
5 Best Mutuals for Freelancers in 2022

If, like me, you are a freelancer (unless you have chosen to establish a SAS or a SASU, of which you are president, or a SARL, of which you are a minority or similar manager), you will need to be a non-profit. Considered a salaried employee. (TNS).

So we have to take care of subscribing to mutual insurance ourselves.

Let us now look at some of the reciprocals preferred by our fellow freelancers.

GSMC offers best value for money in terms of mutual health insurance for the self employed.

This mutual, located in the north of France, is a non-profit organization that benefits from nearly 80 years of experience in the market. GSMC is committed on a daily basis to guarantee quality services at reasonable prices to its members by maintaining close ties.

Thanks to an established partnership with, you can take advantage of offers starting at just €15.50! Very low price compared to offers made by other players in the field.

In addition to its attractive pricing, GSMC provides an Activ’Santé TNS offer on several services including:

  • madeline law qualified contract
  • no waiting period
  • No upfront cost for third party payment
  • All your refunds in less than 48 hours
  • A stylish and intuitive online personal space to easily manage all your health expenses
  • Help with the termination of your current health insurance
  • Multiple value benefits thanks to a carte blanche partner network of healthcare professionals
  • Prysme Optical Offer – Zero Lives Depends
  • Beneficial Annual Packages for Alternative Medicine: Diet and Nutritional Support, Support to Quit Smoking, Morphy Boxes for Peaceful Sleep, etc.
  • doctor direct teleconsultation
  • 24 hours support

Discover x GSMC offers

2. Wemind


Wemind is what’s called “neo-insurance,” launched in July 2016, and which allows freelancers (and more broadly all self-employed people) to access the same benefits as employees. Companies, unions and other co-operative societies can also call on Waymind to cover their employees.

Therefore Wemind is not an insurer strictly speaking: the offers offered have been developed with major insurers, and are specifically designed for the needs of the self-employed.

However, it is the Waymind team that provides all the services, allowing access to profitable contracts from major insurance companies, while maintaining the quality and flexibility of service a start-up is able to provide on a human level .

Wemind fully embraces its “neo” status, simplifies membership and management of its offerings for total digitization of the customer experience, exclusively through a members area and a mobile app.

In addition to these coverages on essential expense items, we appreciate a few additional things:

  • Alternative medicine is reimbursed. (from 50€, 100€ or 200€ per year depending on the formula)
  • Care abroad is reimbursed up to 2000%
  • The pharmacy prescribed and not reimbursed (for example, international vaccines) is reimbursed from €35 for the original formula to €75 for the total formula.

With regard to rates, it is up to you to make a simulation according to your needs, the rate of reciprocal waymind depends on many factors.

3. Easy Blue


Easyblue is an online insurance primarily intended for professionals and companies, which aims to be simple, tailor-made and scalable.

Like Wemind, Easyblue is not an insurer, but an online broker specializing in professional insurance: the company therefore acts as an intermediary between insurance companies and you. It turns out that using an insurance broker is full of advantages: his expertise allows him to identify the needs of the insured and offer him contracts suited to his activity, all at affordable rates.

Easyblue understands that it is impossible for TNS to do without a social security cover tailored to your needs: that is why an exclusive top-of-the-range TNS Mutual Fund has been established since 2021.

4. Allen


Allen is an independent online insurer founded in 2016, making it the first independent insurer in France for 30 years. Allen demonstrates his ambition to revolutionize health, and centers the insurance proposition around the insured.

This time, it’s a “real” insurer, approved by the ACPR: The nuances are important for the self-employed, who have a choice between brokers, neo-insurers, and traditional insurers to take out their insurance.

With more than EUR 125 million raised since its creation, Allen continues its revolution in 2022, and continues to improve its offerings and policyholder experience:

  • 100% Dematerialized (from subscription to management)
  • simple and transparent path
  • A map, the “Allen Map” that allows you to find doctors
  • access to teleconsultation

Allen provides mutual insurance for self-employed workers (liberal businesses, craftsmen and merchants, majority managers of SARL and managers of EURL) and micro-entrepreneurs, in addition to an offer for companies.

It is the TNS mutual proposed by Allen that interests us here: it is a contract that meets the criteria of Madeline’s law. As a reminder, subscribing to Madeline Contracts allows you to deduct health insurance contributions from your taxable income, which directly reduces your taxes. The anecdote remains because many freelancers are in micro-enterprises and cannot benefit from Madeline’s law.



