
How to beat impostor syndrome?

Imposter syndrome can affect anyone, regardless of job or social status, but people who do well in their jobs, or in senior positions, often suffer from it.

People with Cheater Syndrome doubt their success and their abilities, and have a fear of being “exposed” like any cheater.

Psychologists first described this syndrome in 1978. Today, studies suggest that between 62 and 70% of the population suffers from impostor syndrome.

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Many people experience symptoms for a limited time, such as in the first few weeks after a new job. For others, the experience can last a lifetime.

In this article, we take a look at the different symptoms of impostor syndrome and some ways to overcome it.

Do you have Imposter Syndrome?

The symptoms of impostor syndrome are very specific. It is basically the inability to internalize success. For example, a singer may have received all kinds of awards, gold records, string of victorious tours, all without being able to shake the feeling that she is deeply a rookie, without talent, and that she is not able to achieve this success. Not worth it.

It can be said that these prizes are just luck, that they come at a time when there was no great competition anyway, or that he managed to fool everyone, but it will soon turn out that this is just one. It’s a scam.

Where a person receiving praise will feel good about themselves, be happy and self-confident, someone who has impostor syndrome will see the praise as an overestimate of their potential.

If this sounds like something to you, here are some questions to ask to find out if you have impostor syndrome:

  • Do you deserve your place, your successes, your salary?
  • Are you putting too much pressure on yourself?
  • Do you lack confidence?
  • Have you ever worried that people will find out you don’t deserve it?
  • After a success, do you tell yourself that it is temporary, or do you try to downplay your role in that success?
  • Do you feel that you are being dishonest, leading those around you to believe that you are more successful than you really are?
  • Do you feel that others underestimate your success?

If you answered yes to more than two of these questions, you may have impotence syndrome.

This may only give you a very brief glimpse of a potentially positive diagnosis, but if you feel concerned, you may consider seeing a physician for formal evaluation and treatment.

One thing is certain, if you answered “yes” to many of the above questions, I invite you to read on!

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How to get rid of Imposter Syndrome?

impostor syndrome

talk about

Of course, that’s the first thing to talk about!

Opening up to a mental health professional can help you identify the cause of these feelings, giving you the opportunity to address the underlying cause later.

Some experts recommend group therapy as a treatment option: many people with impostor syndrome (erroneously) believe they are alone with these feelings, which leads them to isolation.

Of course, in most cases it’s best to start by sharing your feelings with a co-worker, friend, or family member to help you get a more realistic view of your abilities and skills.

Accept that there is no such thing as perfection

To have good self-esteem, you have to accept both your strengths and your weaknesses. No one is perfect, and mistakes are inevitable in life.

Learning to accept that sometimes things go wrong can increase resilience and mental well-being. Think of someone you admire and find their flaws. You can even talk directly to your mentors: more often than not, you’ll find that the people you admire most have the same feelings as you – and yet you recognize how talented they are!

If you find yourself in an environment that constantly pushes you toward perfection, change your surroundings and surround yourself with caring people who complement you and encourage you in a positive way: when you These people will be of great help if they are in good health. to doubt.

agree not to please everyone

Imposter syndrome goes hand-in-hand with low self-esteem: If you have imposter syndrome, you may have a distorted view of how others see you, reflecting the negative way you really feel about yourself.

The first step towards recovery is to stop wanting to please everyone.

Accept greetings

Stop dismissing compliments and focusing on criticism. The next time your manager congratulates you on your work or your co-workers thank you for your contribution, listen to them, acknowledge their point of view, and thank them. Its as simple as that.

Write down your successes and compliments you receive in a notebook. As soon as you start to doubt yourself, take a look at your notebook to boost your confidence.

stop comparing yourself to others

Repeat after me: “Every human being is unique and has his own skills and talents.”. Stop comparing your failures and successes to others and accept who you are.

Rest assured, even if your co-workers may seem quite confident today, they will surely have known moments of doubt in the past.

Your journey is not linear and there are many setbacks that have helped you grow and contributed to your current situation: focus on that!

If you find out that you have impostor syndrome, and your condition does not improve despite following these tips, don’t hesitate to seek the advice of a health care professional who can help you improve your self-esteem. will help you.

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