
What support for the self-employed entrepreneur in 2021?

Starting a business can sometimes be difficult, especially when it comes to funding. So what support is available to help self-employed people start and maintain projects? Or to ensure minimum income before making a full living from your activity? In this guide, find out what you need to know about the various self-employment assistance, and the formalities to go through in order to benefit from it.

Business building assistance for self-employed people

There are many aids available to help you finance your project. They take the form of professionally assisted or assisted loans.


CAPE, also known as a Business Project Support Contract, is a form of tutoring. Thus, a company or an association is designated to assist you during the formation or acquisition of a business. From project feasibility studies to registration and management, you benefit from the experience and advice of other entrepreneurs.

With CAPE, it is therefore easier to start a project, as there is professional support. To take advantage of this, you must be:

  • a natural person, with the exception of full-time employees;
  • Manager of SASU or EURL.

You sign a contract for a maximum period of 12 months, which can be renewed twice, which includes the commitments of each party. During this period, the project leader deals with general planning and mandatory cover for industrial accidents.


NACRE, or New Support for Business Creation and Acquisition, is a national aid assigned to sectors, which allows micro-entrepreneurs to support their project from inception to its actual launch. This complete course allows you to benefit from support for the preparation of your business plan, for example, investor search or other financing, until your micro business is built. NACRE exclusively offers you the possibility of getting a zero rate loan. For this, it needs to be clubbed with a bank loan of the same amount and same duration as the NACRE loan.

To be eligible for a NACRE device, you must be in one of the following situations:

  • Benefit from ARE, ACRE or RSA;
  • Are unpaid job seekers for at least 6 months during the past 18 months;
  • be under 30 years of age;
  • grab a cape;
  • Receive PreParE (Shared Child Education Benefit);
  • Creating or taking on a business in a QPV (priority quarter of the city);
  • be an employee or be terminated from a company under liquidation, acquisition or legal protection.

NACRE is one of the most comprehensive support for entrepreneurs.

ADIE’s Micro-Credit

ADIE (Association for Right to Economic Initiative) is one such association that has been offering low-cost loans to entrepreneurs since 1989. This funding, up to a maximum of €10,000, should make it possible to start an activity, equip oneself or take out insurance. Theory ? A relative of yours guarantees 50% credit for your business. This is a good alternative to a bank if you can’t get a loan with them.

good to know

ADIE also provides training, workshops and web conferences to support entrepreneurs in all their projects.

help ensure income

RSA / Activity Bonus

RSA and Activity Bonus are paid by CAF to ensure minimum income. Thus, RSA allows you to receive funds if your income is non-existent or very low. Activity bonuses supplement the income of those who work but receive less remuneration. In some cases, it is possible to combine RSA and self-employed status!


ARE unemployment benefits. These back-to-work support allowances provide additional income and therefore remuneration in the absence of activity. Their amount depends on the previous contribution period of 2 years prior to your unemployment period. When creating a micro-enterprise, you can choose between ARE’s partial or total collection.

ARCE is the lump sum amount that you receive in two installments: when your file is validated and after 6 months, if your business is still in business. This is 45% of your ARE amount with a deduction of 3%.


Specific Solidarity Allowance comes when you have exhausted your entitlement to unemployment benefits. To achieve this, your income must be less than:

  • €1,183.70 for one person;
  • € 1,860.10 for a couple.

ASS amounts to €16.91 per day, or €507.30 a month for 30 days.

good to know

Within the limits of the remaining rights, it is possible to resume ASS and activity for 3 months.

ACRE, the helping hand to start your business

ACRE is a partial exemption from social contributions. Formerly called ACCRE, this aid was improved in 2020. This allows you to take advantage of a partial or total reduction in your social contribution for the first year of activity.

ACRE applications are made at the same time as your registration application, or at the latest, within 45 days of setting up your business.

Other assistance for self-employed people

Discover other types of assistance for self-employed people: Help for Self-Employed Persons with Disabilities, Dedicated Help for Women, and Regional Aid for Persons with Disabilities.

Aid for self-employed people with disabilities

For self-employed people with disabilities, there are several mechanisms that can help them build their project. The first is the AHH, or Disabled Adults Allowance. This assistance is not specific to the creation of a business, it makes it possible to provide income to people with disabilities. To get it, you must meet a number of conditions and have a disability of at least 80% or a disability of between 50 and 80% with a restriction on employment.

Another aid available to people with disabilities is AGEFIPH (Association for the Management of the Fund for the Professional Integration of People with Disabilities). It is the reference organization for the employment of persons with disabilities in which they wish to start a business.

It provides 3 components of services to hand-held entrepreneurs:

  • Financial support (€5,000 for starters and €1,500 in equity);
  • discount for professional insurance;
  • and personalized support from an entrepreneurial expert.

Aid dedicated to women

The main support for women is the “Guarantee Aglit Femme”, designed to facilitate access to bank credit for women entrepreneurs. What are its features?

  • coverage up to 80% of the amount of the bank loan;
  • Guaranteed up to €50,000;
  • Exclusion of personal guarantee;
  • maximum period of 7 years;
  • Guaranteed cost: 2.5% of the guaranteed amount.

Apart from this loan, there are also start-up competitions for women with prizes like financial aid or incubator assistance. Here are some: Business with Attitude, Ambitious or Business of Feminine Award. BPI France has given very interesting details of various competitions reserved for women.

regional assistance

Many other regional aides are intended to facilitate the creation or acquisition of business in various metropolitan areas. Whether financial or administrative, they are invaluable support for entrepreneurs. You can get close to the following organizations:

  • Ursaif;
  • CCI (Chamber of Commerce and Industry);
  • CMA (Chamber of Trades and Crafts);
  • Business Creation Agency (APCE).

Self-employed people benefit from the professional training support to which they contribute. It’s time to take a look at the best training courses for self-employed people!

general question

How to get benefits from state aid?

To benefit from state assistance, all you need to do is apply to various authorities. For example, it has RSA and CAF for activity bonus.

To benefit from state assistance, all you need to do is apply to various authorities. For example, it has RSA and CAF for activity bonus.

ARE is return to work assistance allowance, whereas ARCE is assistance in handling or setting up business. First aid is paid continuously whereas for ARCE, it is paid in lump sum in 2 instalments.

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