
Apopia, a company that makes children dream

The idea of ​​offering children interactive adventures by mail in which they are the protagonists came to Remy Perla in 2010 when he was discussing with a colleague whose children were having difficulty reading. He recalls a memory that allows him to develop his concept.

a memory to begin with

Former dyslexic and dysorthographic, he remembers, when he was 8 years old, a car key in his mailbox with a letter in his name. Passionate about a car’s potential win, he enthusiastically reads the mail and thinks it is enough to go to the dealership and try the keys to win the car. Also inspired by “The Neverending Story” or “books in which you are the protagonist” by Michael Ende, he then gets his own concept: to create a role-playing game in which the child will be the protagonist. To become one, he matches characters in his own story through real characters!

a team meeting

During “Startup Weekend”, he met Geoffroy, with whom he spent two years developing software capable of handling interactive and customizable texts. He quickly surrounded himself with a team of writers, illustrators and graphic designers, who worked hard to implement the concept. The latter comes to life and is marketed in 2014. Through its physical and interactive approach going against what is on the market, the company has won and already has over 50,000 conquered families, 700 schools and a development in France. and around the world.

viral communication

To make themselves known, they communicate on the Internet, social networks and use digital marketing. Influencers start following them and talk of mouth works with parents who don’t hesitate to share the child’s experience. Remi Perla tells us: “Our first ambassadors are our customers. We initially had difficulty interpreting a concept product that was not an enhanced version of what already existed. We communicated intensely with families.”

Above all an adventure full of satisfaction

If the entrepreneur is satisfied with the growth of the business, it is above all linked to the positive impact it has on his children. “The product is fun but above all what excites us is watching kids gain more and more confidence. We value kids and it’s true that it’s satisfying to watch them grow. In the beginning, they Let us answer with sketches, then a few words, then form sentences and end by sending us packets of letters. It really is magical!”

fundraising to continue growth

At the end of December 2018, the Strasbourg-based company finalized a 1.5 million euro fundraising from committed investors to raise the bar and reach a wider audience. It must be said that the company’s prospects do not stop here. “Our ambition is to create a new literary medium like Walt Disney when he launched his first feature film, which has become a standard. So, for example, we released new licensed stories with The Smurfs. We also did two years. would like to have an English broadcast within the US and be present in the US market. Why not buy Walt Disney in 8 years!. To continue its growth, the company is looking for a strategic partnership in the world of childhood. We Wish they found it soon!

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