
YAPUKA, a company that learns the art of interviewing and pitching face-to-face and online!

Sandra Le Grand co-founded Yapuca with Valerie Falla, a company that trains in maintenance and aims for both BTOB and BTOC. With pride to recreate, Sandra puts all of her energy into her new project that she wants to be synonymous with success. A company that is already off to a strong start with over 12,000 people trained.

the origin of the idea

Sandra Le Grand is not on her first try. After successfully building and developing Kalida, he decided to join forces with his friend, Valerie Falla, who had long worked for large human resource groups because he knew of the need to train young people. walked. The latter are regularly asked to train young people to interview for school entrance exams or job interviews. They decide to set up a platform together to meet this need and in 2017 form a company with young people on the one hand and coaches who are entrepreneurs, confirmed students or professionals like HR, recruiters or managers. His selection then becomes demanding as he has selected 150 coaches from over 500 applications based on both trade and price criteria.

A BTOC start but a BTOB demand

Then they start in BtoC but soon they realize that there is a demand for BtoBtoC too, especially from schools and universities. The latter seek their help through employability, career and vocational services that are responsible for supporting the student to work on their employability through internships, work-study programs or even finding their first job. A more recent but growing demand, is entrepreneurs and SMEs ETI companies (up to about 200 employees) who wish to train their employees specifically in public speaking or even in the trend of “employee advocacy”, which includes all Includes employees, whether according to their level, position or status, their role within the company, their profession and their company’s purpose. In addition, the latter often wants employees to be included in internal mobility interviews, which the company, today an accepted DataDoc training organization, provides.

Optimization for virtualization

If attendance in BTC can be done face-to-face or over communication tools like Skype, training courses have become more digital due to confinement. To do this, adaptation was present and even if all schedules were delivered online during the confinement period, they were particularly successful in matching the training courses by splitting them apart. Some that took place in one day were split into two half-days, for example, to maintain their full effectiveness. In all, 150 workshops and 3,000 youth are trained during the imprisonment.

Initial Grant and BTOC Surprise

Although Sandra Le Grand is a seasoned entrepreneur, financing is always a challenge with a project that must be tailored to the investor’s specs as it is not a question of being a good project to obtain financing, but rather the type of investment desired. is to enter. Second surprise: BtoC, which takes longer to launch than BtoB, as the entrepreneur tells us: “In BtoC, we don’t control everything. Just picking up your phone and signing it is not enough. Notoriety and presence, the fact of running ad campaigns, SEO for natural context, … leave room for danger at the time it takes to rise to power, which in my old business did not exist in BTOB”.
The Surprise That Didn’t Stop Entrepreneurs From Moving On!

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