
Attending Conferences to Make Yourself Known: A Good Idea?

A leader’s time is precious. And therefore attending conferences often seems to them a waste of time, especially since it is not a question of arriving empty-handed and therefore preparing one’s speech so that the outcome is relevant. Focus on the meaning of attending conferences.

a sensible approach

Conferences can be effective if you want to promote a product or develop awareness of your company. Conferences have many advantages because first of all, they not only allow you to make yourself known to a larger audience, but they also connect you during the round table with other partners who have a reputation that is second to none and with whom You connect and your own notoriety affects them as their influence affects you. In addition, they are often led by journalists and allow you to make an impact on the media or social networks. In addition, the organizers distribute it and if your conferences become interesting, you can find them in your network … the list of assets is not exhaustive.

An interesting and cheap way

Whether you have just started your business or want to make your mark at a low cost, it is good to attend conferences to achieve a certain fame. These events often take the form of speeches that take place in the amphitheater in front of an inside or opening audience. The primary goal through attending a conference will be to get your product out to a variety of people who listen to you. Unlike appearances, it is not a question of selling but of building a reputation with a large audience.

Keep it simple and don’t oversell

If you want to promote your product through conventions, it is important to be subtle and discreet. In fact, by definition, a convention is a “presentation” that should bring something to your audience on a cultural level. For example, it is very interesting to position yourself in conferences that are related to a current topic or scientific topic, and whether these are related to your product, your service, or your expertise. It is essential not to praise your product at the risk that your convention will turn into a real hawker show. Adopting an aggressive strategy will have two main effects on your audience: they will feel that you are coercing their hand and that you are trying to deceive them. Needless to say, when an event planner hires a speaker, they expect that person to bring a professional perspective to the topic rather than oversee their business.

How to attend conferences?

Once the interest in attending conferences is thoroughly understood, the most complicated step is usually managing to find conferences at which it is possible to intervene. In fact, as an entrepreneur or businessman, you will often face difficulties in delivering lectures on technical topics in your areas of interest. Beyond time constraints, sometimes you need minimal validation from your peers to intervene in this type of event. To force the organizers’ hands, it is often advisable to seek information from trade fairs that bring together professionals in a specific field (hotels, new technologies, etc.) and that allow you to organize a conference relatively easily. allows. Don’t hesitate to contact CCI, who often organize themed days during which you can intervene as an entrepreneur in a particular field.

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