
Corporate Communications: Let’s Find the Emotions!

Communication is the prime asset of man. But to communicate today, we use tools that can make us lose our beautiful and essential humanity as they fall into the trap of urgency. Communication is all-round and in this great bath, it is often difficult to bring out our communication as it is drowned out by the abundance of messages being transmitted. How to find emotion in our corporate communication?

Predominance of digital communication tools: Websites, references, AdWords campaigns, blogs, buzz and links with social networks have influenced the meaning of communication strategies.

More than just exposing their products and services, companies want to win, but also to entice the Internet user, it is with an unknown face that we want to be devoid of common sense and able to be mysterious by algorithms. Huh. ,

Digital communication is one of the major axis of communication and will generate more contacts, links, notoriety and hence business. But on the contrary, it also focuses the efforts of companies towards the logic of quantity for the detriment of quality.

There would have been a set of communication techniques to disseminate messages as quickly and widely as possible. And yet, to communicate is always to establish a connection with the other, and as a consequence to create a feeling.

And talking to the other, requires minimal respect and empathy to create a fruitful exchange that isn’t just on a business level.

How to get emotions out in your communication?

1. Self-audit your communication tools

Go to your site and put yourself in the other person’s place. Imagine a future customer you want to celebrate in front of your website’s home page alone in front of their computer screen. Try to imagine how it felt. Is your site the first to talk to him about himself, his needs? of his dreams?

Then, create an internal group or if you are a youth company, make a group with your friends but the condition would be that it is too diverse (age, gender, job, job…) to have different opinions. and which provides you with as much information as possible.

Then build the message by emphasizing what you will bring to your customers before talking about yourself.

Expand your areas of communication, on your values, on the life of your company, what you bring to your customers. Ask your customers to talk through testimonials about what you bring to them.

So build a “customer-oriented” site, not one that’s self-centered on your products and services and your business.

2. Play on the full range of the senses

It is not easy to express feelings through gestures, words, smiles without mailings, sites, brochures. And even less if your product isn’t particularly appealing.

And yet the “content” of your communication tools, this set of texts and images brought together by an editorial project, can become a real vector of emotions.

  • A video on the home page of your site promotes link building. On the other hand, if you don’t have innate photogenicity, don’t bother making internet users see you because you’re the leader.
  • Upload a professionally edited video of a dynamic presentation of your products, your teams, your production sites. A trip shot in a construction workshop, clear, clean and organized will always have a more powerful effect on quality than a long speech.
  • Leverage the power of images, photographs, a video, a humorous animation to spark the generosity and interest of your audience.

3. Choose “Nice Photo”!

What speech on your professionalism, even well-conceived, can resist clashing with a dark and badly-crafted photograph?

Post-production is essential today, to rebalance a light or missing a counter-productive detail, but only a professional has the creativity to master the technique.

What discourse on your competing specialties might support a conflict with a picture purchased from an image bank that we will – inevitably – find on other sites or other brochures?

The right picture is descriptive, capable of saying a lot, attesting to your strengths, your differences and your corporate values.

Only the perfect photo shot with an artistic spirit by a professional will lead to feelings of accuracy, sincerity and seduction.

4. Use the Richness of the Graphic Art

You edit paper media: brochures, flyers, business cards… Take advantage of the many possibilities the art of graphic design offers to convey emotion.

A brochure with an “Italian” layout will convey feelings of space, height, grandeur. The choice of printing paper is also a codified means of expressing feelings: the hardness and severity of matte coated paper, or conversely, the warmth and softness of physical paper made of cotton fibers.

Layout choices, this art of “managing the spaces”, i.e. the breath between paragraphs, the proportion of margins, the regularity of “rotating the blanks” around an image are also means to evoke feelings of lightness or dynamism.

The choice of typography also conveys feelings of constancy to the characters’ serifs, thanks to the jumbled finesse of modernism or the proximity to handwritten fonts.

Don’t neglect your paper media, even in the digital age they convey your company’s image, and thanks to the handling, they make the first step in relationships with others.

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