
Women Entrepreneurship | Key stats, help, challenges… we tell you everything!

Few days back we offered you an article on business creation ideas for women. We dig in today to help you take a more clear look at the topic of female entrepreneurship and maybe even convince you that you shouldn’t hesitate to get started now!

10 Statistics on Women’s Entrepreneurship

40% of sole proprietorship created by women

In 2020, an INSEE survey shows that women are the carriers and producers of 4 out of 10 individual businesses.

58% Women Entrepreneurs 40. are younger than

compared to 47% of men in the same age group. The study conducted by the National Bureau of Economic Research states that the average age of success for men or women is 42 years.

21% of startup leaders are women

In 2020, only 2 startups are led by women and 34% of them decide to go into business.

2% of fundraising is for women

A survey by SISTA and the BCG organization shows that since 2008, fundraising for women entrepreneurs is only 2%.

45.6% women hold director positions

And that’s great progress because in 2010 they only represented 12% of directors! France therefore strives to comply with the terms of the Cope-Zimmermann law, which puts a minimum of 40% women on the board of directors.

60% of women see entrepreneurship as a way to change society

When only 51% of men follow this philosophy. Indeed, the place of women in entrepreneurship was established very late, but as you will see in the figure below, they need not be ashamed of their performance against men.

8% of businesses created by women are profitable

As against 5% for men! Hence the projects done by women show better return rate.

None of the next 40 companies have a female head.

And 5 women are members of the Impact Boards of Next 40 and FT 120. As a reminder, the role of the Impact Board is to implement actions to promote diversity and the process of ecological transition.

14 Women Leaders or Founding Members of FT 120

But just one woman in Cac 40! The rate of women in leadership positions is still very low in 2022.

22% of women are members of management and executive committees within the SBF

Compared to 7% in 2009! Although this figure has tripled in recent years, the rate of women in SBF management and executive committees is still very low.

Women Entrepreneurs: Contemporary Issues

If the term “female entrepreneurship” reveals a brutal lack of equality in the professional environment, it is a name that raises questions. Why talk about female entrepreneurship when we are trying to bridge this divide between men and women in an entrepreneurial environment?

Many women deprive themselves of their right to entrepreneurship. They are hesitant to start their own business for fear of running out of time, support, and resources, and it’s not in vain!


As we mentioned earlier, since 2008, female project leaders have only been allowed 2% of fundraising.

Despite these disparities, some organizations are working to restore the investment gap between projects undertaken by women and those done by men.

We have identified for you 5 trends in the entrepreneurial environment, aimed at helping women start their own projects!

network of women entrepreneurs

More and more networks are developing around entrepreneurship and specifically for women. These networks were created to provide a forum for discussion and support for women wishing to embrace entrepreneurship.

Forums, missions, job offers, mentorship but also sources of financial investment and meetings… all tools are deployed to address the disparity between men and women in the entrepreneurial environment. Among these organizations, we have identified a few names that can help you move forward with your entrepreneurial project. ,

  • female business angels An organization created by women for women, it provides project financing solutions such as fundraising in addition to job offers on the website.
  • Will : Paris Pionnières, formerly Paris Pionnières, is a network that provides programs to help launch projects. This Paris-based organization also offers webinars, conferences and online training.
  • sista : Unlike other networks, Sista advocates diversity and integrates into its process, Men committed to establishing a more equal entrepreneurial environment.

Business start-up support for women

  • clef loan : Launched at the initiative of Racine Cleef, this assistance provides loans with reimbursable interest as per an agreement.
  • AGEPI : Offered by Pôle mploi, this assistance provides assistance with childcare, among other things.
  • guaranteeing equality of women : Launched by France Active, Guaranty Aglit Fems offers start-up support loans of up to €50,000.

If you would like more information about this assistance, we invite you to visit the organizations official websites and contact a consultant who will direct you to all the solutions you are eligible for.

development area

To guide you in your research, we have identified some promising areas for you to start your activity in.


Digital is a must! This constantly evolving field gives you the opportunity to create innovative projects. In addition, France provides dedicated support for the development of companies specializing in digital.

Digital marketing agency, software creation, web design or web development… Whether you are in business or retraining, you can easily find training funded by dedicated organizations.


Although digitization is imperative, craftsmanship continues to rise and it remains an area in which it will always be interesting to undertake a project.

Do you have the expertise to contribute and want to start your own business? Trades such as masonry, carpentry or even plumbing, although we still associate them with very masculine backgrounds, are areas that can allow you to create very rewarding projects.


Service companies will allow you to sell your knowledge, as opposed to out-of-market products.

If you want to become a life coach, offer computer troubleshooting or even become a self-employed DJ, we recommend looking into building a service business! The options are huge and generally require less financial investment than marketing products.

questions to ask

What is Women Entrepreneurship?

The term “female entrepreneurship” reveals a brutal lack of equality in the professional environment, a name that raises questions. It was created to designate entrepreneurial activities undertaken by women.

Are there networks dedicated to entrepreneurship for women?

In addition to state aid, there are networks such as Willa, Sista and Femmes Business Angels. These organizations provide support such as training, fundraising or meetings to help and encourage women to start their own projects.

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