file.

Don’t hesitate to add opinions from your customers to increase your credibility and prove your credibility.

3. Communicate on Launch of Your Activity

Word of mouth is one of your best allies to start your business. Make your project known to your family, your friends, your current or past business relationships. You can also use social networks to announce the launch of your web editor activity: LinkedIn (required!), Facebook, …

4. Optimize Your Time

As a freelancer, your income completely depends on the time you work. Hence time management is essential for a freelance web copywriter. Simply put, your activity is divided into:

  • administrative work ;
  • Prospecting and searching for missions;
  • Actual work (content writing, etc.).

The only last activity is remuneration. So you should optimize the time spent on the first two tasks as much as possible. For this, you can choose to use external service providers (such as an accountant) or conversely dedicate yourself to it. Calculating your hourly rate will let you know whether it makes more sense to outsource these tasks (compare costs) or do them yourself.

5. Find Missions

Taking the time to find clients and assignments is one of the aspects of your business. There are several ways to do this.

As we mentioned, word of mouth can allow you to complete your first mission (even if it means expanding your portfolio at start-ups to do them for free!).

An active profile on a professional social network like LinkedIn can also open doors for you. There are many other freelance platforms out there, including some specialized for web editors… These middlemen usually work by taking a commission on each assignment. So focus on the level of net compensation. But they’re also a good way to extend your hand as a web editor, win your first assignment early, and do your first services to include in a portfolio.

Finally, some web editors don’t hesitate to promote directly to target customers. They can be companies or communication agencies. Depending on your specialties and your appetite, this can also be an effective way to get your first freelance job.

What are the other requirements to become a web editor?

open a bank account

A professional bank account is essential for receiving payments for your mission, paying your fees and taxes, and managing your money more generally. Online banks have attractive offers for freelancers. Some accounts are free, others are paid. But beyond price, consider studying related services and features. They can be of great use: invoicing, bank synchronization, expense report management, and more.

choose the right insurance

Before starting your web writing business, you should also think about knowing about insurance. As a freelance web copywriter, no insurance is required for freelancers. However, some are strongly recommended:

  • RC Pro to cover you against material, immaterial and physical damages;
  • Material insurance to protect your work equipment (computer);
  • A mutual fund for freelance.

The need to take other insurance depends on your working conditions: comprehensive insurance if you work on premises, vehicle insurance if you travel within the framework of your business activity, etc.

Equip yourself with the right tools

We’ve already mentioned it: Time is money. And this is undoubtedly true for freelancers! To optimize your time, here are some examples of very useful tools that should be considered:

Of course you also need to have a computer and internet connection.

general question

What training to become a web editor?

What is the legal status for a web editor?

The web copywriter is often freelance. Auto-enterprise is a legal form adapted for this activity, but some people opt for EI, SASU or EURL once the activity is well developed.

How to Find Web Writing Assignments?

To find assignments, a web editor can use word of mouth and solicit their network, register on generalist or specialty freelance platforms, or even direct prospecting to clients. Is.

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