The youngest insurer on this list would be otherwise, which offers an unusual proposition on the mutual health market: it is actually an allies and solidarity insurance, offering partial repayment of contributions in the event of too much being perceived!

Collaborative Insurance, So: How Does It Work? It is a model aggregating the contributions of members grouped by small groups. It aims at optimizing the quality-price ratio of the policyholders. You have the possibility of recovering up to 50% of the contributions paid, if they were not used to cover the insured’s costs. A real revolution, other health supplements are working at harm.

Creates “groups of policyholders” with otherwise similar profiles, who are rewarded when their insurance expenses are controlled. Otherwise there are other arguments:

  • No upfront fee (for practicing physicians with third-party payments)
  • Free, secure and confidential access to a teleconsultation device that allows you to make an appointment for a remote medical consultation.

Why subscribe to Mutual Insurance?

Since the disappearance of RSI, we have been associated with a general health insurance plan in an “independent” branch.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean we enjoy health coverage as well as employees: if reimbursement rates for routine care (doctor’s consultations, medication) are the same for everyone, sick leave Many other guarantees are less comprehensive for accidents, at work and of course in the event of unemployment. This is ultimately quite logical because the amount of Social Security contributions we pay is less than the amount we get from a health insurance company that pays for its employees.

This occurs when interpersonal (or complementary health) interventions occur, and makes it possible to cover health expenses that are not supported by the normal system. Often neglected by freelancers, supplemental health insurance is nonetheless very important!

In this article, we will talk about why to indulge in a mutual, and we will look at what various health supplements have to offer for people in our case.

Why subscribe to Mutual Insurance?

Mutual insurance for a freelancer, is it mandatory?

Since 2016, employers have an obligation to provide their employees with the possibility to subscribe to the company’s mutual insurance. However, like all self-employed workers, freelancers are under no obligation regarding supplemental health insurance.

So as freelancers, we are free to choose. So, should you take mutual insurance or not?

It is legitimate to ask the question of taking out mutual insurance for TNS, especially if you are not covered (or not well) for example by using your spouse’s mutual insurance. Actually, it is recommended to be mutual, as the latter has many advantages.

Remember, the device is an insurance that allows you to cover a large portion of your health expenses that are only slightly covered by health insurance, and sometimes not at all! It is actually used to supplement reimbursement from health insurance. In the absence of mutual insurance, and depending on the care you need, this can quickly reach a significant amount, which will shatter your savings…

Depending on the supplemental policy chosen and the level of cover you choose, you may also be able to access care and additional services such as third-party payments (which allow you not to advance medical expenses), but also access to various support services. Will provide, or even access to a room in the event of hospitalization.

If you have children or a spouse, you can support them as well.

Of course, many insurers have thought of us, and provide supplemental health insurance with offers and rates tailored to freelancers. Some TNS offers also include a provident section that protects you in the event of sick leave, or your family (in the event of death, etc.).

What are the criteria to choose your mutual?

If, like me, this world of health coverage is a bit foreign to you, you may feel a little helpless in choosing your mutual, optimal level of guarantee, and some other considerations.

Here are the criteria on which you can base your choice:

  • Rate and Repayment Period: That’s what matters the most, isn’t it? Better to be reimbursed isn’t enough if you have to wait weeks before getting reimbursed.
  • waiting period: Some mutuals do not activate certain guarantees immediately: Think about it, especially if you are planning a mutual change, as sometimes you can lose several weeks of cover.
  • additional services: Many want to expand and expand their offering of additional services that are very useful for TENS: teleconsultation in case of hospitalization, housekeeping, childcare, etc. Keep the given options in mind before choosing your mutual insurance company.
  • Budget : Obviously, this is the most important criterion, or at least the one that will determine the ultimate choice of your mutual. Keep a certain sense of proportion in mind: It’s better to pay more if you want to be well covered. Paying only a little, but not continuing to pay out of pocket is more prudent.

Among all the offers on the market, has handpicked GSMC for you, offering the best Freelance Mutual offers on the market. Avail exceptional rates on your health insurance thanks to our partnership.

Avail Exceptional Rates on Your Freelance Mutual Insurance

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