
How to optimize your Google My Business listing?

The Google My Business business listing may seem insignificant, but it contributes to your SEO and your notoriety on the web. Founded by Google, it is a business listing that exists directly on the search engine, which will allow you to present your company (exactly). ) through the necessary information.

If the latter is of utmost importance to your local and general natural context, it is still essential not to make mistakes and to know how to adapt.

This is exactly what we’re going to look at in the next lines together, so that you never neglect your company file again!

Evaluate the quality of your Google business listing for free and optimize your local visibility with the Digitaleo audit tool.

Powered by a network worthy database of over 2,500 French brands, this free tool will allow you to build a list of your establishment’s presence on the web through 3 key indicators, which include the Google listing’s claim rate, the completion rate, and the completion rate. and the number of listings listed.

In just a few clicks, you can also analyze your entire local marketing strategy (customer reviews, social networks, direct marketing, etc.) and compare yourself to the competitor of your choice.

Audit my Google listings

Why optimize your Google My Business listing?

Customization of Google My Business Listing Can only be beneficial to one company! First, it improves brand image, as any professional worthy of the name should have an information sheet for its visitors, but at the same time, its content will attract attention if it is well optimized. Plus, it’s a free tool offered by Google, and you need to take full advantage of it to drive maximum traffic to your business.

Plus, by using this tool, you’ll have the possibility to control the information that appears when an Internet user comes to type in your company name. Google Maps or in search engines.

Techniques for optimizing Google My Business listings

1. Own Your Business List

The first advice should necessarily be a bit generalist and clear. Although obvious, not necessarily for everyone!

To properly manage your business listing on “Google My Business”, you must be the owner.

You should claim your paternity directly on file, and follow the steps imposed by the search engines.

This will ensure that you are the owner of the establishment in question, and that you can modify the data.

2. Remember to fill in all possible information correctly

Nothing is more ineffective than an incomplete file. Since Google allows you to express yourself and fill in all your information, take advantage of it! This will not always be the case, and the most important thing is to ensure continuity at all levels!

You will be able to find out:

  • the name of your establishment;
  • A description in a few words;
  • its location on the map;
  • his address;
  • opening time ;
  • contact information (telephone, email);
  • Photos of your location.
Google complete my business

So take 20 minutes to fill in everything and thus provide relevant information for internet users to contact you or find out where you are.

That’s how you’ll streamline their processes and optimize converting people from your file to your company.

As an example for verification, you should ensure that the company name, location and contact are consistent with the information published on the site, so as not to mislead visitors. Also, the information published on the Site must be that which meets the requests and expectations of Internet users, and not information that is taken out of context.

Even though this step may seem normal, this test should not be taken lightly, as a small mistake in basic information can be fatal for your site. In addition, GMB’s interface is quite simple! So you should have no trouble filling it in correctly with all the useful fields.

You should also know that you can appear on the web in three different ways, thanks toGoogle My Business Listing ,

First concern searches done in the name of your establishment. Thus, the listing will appear directly on Google’s search pages.

second is local search, which includes a targeted search performed by an Internet user. For example, the visitor inquires about the name of the city in which he wants to find a specific establishment (bakery in Nantes, hotel in Paris, etc.). Furthermore, when local seo Your site is effective, and it’s possible for you to use what’s called a Google Local Pack. It’s specifically an insert that allows you to position yourself before the search results.

Finally, you can appear via Google Maps when searching locally.

Therefore all three of these areas should be checked for completeness, as Internet users will be able to access your file by a variety of means, and it is through the attention to detail that you will be able to demonstrate your professionalism.

3. Check Your Files Regularly

Once set up and visible, don’t forget to check your company profile regularly.

Over time, some Internet users may suggest changes, and these may be accepted if you are passive.

Likewise, if you move, if your means of contact change, or if your schedule changes, remember to update the information.

4. Upload a Cover Photo and Add Your Logo

As mentioned above, it is not only about the visibility of the site, but also about the brand image! Thus, import a cover photo and highlight your logo on the card to reveal the identity of the company. To do this, enter the “Photos” tab and then go to the “Identity” section. For a cover photo, 1080 x 608 pixels would be ideal for a good image, and it would be 250 x 250 pixels for a logo.

