
How to manage your digital absence?

Christmas is usually a quiet time for business. Most of the employees are on leave and the priority of customers is other than business.

So, for those entrepreneurs who want to enjoy their family and disconnect for a few days at the end of the year, here are 4 tips to manage your absence from your digital space!

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Why Manage Your Digital Absence?

First of all, it is essential to understand that you cannot disappear from your blog and your social networks overnight. Only by preventing you from appearing without warning, customers and readers can imagine the worst!


Articles that have not been present for several weeks and complete abandonment of social networks can be synonymous with bankruptcy. Inaction may worry Internet users who will think that your company no longer exists or that you have decided to no longer communicate on your digital space.

However, never forget that during the Christmas holidays, some people take the opportunity to prepare for the next year and identify companies to contact for their needs. If you’re absent, they won’t contact you…

Source: Sandra Breca

send an email to your customers

To manage your digital absence, first notify your customers.

absentee emailing

Send them an email to let them know that you will not be available on such and such date, that they will not try to contact you in vain.

Again, this would send them the wrong signal and could cause their contract not to be renewed the following year.

our advice

Create a basic email to inform you of your absence and take this opportunity to wish your customers a Happy New Year! There are freelance graphic designers available at to create a basic email in your company’s colors. Get their quotes for free!

self answer

Create an automatic reply in your inbox.

our advice

If you wish, you can provide them with an emergency way to contact you, such as your mobile number. Also invite them to address the employee who will take charge, if any.

If you are closing the business altogether, make it clear! They should not break their nose by coming to your door.

Expect your publications

The Christmas holidays can very well be predicted.

It is possible to create blog articles in advance and upload them to your site. A CMS like WordPress allows you to schedule their publication on the desired date and time.

In addition, with some plugins like Jetpack, you can even automatically publish your posts to social networks.

You can also schedule posts in advance to ensure continued attendance, even during year-end holidays, with tools like:

  • hootsuite,
  • buffer,
  • Tweetdeck, etc.

Write an absence note on site

If the business is closed and no one is present to answer customer inquiries during this time, advertise it on the site.

how? ‘ or ‘ what?

Include an insert on the home page and also create a short blog post that announces your vacation and your return date.

Prospects who will pass by will know that your absence is temporary and will therefore be reassured of your activity.

Freelance web developers can quickly code up vacation notice pop-ups on your site.

Think about it

Pin a post to the top of your Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter pages.

Source: Meg Lewis

Prepare your team for your absence

A week before your departure, assemble your team in your meeting room, after deciding on all the tasks to be assigned during your absence.

Summarize your current tasks

Be rigorous and let them know about the progress of each of your current tasks. This would be an opportunity to warn them that such and such customer could potentially call during your absence and explain to them how to meet their need.

During your absence your team will be ready to respond to any email, customer or supplier you encounter, with professionalism without completely losing you.

distribute missions to all

After a quick reflection on each of your employees’ current schedules and their respective skills, determine who will be able to handle a particular assignment during your Christmas holidays.

our advice

At or before the end of the meeting, prepare a summary email to each of your employees giving them all the details they’ll need so that your absence doesn’t mean disaster for them.

hire a freelancer

Being completely absent for several days remains a risk to your online reputation.

It is not a question of publication or lack of contact with subscribers, but of possible questions or comments of Internet users on social networks.

Imagine that one of your customers is dissatisfied during your vacation and complains about it in the digital space. If someone doesn’t answer, it can upset them and a bad discussion is never very far off in these matters.

For added security, you can call an independent community manager who:

  • Keep track of your social networks
  • Will also animate them if needed,
  • Sort through your email to send you only what seems urgent, etc.

A freelance writer will be able to write and post articles on your blog even while you are away. In short, find a service provider who will manage your image during your vacation!

There are many freelancers available on during the Christmas period. Describe your need and get free quotes from them to prepare for your absence!

organize your return

Your return to work should be as arranged as your departure! Things have happened in your absence and it’s not a matter of discussing coffee when you reach the office.

Plan a meeting with your team early on Monday morning the day you return to work. Go through each and every point you made in your exit meeting one by one to update yourself.

If necessary, meet with your employees in person to discuss more specific topics.

our advice

Your recovery after the Christmas holidays will probably be painful… Take the time to have a good coffee before starting your day and don’t hesitate to reserve a table at the restaurant in the afternoon to decompress as much as possible.


Digital passivity is not recommended, but it should have a reason identified by potential customers.

Be transparent about your vacation and invite Internet users to leave a message or contact you upon your return to avoid losing the sale or contract renewal.

Lastly, don’t hesitate to rely on the help of a freelancer to closely monitor the conversation and be responsive in case of emergency!

How do you manage your digital absence during the holidays? Share your suggestions in the comments!

Submit your project now on and call on a professional web freelance to help you throughout the year during your absence! Free of charge, you will receive multiple quotes that meet your needs.

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