
How to Succeed Against Great Competitors: Friendship and Passion

At the heart of the entrepreneurial approach is passion and the desire to innovate. Augustin (from Michel and Augustin) had underlined during a plenary conference at the Entrepreneurs’ Fair that a sense of adventure, the discovery of new ideas, was part of the entrepreneur’s DNA. Zoom which can allow you to succeed against big competitors.

Willingness to build with a passionate team

If Michelle and Augustin succeed, it is above all because they were able to put the values ​​of friendship and sharing at the center of their adventure. Selecting employees who are a team of enthusiasts and who want to work together has given the brand an authenticity that permeates product creation and communication, and not vice versa. This is one of the reasons why they did not hesitate to open their doors for years, of course, not only to customers, but also to those who wanted to meet the teams of the famous Cow brand. In the same way, they didn’t hesitate to ask for originality for recruits and seek out brand enthusiasts.

find authenticity

From the kitchen of an apartment and a desire to make small round cakes that were previously sold at local groceries, Michel and Augustin were able to find traditional and family flavors, a guarantee of authenticity for the consumer. Nothing discourages them more than reading the labels of products in supermarkets, which are said to be decrypted in order to win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Finding meaning is not a challenge.

Quality as the first principle of differentiation

For this Michel and Augustin, far from satisfying themselves with ordinary products, with the help of their agricultural engineers, searched for the best products in the world, for example vanilla from Madagascar. They have become experts in content. To be even more efficient, they have put quality at the heart of their company and this represents one of the key differentiating elements. Just because you’re small doesn’t mean you can’t beat a bigger company. It’s the exact opposite!

Economic Reality: Fundraising

Some areas do not develop without the use of fundraising. This difficulty is because development development is costly. In the case of Michel and Augustin and to achieve margins like Danone or Nestlé, the idea of ​​staging, communication that is dear to their way of communication, is no longer sufficient. So they had to go to the next level to finance gross margins that weren’t enough, because there weren’t volumes. Leaving the old fundraising model (40 friends) and moving to the next level by choosing François Pinault, a well-known entrepreneur to support his growth in France and abroad, proved essential for Augustin.

Entrepreneur, a butterfly hunter

Entrepreneurs often have one characteristic: listening and sharing.

Thanks to the open doors of the Banana Plantation (which was the headquarters of the company), Michel and Augustin gather opinions, ideas, proposals, for the most incredible meetings, for many events, for consumers to come and taste new dishes. Huh. .. because meetings give rise to new ideas.

But an entrepreneur is above all who has the ability to chase butterflies and catch them in their nets to make them successful. It is the simplicity of detecting, identifying the idea, catching the butterfly that will allow their company to survive. It is also the speed of execution that makes it possible to succeed, which allows any project to become real. Do not be afraid all mistakes and failures are only lessons.

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