
9 Business Creation Ideas For Women!

French women are becoming more and more involved in entrepreneurship. In 2020, 40% of personal businesses were created by women! Leetchi, Envie de Fraise, Selectionnist, Vide-Dresing or Cashstore, all these companies were created by women.

Why start a business when you are a woman?

The real question should be “why not?” , The entrepreneurial environment is not just for men and more and more women understand it every day. Whether you are a mother, student, single… No profile excludes success in entrepreneurship. You have surely heard of Catherine Barba, one of the pioneers of French tech in the entrepreneurial environment and if not, we invite you to read some of these testimonials that are sure to please you.

Today Katherine Barba shares her expertise and accompanies young women entrepreneurs to start their own activities. She specifically specified during one interview that she strongly invites women to come on digital, even though it is less accessible and actually far less closed to the fair sex than more traditional areas.

nice to know

In Icons of Entrepreneurship, we also find Céline Lazarthes (, Tatiana Jama and Lara Roures (Selectors), Merrill Job ( and many others who have built companies into your day to day . ,

In general, Catherine Barba’s interventions encourage women not to restrain themselves and it is in continuation of this reflection that we offer you today 9 business building ideas for women (and you will see, we are in beauty salons). are not limited to)!

9 Business Start-up Ideas for Women

Information for entrepreneurs, we have selected business creations for you! Obviously, we could give you a list of professions “intended” for women in the collective imagination (especially since we already have articles that mention these occupations without specifically targeting women) but We decided to save it and carry on with our article. Ideas you may not have thought of yet!

1 – Open a beer bar

The beer bar sector is a very competitive area because the offers are so diverse. Artisanal, blonde, black, scented or even free of alcohol, there’s something for everyone!

The sale of alcoholic products is subject to obtaining License III, although you will not need to prove professional experience in the field to open your own beer bar. We still recommend that you follow a training course or do your own documentation on this topic to learn what original products offer that other breweries will not.

2 – Launch an online store

There is no shortage of ideas for launching your own online store, whether drop-shipping products, home sports equipment, organic products or even launching a CBD shop.

Launching an e-commerce store gives you the opportunity to manage your project from anywhere! Whether you decide to work from home, a coworking space or rented premises, you will be completely free of your organization.

3 – Create a Monthly Box

What could be better than a monthly box to let your creativity speak and sell the products you are passionate about? More and more consumers are turning to monthly boxes for original gifting. You will then be able to offer activities, a selection of local wines, bamboo fiber accessories or cheese creations with unusual flavours!

You don’t need a diploma to launch your monthly box, but we recommend working on your communication strategy to find the best channel to reach your goal!

4 – Create a startup

You are a real Swiss Army Knife, have an innovative idea, and you want to make it your professional project? Don’t wait any longer, Startup is made just for you. Whether you decide to start alone or with others, building your own startup gives you access to a wide choice of financing methods.

If this framework allows you to manage your project as you see fit, it still requires investing a lot of time and having multidisciplinary skills.

5 – Give self defense lessons

Are you a fighting game lover or do you just want to learn and teach basic gestures to defend yourself in case of boredom? Why not start your own self defense program? Whether it is in digital format with online courses, internships or regular courses, make sure the project will be appreciated!

There is no mandatory diploma to take self-defense courses, but a federal instructor training or a state certificate is strongly recommended.

6 – Open a gallery cafe

You love all kinds of art and want to create a space of exchange around your passion? Have you thought about opening your own gallery cafe? Like a bookstore cafe, you can combine two activities in one place. Plus, you’ll be completely free of the concept you want to develop, from the decor to working through your menu!

Although you don’t have to be eligible, you will need to take hygiene training to be authorized to sell food and drink.

7 – Open a bicycle repair shop

Experienced cyclist or cycling hobbyist looking to build your own business, here’s the business for you! There are about 27 million cyclists in France and the number has been increasing since the appearance of the electric bike, also known as the VAE (Vélo Assistance Electrique).

No diploma is required to open your own bicycle repair shop, however, it is recommended that at least one person on your team has taken CQP bicycle training which takes 3 to 7 weeks.

8 – Become a Freelancer

If you’re looking for a project that allows you to manage your schedule but at the same time choose your missions, you can go freelance! This position gives you the opportunity to have a flexible work pace and develop various projects in the area that suits you.

Do you like digital? Why not consider starting out as a freelance web developer or web writer? Know in the same register that today there are many designers and illustrators who launch themselves as auto-entrepreneurs!

Plus, thanks to the many dedicated freelance platforms, finding assignments is no longer a problem!

9 – Open a food truck

Do you love to cook but do you also have a nomadic spirit? Then we have a project for you! If you appreciate being close to your customers and you like to prepare original dishes on the go, then opening a food truck can be an interesting idea.

This activity is regulated and if it does not require a diploma, you will need to undergo training to meet health and safety standards. If you want to serve alcohol, you will also need to have a liquor license. Also be sure to inquire with the administration of the cities where you will be setting up your food truck.

What is the support for women starting businesses?

Entrepreneurship Network for Women

Know that if you want to start your own entrepreneurial project, in addition to the general network, there are organizations specifically dedicated to women. We have gathered the main organizations and some important information about them in this table so that you can see a little more clearly.

Will action’s female business angels conversion to franchising mompreneur power woman
For whom ? women of all ages women of all ages women of all ages women of all ages enterprising moms Women 45 years of age and older
shares Launch Support Program, Network training, network job offers, fundraising support, coaching Network to support and promote exchanges professional support
Location Headquartered in Paris, Online Presence Paris, Lyons, Bordeaux Headquartered in Paris, Online Presence Headquarters in Bordeaux, Online Presence Paris (and outskirts), Reims, Lille, Strasbourg, Lyon, Grenoble, Saint-Etienne, Marseille, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Nantes, Rennes Paris, Reims, Lille, Strasbourg, Lyon, Saint-Etienne, Marseille, Bordeaux, Nantes, Rennes

In addition to these networks, BPI has dedicated a space to support women entrepreneurs. There are also some events such as the Mam Cafe organized by Salon Profession’l or Mampreneur which are specially organized for future entrepreneurs who want to discuss, learn or share their experience.

Business start-up support for women

As women, you will also have the right to specific assistance. The table below summarizes some of the help that will be given to you when you have a more accurate idea of ​​your project.

guaranteeing equality of women honor loan female energy clef loan AGEPI
organization/network Active France French Initiative Entrepreneur Network key root employment center
like help €50,000. bank loan up to Around €9,700 . honorary loan of €15,000 and €50,000 . honor loan between Loan with interest repaid as per an agreement financial aid for child care

questions to ask

What budget to start your own business?

Estimating the budget for the launch of your business is difficult as it will depend on your project! If 100% online projects generally require less expense, then estimating your finances will take into account a physical indication or premises as well as recruitment.

What support is dedicated to building businesses for women?

There are many forms of business building assistance for women, including women’s equality guarantees, honorary loans from Initiative France, CLEFE loans or even a network of entrepreneurs such as Willa and Women Business Angels.

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