
11 Tips for Using Video in Your Content Marketing Strategy

While 62% of Google searches include a video, approximately 4 billion videos are viewed on Youtube every day. Faced with these statistics, it’s hard to ignore the importance of this format to your content strategy!

There are many ways to incorporate video into your marketing material. Still you lack inspiration? Don’t panic, today we are revealing 11 tips for using video in your content marketing strategy.

1. Use promotional videos to showcase your products

Thanks to videos, you can present your products more easily.

All you have to do is stage them in the daily life of the user and film it from every angle. In this way the Internet user will be able to better analyze the product and project himself with it, which will positively influence his buying decision.

For example, Samsung offers videos for each of its devices on its YouTube channel. The features of each product are inserted into the images and are intended to make the internet user want to buy it.

2. Broadcast Your Storytelling Campaign

Storytelling refers to the art of promoting a company or product with a story. It is a marketing method rooted in new consumer habits, intended to convey emotion and value rather than technical characteristics.

Gillette makes great use of storytelling to respond to bullying scandals, calling on everyone to treat them with respect, do the right thing, and present the best version of themselves.

3. Use Video to Educate Prospects

If you work in the tech sector, videos can be used to popularize your activity. With the help of a short playful clip where diagrams come to life, you have the possibility to make understood concepts difficult for the general public to understand.

4. Offer Tutorials

One of the strengths of video is to convey useful information in a very colorful way. It can therefore be used as a form of training, so that your customers know how to fully use your products or services.

Provide customized tutorials so your consumers can make the most of their purchase and increase their satisfaction! This will encourage them to build loyalty and especially recommend you to their loved ones.

Sephora uses this technique and offers many tutorials for its clients to learn how to apply makeup. Thus the brand helps them to make use of the products offered in the store.

5. Take a Behind the Scenes Tour

Humanizing your content is a paid technology! Internet users like to benefit from exclusive content, which allows them to understand the company better.

In this regard, why not give them a behind-the-scenes tour of their factory or office? Introduce them to the machines that make up the objects or the teams working on developing your services. This helps quell their need to relate to your brand and reinforces their empathy.

For example, Airbus doesn’t hesitate to show off the interior of its hangar and the way the planes are assembled.

6. Use Video to Interview Employees

Finally, the final format of videos you can offer includes interviews with experts in your company. Let them express themselves on your work, highlighting their knowledge and their daily involvement in improving the product/service you offer.

The purpose of this type of video is to humanize your communication by presenting the company’s employees, promoting your knowledge. Prospects will immediately feel confident of your professionalism, facing confident experts who demonstrate their knowledge of the market.

For example, Leroy Merlin lets his employees express themselves to present their jobs and their daily missions. This is the kind of interview that works great to promote their knowledge and spread the values ​​of their brand.

7. Use Design Thinking

Design thinking is about understanding your audience and finding tailored solutions. To get there, first think about the basic purpose of your video:

  • Get more conversions on a page?
  • Increase traffic to your site quickly?
  • Overtake a competitor?
  • Increase lead quality?
  • anything else ?

Then ask yourself this: Who are you making the video for?

Lastly, what is your video for? An effective marketing strategy creates change. Your goal is to change attitude or behavior:

  • reinforce a positive image of your audience;
  • encourage action;
  • Combat a bad discussion, etc.

8. Analyze the Quality of Your Video Content

This analysis will allow you to create a video that really stands out from the others and is likely to connect deeply with your audience.

Differentiation is a lever for marketing your products. Your videos must be in news, trends to attract attention.

Then take a look at your video project and think about how you can set it apart and get closer to your possibilities.

9. Use the Right References

Distribution Channel: Knowing the context or purpose of your video is essential when deciding on YouTube, your website or social network. Either way, focus your videos on your brand’s lifestyle and values. Make yourself useful to your prospects and customers to maximize the impact of your content.

Read also: Video formats for social networks in 2021

10. Organize your video marketing promotions

If potential customers don’t know your video how can they see that it exists? Organize a coordinated campaign where all the different elements feed into the original video. Expand the main theme of your film with additional/supplemental material:

  • blog posts;
  • article information;
  • white book;
  • Series of tweets…

By the time your video airs, these promotional elements should arouse your audience’s enthusiasm and expectation.

11. Optimize Performance

Think of your video as your landing page! You monitor, analyze and optimize your landing pages regularly, as the goal is to convert visits into sales. The purpose of your video is the same.

Start by creating and experimenting with two versions of your video. Which edition attracts the most visits? Who generates the most conversions?

By hosting your video on a professional platform, you have the relevant analytical elements to assess audience behavior. For example, if Internet users largely skipped over a point in the video or if they replay a section, you would understand that this part should be revised.


With these 11 tips, you can optimize your content marketing strategy with video.
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We have many freelance motion designers and other video professionals ready to support you on this mission!

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