
Copywriting Training | Which is the best in 2022?

Whether you are self-employed, a business manager, an employee… your ability to communicate (well) is a major asset to the success of your business. Thanks to copywriting, you master the techniques that allow you to achieve your goals and persuade them to take action to purchase your products, services and other offers. What is copywriting and how to train it? Here’s our pick of the best copywriting training.

What is copywriting?

Copywriting involves writing text that, thanks to various techniques, will persuade the reader to perform an action: make a purchase, place an order, make an appointment … It is a practice that has developed strongly since the emergence of the web. Has happened. And as a result the competition between the companies increased.

Copywriting has one purpose: to attract the attention of a potential or client to ultimately get them to take action or generate sales.

For this copywriting touches the sentiments of the reader by targeting problems and proposing solutions. That’s why the copywriter chooses his words very carefully. They should be compelling, influential and persuasive and add value to a brand or service.

But copywriting goes further, and that’s what sets it apart from web writing: the structure of the content, pages, images, or videos also play a part. It is overall a real communication tool that has a commercial character since the ultimate goal, even though it may vary according to your activity, is to improve the performance of your business.

What are the benefits of copywriting training?

Writing a book is one thing. But writing content with the ultimate goal of making sales is another story. Copywriting is a set of tested and proven methods, which provide access to this purpose.

These strategies are not intuitive even among good salespeople or web editors. And mastering copywriting techniques through training is essential if you want to reach your prospects and convert sales.

Like training on social networks, training in copywriting attracts a much wider audience with different purposes.

Craftsmen or independent traders who manage to build their own communication and marketing media alone or managers of VSEs/SMEs who want to improve their business or communicate better about their company will find interest in copywriter training. Web writers or other web businesses can also add a new string to their bow for this type of training.

Copywriter training allows you to learn copywriting techniques so that you can apply them to your business. But it can also help you understand why your results (conversions, sales, etc.) are not meeting your expectations and find solutions.

Lastly, the rise of the web is not sparing the work of copywriters and there are real opportunities if you want to start your own account as a freelance or freelance copywriter!

Our Pick of Copywriting Training

live mentor

LiveMentor is an online professional training organization for freelancers and entrepreneurs. Covering a range of topics, free courses, podcasts and blogs, LiveMentor supports professionals who want to acquire new skills to grow their business. Copywriting training, like all others, involves individual and personal support from a “mentor”.

Online (video and mentor)

1 month then 2 months support

Individual support with an expert


Red2Redac is an organization led by copywriters specializing in training on copywriting. We benefit from the experience of professionals in the field from a very professional point of view. All the material to train you at your own pace is available in free access: Unlimited accessible video lessons and many bonus materials to be autonomous in 3 months. Training has one purpose: to enable you to increase your sales.

Online (video and mentor)

347€ all at once or 3x 147€

Various media available for 12 months

editors counter

An online training center, Le Comptoir des Rédacteurs specializes in content and digital marketing. Le Comptoir des Rédacteurs’ training in copywriting is carried out at your own pace by following 13 modules, including both theory and practical matters. Your trainer also provides you with the right exercises and personalized follow-up.

Online (video and mentor)

Visiplus Academy

An online training platform, Visiplus Academy provides comprehensive training on copywriting in a short span of a month. Open to all, it covers all aspects and includes practical cases for real situations. Like everyone else on the platform, Visiplus Academy’s copywriting training is led only by professionals.

Wisiplus Academy Community

web writer training

Copywriting by Web Writer Training is a training designed and created using the method of Lucy Rondlett, SEO and Writing Consultant and creator of Web Writing Training. It promotes an ethical approach to copywriting. The content is made up of theoretical courses and practical exercises that will require approximately 10 hours of work per week.

His Ethical Attitude Towards Copywriting

Who can learn copywriting?

We would like to point out that our selection of above copywriting training is mainly aimed at entrepreneurs:

  • freelancer;
  • Coaches and Mentors;
  • merchant;
  • Artisan;
  • liberal profession;
  • VSE-SMEs;
  • ,

This is an especially interesting training for auto-entrepreneurs who manage many aspects of their activity alone and want to work on their communication techniques.

For students, we recommend a more customized and supervised school curriculum. However, if your schedule allows, nothing stops you from completing your initial training with free online courses!

How to Choose the Best Copywriting Training?

Once again, even though we have selected some of the training courses that today have the best reputation, it is above all a question of choosing the training course that best suits your needs. In the selection criteria:

  • Level Are you a beginner or already advanced on topics related to copywriting?
  • Material : Do you need general training or vice versa to deepen certain topics (advertisements, sales pages, emails)?
  • type of training : Do you prefer video training or live courses? Online or face-to-face training in the city of your choice?
  • duration of training : Do you have time in front of you for medium term training or only a few hours/days to dedicate to it?
  • Grant : How will you finance your training if it’s not free?

As you can see, we have focused on the best copywriting courses online. There is nothing involved, if you have the time and especially the possibility, to follow up with these face-to-face trainings with an establishment or physical organization.

How to finance copywriter training?

Most certification courses in copywriting are paid. There are options such as free online training or books dedicated to self-taught learning. In France, there are many training financing solutions. To give you a little more insight on this topic, we have summarized some of the options available to you in the table below:

Your position possible financing
job seeker CPF, Ple Emploi (AIF, POEI), Agefiph, Supplementary Pension Fund or Departmental Council
employees on permanent or fixed term contracts CPF, Transitional CPF, VAE, OPCO
temporary employee CPF, Transitional CPF, VAE, CIPI, CDPI
auto entrepreneurs FAF, CPF
funding plans

At least know that whatever your situation, there is a solution to give you access to competency training.

good to know

To get an accurate idea of ​​the options that may apply to your situation, we strongly recommend that you contact the various organizations presented.

Some establishments take care of completing your file in full and sending it to funding bodies. The aim is to reduce as much as possible, if not completely, the expenses for which you are responsible!

We remind you that if none of these solutions apply to your situation, it is also possible for you to self-finance your training.

questions to ask

Who can learn copywriting?

Training in copywriting can be beneficial for all professionals, whether they are web professionals or more broadly for freelancers or managers of VSEs and SMEs who wish to master and improve their communication.

Why do copywriting?

The main purpose of copywriting is to be able to attract the reader’s attention to encourage them to take the desired action: placing an order, buying a product, making an appointment, subscribing, etc.

Are there free copywriting courses?

Many training materials, videos, tutorials are available online for free. But you won’t necessarily benefit from a quality level of paid training, and especially from personalized support.

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