
A/B Testing: 10 Elements to Test on a Landing Page

What is A/B Test?

To get a landing page or a website with an excellent conversion rate, it is essential to arouse the interest of potential prospects. A method called A/B testing involves a variety of constructions landing page test to keep them in competition at the same time. After the testing phase, the objective is to analyze the KPI and determine the version that drives the most conversions in order to maintain it.

Also note that A/B testing is an iterative work method. This means that when you have completed the first testing phase with several different versions of the landing page, you can start with as many as you want to get a fast optimized and successful version.

A/B testing is also a great way to better understand your goals, their web browsing behavior, and their design preferences. With this method, you can refine your targeting as much as possible to increase the return on investment (ROI).

Why do A/B testing on landing pages?

There are many reasons to make one landing page test Using A/B testing method. One thing is that doing these tests can save you a lot of money. The more optimized your web page is, the higher your conversion rate will be. Mathematically speaking, the more conversions you get, the more profitable your landing page will be for your business.

A/B testing is also a method that saves you time. since you can make Testing multiple landing pages At the same time apart, you will quickly realize your target’s expectations and you will be able to adjust your marketing campaigns quickly.

In fact, the purpose of a landing page that converts is a higher form fill rate, clicks that convert and, ultimately, maximizing the time visitors spend on your web page. Once you understand how to achieve all of these goals, your conversion rate will continue to grow.

Lastly, AB testing is a method that allows you to arrive at the most successful version of the landing page slowly and quickly.

How to set up A/B testing on landing page?

Easiest way to install A/B testing on landing page It remains to create multiple landing pages with variations (title, logo, color, view, etc.). What will have to be done in this case is to track the conversions on Google Analytics as per the URLs of your various web pages.

In addition, on Google Analytics you will find test tools that will allow you to collect data from your web pages. The main thing is to properly configure them before launching your tests.

On the web, you will also find many tools that allow us to run A/B testing campaigns such as AB Tasty, HubSpot or VWO. These devices are generally chargeable but they can provide you with real added value depending on your development objectives.

1. Title

The first element a visitor sees on your landing page is the title. If it doesn’t make them a promise, that it doesn’t put pressure on one of their motives or pain points, prospects will leave the site immediately.
To test multiple formulations Find the one with the lowest bounce rate,
Remember to separate the statements:

  • use a query , what is…
  • include number , 5 Ways…
  • start with How to do…
  • take a statue , 80% of professionals who…

2. View

Do your prospects like videos, infographics, photos…? To find out, test all of these solutions to find the one that works. Invites visitors to continue browsing,
But regardless of the view chosen, it should convey a message and explain to Internet users what you are promising them. The goal is to propel him in the direction of transformation.

3. Chatbot

Should you be using a chatbot on your landing page or not? This is a question worth asking.

Consumers’ enthusiasm for these conversational agents is real: according to a conversational study, 56% of French people believe that chatbots will make their lives simpler.
This medium of communication is worth testing! You can develop one very easily with free online tools. You will quickly see if it increases your conversions!

4. Form Fields

If the visitor made it to the form, it’s a shame to lose it here! To convert, he/she has to leave personal information like name, address, email, status, age, mobile number etc.

The data to be entered will depend on your needs. However, if you ask for too much, you risk scaring prospects and getting 0 conversions! Conversely, if you don’t ask for enough, you might lose out on important information for the rest of the collaboration.

want to know the secret ask for the right amount of information And to make some areas – less strategic – non-essential. Form Length So boosting your conversion rate should be the subject of A/B testing.

Read also: 5 ways to lower the bounce rate on your collection form

5. Call-to-action

Color, shape, action action… Your call to action button can take a variety of forms. It must be the subject of many trials to find the best formula, an essential element for conversion.

Google has already tested over 40 different shades of blue to determine which gets the most clicks. Incredible, but effective!

chatbot landing page
Without going so far, at least test:

  • many colors : a color darker than the background, a completely different bright color, two or three colors…
  • various verbs : Subscribe, Download, Trial Free, Subscribe, Book…
  • button size

You will definitely see click disparities, which will help you select the best performing button.

read also Boost your site with Growth Driven Design

6. Page Structure

Finally, you need to test the layout yourself. How is your proposal presented? Where are the scene, form and call-to-action located?
it’s time test different presentations : to invert the content, to raise the form or, conversely, to lower it, to position the action button up, to modify the size of the views, to enlarge the headings, etc. .
think about it too Test the format of your landing page : A short page with minimal information and maximum punchlines and a longer page that details your offer and puts more pressure on the list of features.

Think your landing page is perfect? Run multiple A/B tests and you might be surprised at the results!
Need a professional to set up A/B testing on your pages? Post an ad on

Read also: 10 A/B Testing Software to Optimize Your Conversion Rate

7. Logo

The logo represents your brand identity and your activity. If it doesn’t give confidence to users browsing your landing page, chances are your conversion rate is poor. If it is not representative of your brand and also your service, it will be a hindrance in the sale of your services.

Experiment by offering different logos on landing pages to figure out which graphic identity you should choose. You will quickly realize which is most appreciated by users and which best matches the services you provide. The brand image of a company should never be overlooked. It is part of the DNA of your brand and should be liked on any type of medium.

8. Color

We don’t think about it, but colors play a major role in characterizing a landing page. On the one hand, users are sensitive to the colors of a page because they essentially develop an area of ​​activity for them.

They can also remember a feeling and wake up to feelings. You can test colors at the background level of the landing page, button or footer.

9. Pricing

It is a good idea to test the pricing and business model of your offer/service on the landing page. Price is always a delicate issue for a company. It can be interpreted differently depending on the experience of the possibilities.

This does not mean that we recommend that you offer different prices for your offer/service landing page testRather than offering discounts to replace the symbolic value of your price in the eyes of your potential customers.

When you are new to entrepreneurship and starting your business, A/B testing is a great way to test your business model. This will give you comfort in the idea that your target is willing to pay for your offer/service.

10. Button

The expected goal of potential people visiting the landing page is for them to click on the buttons. Whether to request information, quote, send a form or subscribe to an offer, when the user clicks, he or she performs an action that you can analyze later.

For this, the button on the landing page is of paramount importance. Test different button formats by modifying their material, size, shape or color. Then determine which type of button invites the most users to click.

our tip

Your landing page allows you to make a good impression on your visitors, but also allows you to capture prospects who have visited your page.
Professionals can assist you with the creation, design, and integration of your landing page. Post your project for free on to receive their quote.

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