
open a fisherman | Steps and Tips

You love fish and seafood and you want to make it your job. Why not open fisherman we will explain all the steps to follow.

Can you open fisherman without a diploma?

It is impossible to open a fish shop without a diploma unless you have more than three years of experience in the field. You can open your fisherman after CAP or BEP fisherman.

However, you can bypass this rule. If you do not have a diploma or these three years of experience, you can open your fishmonger with someone who has their prerequisites. Internship is also advised.

You had to do a three-day internship with the Chamber of Trades to learn about management. It is no longer mandatory.

What are the rules for opening fisherman?

By opening a fish shop, you will have to follow as many rules as you will be selling food.

You must follow the following rules:

  • health regulations for the storage, conditioning and packaging of products;
  • Sanitary standards (regarding refrigerators, floors, cutting tools, etc.);
  • Sanitary standards for the storage and preservation of products.

You should write regulatory information on your products such as date of fishing, date of origin, packaging, calibration or expiration.

If you wish to serve other companies or establishments, you must apply for health approval. This process can be done online or on paper with the Departmental Directorate for Population Protection (DDPP) in your department.

Also remember to buy essential equipment like cold rooms, cutouts or scales.

The creative process of opening fisherman

choose legal status

While choosing a legal status may seem complicated, the choice is huge. Choosing an auto-entrepreneur position is not recommended. You will be limited very quickly and your assets will not detract from your company. If your company goes bankrupt, your own assets can be used. You can choose between SARL, SAS, SASU or EURL.

You can find more detailed information on our comparative table of legal situations. Look at the characteristics of each position and choose the one that best suits your current and future needs.

declare company

You must also declare your company to the Departmental Directorate for Population Protection (DDPP) or the Departmental Directorate of Employment, Labour, Solidarity and Population Protection (DDETSPP).

5 key steps to open a fish shop peacefully

study the market

To open your fish shop, you’ll need a business plan. To start this business plan you need to do some market research. This will allow you to know the odds and opportunities in your market.

First, start by knowing your target customers. How do your consumers consume? Do they buy in supermarkets, at markets or in local stores? When do they buy? What are their eating habits? Answering these questions will help you define your services.

Next, you need to know your competition. How many competitors are there around? What services do they provide? What are their advantages and disadvantages?

With all this information, you’ll be able to get off to a better start in good conditions.

create a business plan

The business plan is essential to reassure the bank and investors. This will allow them to see that you have thoroughly thought about your project and that it is solid.

Thanks to your market research, you will be able to expand your project according to what you have observed (product range, location, distribution channel or even commercial strategy).

Don’t forget to add financial documents to this business plan. Try to provide the following documents:

  • Provisional income statement over three years (estimates of your expenses and income);
  • Three-year balance sheet with assets and liabilities (estimates of your assets and debts);
  • Financing plan (how you will receive your contribution, etc.).

With all these documents, you will be able to start your project in a calm way.

find a strategic location

Fishermen can be found in many different places such as supermarkets, markets or local stores. You have to figure out which places you want to choose.

Also try to choose an attractive area with other merchants nearby and consumer benefits such as public transportation or parking.

Communicate at launch of activity

When you open up, the hardest part will be building your notoriety. To do this, you need to define your communication channels (social networks, website building, billboards, radio, etc.). Don’t hesitate to inform nearby businesses so that they can promote you among their customers.

To win customer loyalty

Word of mouth is your best asset. Once you have communicated your opening, you must retain your customers. In addition to your empathy capital and the quality of your products, there are a few strategies you can use as well. You can set up a loyalty system with a major drawback, for example, or even start commercial operations on specific dates.

What are the other obligations to open fisherman?

Before opening your fish shop, check whether your premises comply with fire and access standards. Your establishment receives public and is considered as a public receiving establishment. Therefore it is imperative to adhere to these standards. Contact your town hall for more information.

You will also need to open a business bank account for your business. Each bank will have different contracts to offer you. Don’t hesitate to visit several of them and compare their offers to choose the best fit for your needs.

Apart from the Pro account, you need to take professional insurance as well as professional civil liability.

questions to ask

What budget to open fisherman?

To open a fish shop, you need a budget of €60,000. This will allow you to pay for your main expenses (rent, stock, equipment, etc.).

Who can open a fish shop?

Any fisherman can open if they have completed CAP or BEP in Fisheries or if they have three years experience in this field.

Can we open mobile fisherman?

To open a mobile fishmonger, these are the same prerequisites as for opening a fishmonger, i.e. three years of experience or completion of CAP or BEP in fishmongery.

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