
Build an e-commerce site with Magento: 6 advantages

The B2B market is changing: Professional customers are now looking for a simple and seamless shopping experience, just like in B2C. According to Magento, 93% of B2B customers prefer to find information on their own on supplier sites and buy online. Faced with this observation, Adobe’s open-source CMS decided to facilitate the management of B2B stores when version 2.2 was released in late 2017.

Since then, the possibilities offered by Magento B2B have continued to evolve to provide unique shopping paths and merchant experiences. Let’s take a look at 6 benefits of building your B2B store with Magento.

1. Improve the Shopping Experience

Magento provides many features to improve the shopping experience for business customers.
Thus the platform offers multiple payment options for the customers: bank card, bank transfer, payment of installments, and many other payment methods.

Everything is done to ensure a smooth shopping experience for the customer, including the ability to place orders quickly with SKU codes, upload CSV files or even select products from a predefined shopping list by the seller. capability is included. A helpful sales feature also allows administrators to create orders directly for customers.

magento live chat app

Magento 2 also provides setting up of chat to provide live support to your customers.

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2. Provide Fully Personalized Offers

With Magento B2B, you have the possibility to segment your customers and your content to present personalized catalogs and prices.

Thanks to this powerful segmentation system offered by CMS, you can present content tailored to your customers’ needs according to their profiles. Create commercial offers and targeted promotions and display them by following the segmentation rules you’ve defined to be as close to your target’s expectations as possible!

Magento e-commerce provides a multi-brand solution to provide differentiated content to individuals and businesses while benefiting from centralized commercial management. This will allow you, for example, to display merchandise offers to your professional clients, customize prices, catalogs, etc.

read also :B2B:5 SEO Strategies To Implement

3. Easily Create Targeted Content

The Magento 2 interface is designed so that you can easily create content on your store: product, merchandise or even article and information pages that help your customers in their buying process. Thanks to its drag-and-drop system, you don’t have to rely on its technical team to create new pages.

This system allows you to easily create targeted content suited to your various customer segments, but also allows you to write optimized pages for natural context and improve the SEO of your e-commerce site.

4. Increase the visibility of your products on search engines

With its simplified content creation system mentioned above, the open-source CMS provides the convenience of referencing your products and more generally your store. In addition, the Magento Marketplace lists several extensions to help you improve the SEO of your e-commerce.

For example, Reload SEO displays an SEO score on your product sheet and recommendations to improve this score. On the other hand, the Rich Snippets plugin organizes your store’s information in a way that makes it easy for your content to appear zero position on Google.

magento rich snippet plugin
Rich Snippet Extension

But these extensions do not exclude the implementation of more technical actions such as GZIP compression to speed up the loading of your pages or the contextual creation of your URLs to avoid duplicate content. These SEO optimizations are not always applicable to sites and can get you some positions on search engines against less qualified competitors. Don’t hesitate to have your store audited by Magento 2 expert professionals to identify what actions should be taken to improve the natural context of your site.

5. Facilitating Sales Administration

Track and manage your stock in real time through the Magento B2B admin interface. Thanks to its many integrated management tools, sales administration is centralized:

  • Ability to set up rules to optimize processing costs and delivery times
  • Centralized inventory and order management for a global view of all sales channels
  • Integrated Online Quote and Rate Negotiation Tool

Magento has many turnkey extensions to add the business features you want. Its API allows you to easily integrate your store with your back-end management system to facilitate the transfer of information between your various management tools.

6. Secure Your E-Commerce Site

Magento gives special importance to the security of its online store. In order to avoid any malicious action against owners of e-commerce sites created with Magento, CMS has implemented various actions:

  • strong password
  • Restriction of access and permissions
  • Creating a random admin URI for each site
  • Protection against XSS attacks
  • Clickjacking protection
  • e.t.c

Adobe provides Magento users with access to the Magento Security Scan service, a security risk and malware monitoring tool. This service notifies the site administrator in the event of a security breach or malicious action on the site.

But Magento security isn’t just about hacks or malware. The platform also seeks to protect its clients’ clients from malicious actions internally.

Thus, your B2B customers have the possibility to manage accounts in relation to their company to secure the internal buying process. By assigning specific roles and access to various buyers in the company, the customer ensures that purchases are made with the necessary authorization by employees. He can also consult the history of orders, quotes, credit notes and invoices associated with his various buyers and set up an automated order approval process as per his preferences.

In versions, Magento has integrated many features to facilitate the management of B2B stores. By offering your professional customers an online sales site tailored to their needs, you ensure a smooth shopping experience. There is no doubt that your site’s professionalism and personalized offers will attract and retain your customers.

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