
10 tips to improve communication within your team

Communication is the transfer of information from one person to another. Whether formal or informal, it is important that it is communicated clearly and accurately. Communication within a team is a parameter that should not be overlooked if you want your company to achieve its objectives. To improve the harmony among your colleagues, you can,

Even if your company wants to conquer Mars, miscommunication within the team will immediately bring you back to Earth.

Difficult communication wastes time, builds mistrust and becomes a source of stress for your employees: the ideal cocktail for average results. tells you more about communication within your team, its interests, and more Way to install it.

benefits of team communication

For a team, communication is an important factor in its proper functioning. Indeed, the secret struggle, wrong perceptionPoor delivery of information can affect the success of a project and negatively impact relationships between employees or customers. brings good team communication many benefits for your structure and your projects.

Here is the list:

  • It helps in building and maintaining good relations among the employees
  • It has the ability to boost motivation
  • Good communication is one of the founding elements of a strong team spirit
  • By echoIt improves the commitment and involvement of your employees
  • Your employees improve their performance thanks to better coordination between them.
  • More generally, good communication enables Better understanding of the project
  • A team that communicates well is better able to share ideas, develop creative and innovative projects.
  • It creates another atmosphere Friendship Where loyalty and trust can take hold.
  • Another important element is the reduction in employee turnover.

How to improve business communication?

There are many elements to improving team communication to help you improve your communication between coworkers.

We’ll help you with 10 tips to promote cooperation and harmony in your business.

don’t close your door

it’s a bit like the principle of open place,

Teamwork means being together. You have to show that you are wanted and that you are open to this possibility. Imagine everyone closing their door, do you think this encourages communication within the team? Rather, it limits the development of team spirit and therefore trust. This can then establish a form of distrust And create tension.

A closed door can also send a signal to other employees that you don’t want to be disturbed. this limit thus Mutual action. Be present to listen to each other, discuss projects, tasks, look for solutions to some problems. All of this is a good start for fostering a friendly and reassuring environment.

You can do as well, thanks for doing He, Solve problems as they arise instead of waiting for weekly meetings. Tip: However, Be Careful to Set Some BoundariesBecause When the door is opened multiple times, you may not be able to finish a Work One who demands attention.

stop for coffee

A company’s coffee machine is a suspended area within it. A famous television series made it a bestseller and we can see that this is the place for all kinds of communication…

If you’re used to drinking coffee at different times, try changing it up to find yourself around this machine that invites you to get to know each other better. This is a place of informal communication… the closure of your company.

it is In general in your moments of relaxation where emotions emerge New Ideas, The time of tension and respect does not allow most of the time to think or imagine. The coffee machine is a privileged place to start a picnic with coworkers…

go out with coworkers

To strengthen relationships among your team members And Improve communication, consider getting them together for fun activities. Organize lunch together after work or have a meeting over beer. You can also organize a larger event, such as an afternoon of sporting activity or a weekend of skiing. These moments strengthen the bond between your employees, which will definitely have a positive impact on their teamwork.

co-workers' trip

determine the role of each

As a team leader, you need to clearly determine the role and mission of each of your employees in advance if you want communication to take place under the best possible conditions.

Ask yourself what you expect from them and what time you are impose on them Each employee on the team should know what his or her role is so that these colleagues are not encroached upon. In addition, each person should know the role of his colleagues. It also allows you to contact the right people. For this purpose, for Suitable use matrix RACI ,

math question RACI is a communication tool used to clarify the role of each collaborator during the realization of a project. We can simplify this by asking the question: Who does what? RACI is an abbreviation of Responsible, Responsible, Counseling, informed, In French, it can be translated by qui fait quoi?

  • R For Responsible : Who is the person doing the work?
  • is For bookkeeper Who is the person who leads and makes decisions?
  • Vs For Counseling Q: Who is the expert we look to for advice?
  • I For informed : Who will be the person we need to inform about the progress of the project?

work on team spirit

A team that knows each other well, that appreciates each other, and wants to be together will be more hypersensitive Thanks to more fluid communication, among other things, to support the company’s projects. Creating team spirit means developing belonging to a group, a brand. There are many techniques to improve team spirit, especially for setting up a team. building, It is the corporate events that are gaining more and more success within the structures.

These moments, organized around playful and game days, are very useful for building relationships among team members and strengthening a sense of belonging, which plays a big part in team spirit.

the idea of ​​meeting in a less formal setting than in the company to facilitate communication With all knowledge of another. For example, team challenges aregreat ways To strengthen ties around a common challenge taken from the company.

Importance of annual maintenance

This is an important meeting that can be expected when there is a need to communicate on a topic that is blocking for example and which may prevent teamwork from happening normally. An employee who feels trapped in a situation may not want to be involved and may create tension within the team that will limit its progress. It is also a time to value employees and highlight the feelings felt within the team. Communicating about your satisfaction as a manager helps the team increase its motivation.

Humanizing communication…

As with all internal communication tools, human interaction is often overlooked. Some of your coworkers will send an email instead of walking up to a coworker to talk.

Try encouraging your employees to have coffee together or set up in the meeting room to get organized. This would be much more productive than a series of virtual messages.

In addition, meeting face-to-face strengthens the cohesion among your team.

team communication liaison

…without forgetting the technology

Just because they can get up and ask a colleague a question doesn’t mean they have to do it all the time. Sometimes, a short question or request for a document may be the subject of an email.

Before interrupting a coworker, it’s important to look for signs indicating his availability: If the office door is closed or if he’s listening to music through headphones, it means he’s focused on his work. Come back later or opt for an email.

Read also: Telecom: 10 Best Team Communication Tools

hold useful meetings

Spending time together brings team members closer together and helps to find common interests.

In meetings, they get to know each other and communicate adequately. The biggest advantage is the deep connection that will be developed. Not everyone will be best friends, but this is an opportunity to understand each other’s motivations, which will make communication much easier.

If it is not possible to hold “physical” meetings, you can still arrange videoconferencing.

encourage respect and honesty

Improving communication requires genuine commitment from the entire team. You must create a corporate culture that promotes respect and honesty.

When there is a concern, employees need to be able to express themselves, share their observations, and above all, listen.

If you send an email or use any other technical device, take the time to re-read your messages to check the tone. Ideas may appear differently in text than in real life.

Our Tip for Improving Team Communication

To improve communication within your team, don’t hesitate to lead by example… and then learn to communicate and work together. Schedule multiple team days building in the year and notify your employees in advance so that they can organize themselves and be present. It is important to have a whole team.

With fluid, respectful and effective communication, your team will become more productive. It will be easier for your employees to provide effective teamwork… that will impact your business objectives!

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Read also: Entrepreneur: How to integrate a new employee into your company?

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