
Companies: Increase your productivity with ERP/CRM

ERP and CRM are essential software to support the growth of companies, whatever their size.

While the similarities between the two tools are strong, entrepreneurs often choose to subscribe to two separate software programs to manage their order processes and customer relationships. It is combined with other tools used on a daily basis: drives, project management software, automation tools, etc. However, this widespread practice represents a significant waste of time for users who navigate between multiple devices and a significant investment.

Aware of the difficulties that agglomeration of tools represents for small and medium-sized structures, Hootis has developed a modular ERP/CRM that can be used by freelancers (micro-entrepreneurs), start-ups (VSEs, SMEs) and web/digital agencies. suited to. Let’s explore this tool together.

What is Modular CRM ERP?

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is software that integrates all of a company’s information and processes into its database, from one end of the chain of command to the other:

  • sales,
  • Purchase,
  • finance,
  • human resource,
  • e.t.c

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software is designed to help companies manage and track their customers. The tool makes it possible as follows:

  • List the prospects and their activities,
  • Follow up turnover by customer,
  • start marketing campaign,
  • e.t.c

Modular ERP/CRM brings these various functionalities together in one tool. It allows entrepreneurs to get a global view of their sales processes and their results without having to cross-check the data stored across different devices. Some tools like Hootis combine these features with other useful applications for small/medium structures and web/digital agencies. It simplifies business management while reducing costs.

As its name suggests, a modular ERP/CRM is a scalable solution: you can add or remove functionalities as per your needs while maintaining the stability of the system.

A scalable ERP/CRM solution is not limited to a particular industry or company size, and can be configured to meet the specific needs of each customer. Freelancers, VSEs, SMEs, Digital Agencies… ERP/CRM suits the needs of all structures, irrespective of their field of activity.

Hootis, a Completely Modular ERP/CRM

Developed by a freelancer who became a web agency director, Hootis takes into account all the needs of these two structures to offer a fully customizable toolbox for your business:

  • ERP: Accounting, Planning, etc.
  • CRM: Prospecting, Customer Follow-up, Invoicing, etc.
  • Automated Email: Prospecting, Reminder of Payment, etc.
  • secure password manager
  • Project Management/Kanban
  • Website Builder
  • drive
  • wiki
  • Scrapers (Directories, Google Results)
  • ,

Hootis brings together all the essential features of your various devices so that you can focus on your core business without wasting time.

6 Selection Criteria for Choosing the Right CRM ERP

To choose the right ERP/CRM software, you need to seriously consider several criteria.

1. Modularity

Hootis, Project Management

Many companies combine different tools for their management: Google Drive for file sharing, Excel for accounting, Trello for project management… Navigating between these different software on a daily basis can quickly become time-consuming. Is.

A modular ERP/CRM like Hootis allows you to centralize all the functionalities you need. Then you can isolate yourself from this plethora of software and save valuable time.

2. ERP CRM Security

Data security is a major issue for companies today. Despite this, most solutions on the market only encrypt passwords.

Hootis encrypts almost all information using shielded encryption. Your encrypted data is thus protected from brute force attacks. The solution also undergoes regular penetration testing to ensure its effectiveness.

3. Equipment Customization

Dashboard Hootis

Every business is unique. Your ERP/CRM should be too!

Choose a tool that will allow you to customize the information displayed on your dashboard to see the necessary data at a glance.

In addition to activating the module la carte, Hootis software offers the possibility to modify the CSS of the entire solution to achieve a feature that reflects your company’s image:

  • By modifying the colors of the instrument,
  • hiding the elements,
  • By changing the font, borders, size of elements, background…

You don’t master enough CSS to customize your CRM ERP tools? Find a Free CSS Integrator at!

4. Price

Compare the cost of modular CRM/ERP solutions, including essential features, with the cumulative budget of the tools you plan to use. You will then be able to see the savings to be saved. Don’t forget to calculate the time saved for each of your employees!

On the ERP/CRM side, Hootis is cheaper than its competitors which offer similar functionality, while offering more modules.

Furthermore, the tool offers a free basic plan for those who just want to enjoy the basic ERP module. Also take advantage of permanent and cumulative reductions due to the resolution’s sponsorship offer.

5. Simplicity

Choose a solution that offers easy access, easy setup, and a clean design. Tabs in each corner will only blur the overall view of your data!

Prefer a tool that includes a tutorial that makes it easy to learn from the first use.

By offering a simple yet powerful platform, Hootis allows you to generate your reports and analysis in a fraction of a second, without training (except for tutorials) or IT expertise.

6. Supported Devices

Lastly, check that your preferred solution is well supported on all devices and browsers that you use.

Wherever you are, you should be able to work on all your projects.

Hootis is available on Windows, Linux, OS X and Android. It is also available as a mobile app and browser extension.

Choosing the Right ERP CRM: In a Nutshell

Choosing a CRM ERP for your business can be a daunting task. There are a variety of options available in the market, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Study the above 6 criteria carefully to choose a tool that best suits your business and gives you a winning solution in the long run. This will allow you to find a powerful ERP CRM, which will contribute to the success of your company for years to come.

Hootis meets all the criteria mentioned and provides a complete modular solution for your business at a low cost. Discover the tool today.

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