5. Add Your Company Products

With Google My Business, you have the option to manually add your company’s products to the “Products” tab. It is through the latter that you will be able to present most of your activity, and therefore it will not be a question of immediately unpacking hundreds of products, but you will have to choose strategic products for the presentation.

For example, if you’re a decoration professional and Christmas is approaching, add some beautiful pictures of your Christmas tree and welcome wreath to highlight your knowledge. This way, you’ll encourage Internet users to visit your site, which includes more photos and more details about the articles! Specifically, you can set the “Learn more” option to direct visitors to the landing page.

6. Work on your “Google My Business” photos

Lots of listings for establishments offer poor quality photos or that sometimes have nothing to do with the location. However, it is your company’s digital identity card, and it is necessary to work on it to motivate Internet users to visit you.

Some people believe that this is not necessary or impressive, however, presenting yourself through photographs that are correctly cropped (good format) and well produced (usually by a professional) leaves a better impression and Can make a difference depending on your job and local competition.

Google My Business Photos

For example, if you took photos of your premises for your website or a business brochure, take advantage of the opportunity and ask your photographer to put the photos in “Google My Business” format.

Google requires JPG or PNG as well as a minimum resolution of 720px in height and width (for sizes less than 5MB).

Note that if you want, you can even integrate video from your establishment, which can give your file even more dynamism, and more “talking” than simple photos.

As with the latter, you must respect Google’s rules, namely a maximum video of 30 seconds, a maximum size of 100MB, and a minimum resolution of 720p.

7. Add Keywords

As with any natural context, keywords also serve as a basis. Optimize Google My Business listing , In fact, there is a similarity with traditional websites, as you must use the most relevant keywords to be able to establish yourself well and gain visibility in search engines.

8. Work on the relevance of your proposals in the face of competition

It is most important that the content of your listing is interesting to visitors to Google! This means you have to show your weight against the competition in your industry.

The history of the record will play a fundamental role here. These include, for example, its age, consistency with respect to the information it contains, the absence of customer complaints in reviews and comments, etc. , And all this will contribute to the relevance of the site. The number of clicks and visits will also be taken into account by Google to analyze this relevance. So a lot of factors come into play when it comes to weight gain on the site, which is why you need to perfect your marketing techniques.Google My Business Listing Optimization,

9. Review your listing

Your business listing is visible, Internet users are free to comment on the services you provide.

It is therefore essential that you follow these notices regularly so that you can respond to them and provide information to those asking questions.

Some opinions may be positive, it is up to you to thank people or not.

On the other hand, for negative opinions, it is appropriate to give a clear and educational answer based on facts.

Google My Business Reviews

Reviews are not meant to be lengthy speeches, but exist to guide Internet users into trusting the company of their choice. This is why a set of bad reviews, fair or not, can damage your attractiveness and therefore your business.

It is therefore essential that you understand these comments, even if it means correcting certain things internally if they are correct, or responding by explaining the situation if the one mentioned is not entirely true. .

Always remember to keep yourself calm because through your feedback, you act in the eyes of all internet users and you show how your company treats its customers.

Apart from the treatment, you also need to make sure to get reviews from your satisfied customers in order to increase the numbers and get an average rating. If you don’t request them, only 1% of customers will leave a review and generally, these will be customers who have had a poor experience with your services. So, talk to your customers by asking for their opinion! If you do it this way, 7 out of 10 will reply to you and leave your review.

Our Tip for Optimizing Your Google My Business Listing

In addition to the impact of Google My Business listing on your credibility, it also enriches your results by participating in your local SEO. This reinforcement of visibility does not require significant effort on your part compared to other tasks, and it contributes positively to the quality of your digital presence. So doing a good job to position yourself in the first category of search engines is more than necessary, and your activity will be fruitful.

If you need help with customization, get help from an expert so that the file is as efficient as possible.

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