
Social Security: Better Security Thanks to Wage Portage

Social security is a set of mechanisms established for collective welfare. It enables the citizens of the country to do better manage social risks (Accidents, diseases, births, invalidity, unemployment, retirement, etc.).

What if public service employees and private sector employees get benefits through the contribution system? Self employed , Wage portage is an interesting solution as it allows freelancers to benefit from the same social benefits as private sector employees.

find out how pay portage provides a better social Security to independents.

Social Security: What Exactly Is It?

Social Security is made up of many diets ,General, Special, Autonomous, etc.) established to anticipate the financial consequences of social risks that may compromise the economic security of an individual or their family.

1- There are two types of social security systems:

social benefits that are paid directly to families in the form of allowances, pensions or health care reimbursements;

Provision of social services, including free or low-cost services in hospitals or nurseries. Social Security organizations finance them either directly or through donations.

2- Social Security: Terms of Care

Social benefits respond to three modes of support:

Social insurance that protects members against loss of income (sickness, accident at work, unemployment, old age, etc.) This protection is provided for contributors and their dependents;

Social assistance interventions to help individuals and their relatives against all kinds of poverty. This benefit guarantees a minimum income, but does not necessarily cover a well-defined risk. given under the means, this form of social Security Contribution is not required: therefore it is “non-contributory”. Social assistance includes ten social minimums, RSA (active solidarity income) and AAH (allowance for adults with disabilities).

Universal Protection provides coverage for certain types of expenses for all individuals, with no means test and no contributions to pay. For example, universal health protection allows all workers or residents in France to benefit from coverage of their health costs.

What about Social Security in the context of wage portage?

How Veg Portage works

Veg portage is a form of work that has many benefits Self-employment and self-employment. This allows them to receive supported employee status and benefit from all of the Social Security coverage provided for traditional employees while remaining independent.

Wage portage is also interesting because it no longer allows you to do administrative procedures to benefit from Social Security coverage. The supported employee benefits from both the freedom and autonomy of self-entrepreneurship and the social security reserved for employees. Explore in detail the features of social protection of this type of work.

1- Social Security Coverage in Salary Distribution: General Plan

Veg Portage Company’s mission is to bring in qualified employees who are capable of providing intellectual services such as training, consulting, engineering and management. To establish a relationship with the employee, the wage portage company draws up a formal employment contract that both parties must sign.

Thus, the ported employee is like an employee of the wage portage company and not the client companies. Actually, it’s the umbrella company that pay social fees (Employer’s fee and wage charges) for self-employed. This allows the employee to take advantage of all the benefits offered to the traditional employee in terms of Social Security, health coverage and health costs. The cost of hospitalization and some medications may also be reimbursed.

Self-employed employees, who choose the status of take-off employee, can also be paid paid leave at the rate of two and a half days per month, i.e. 30 days per year. They also have sick leave coverage and professional liability insurance.

2- Social Security in Salary Allowances and Daily Allowances

When the transferred employee faces a health problem and is not able to work or perform the tasks assigned to him, he is paid daily allowance during sick leave. 1. Since thener This form of January 2016, social Security Provided without taking into account the seniority of the insured.

An employee taken on sick leave must notify the Portage Company and its Cas Premiere d’Assurance Malady (CPAM) within 48 hours. The amount of daily allowance is calculated on the basis of basic pay. Thanks to this system, consultants and freelancers can receive daily allowances during this waiting period.

3- Social Security in Wage Portage and Unemployment Benefits

salaried employee It can also contribute to the prevention of unemployment. He can also avail Return to Employment Assistance (ARE). It is possible to combine partial ARE and salary (under conditions) when payroll company It takes time for URSSAF to announce the move of all its employees.

benefits of unemploymentProvided only to advisors who satisfy certain conditions. They must prove at least 44 days of work or 610 hours of work during the 28 months preceding the date of the request. Wage Portage Consultants can accumulate working days or hours on various missions performed.

to be able to touch benefits of unemployment , he should be registered with Ple Employi. He should also be able to provide documents that justify that he has accomplished the mission in wage portage or employer’s certificate. This is a wage portage company like our social security partner, ITG.

Unemployment Benefits in Pay PortageThe calculation is done on the basis of SJR (Daily Reference Pay). They represent 57% of SJR or 40.4% of SJR + 11.84 EUR.

4- Social Security in Wage Portage and Mutual Health Insurance

The supported employee benefits from Social Security who belongs to the general social system, In general, he takes advantage of a company mutual fund to cover his additional health costs that Social Security does not cover. Each veg portage company is free to choose mutual , she can also present complementary healthEvery employee was taken.

5- Social Security in Wage Portage and Pension Contribution

To prepare for their retirement, self-employed workers in Pay Portage can pay dues, Umbrella company charges pension contributions , The amount of pension is calculated on the basis of average annual salary and revaluation coefficient which may vary over the years.

Thus, you must have understood, Veg Portage is a plan that offers several benefits in terms of Social Security, Social Security, sick leave and retirement benefits, Apart from this, Veg Portage Company takes care of all the administrative procedures. The consultants can thus concentrate on their work and make their activities profitable.

Social security within reach of self-employed workers thanks to wage portage

Wedge Portage is an interesting solution for entrepreneurs and managers who are looking for a . want to benefit from better social securityIn return for more cost effective, This gives you a. also allows you to take advantage of unemployment insurance ,

You can free yourself from all the hassles related to administrative, accounting and tax procedures. You also benefit from the experience of other entrepreneurs adapting more quickly to this situation.

Wedge Portage is the solution you need if you are a . looking for efficient system to ensure smooth and safe transition To establish yourself as an entrepreneur or freelancer position when you plan to swap your position as an employee.

itgIs a wage portage company that guarantees you social security tailored to your needs In case of sick leave, hospitalization, retirement, family difficulties etc. Whatever your specialty, a team is at your disposal to take care of administrative processes, training and reminders. Leverage the expertise of qualified professionals to take advantage of all the benefits of employee status in the context of Social Security.

Our Suggestion for Better Social Security Thanks to Wage Portage

Our partner ITG provides an effective solution in terms of social security for self-employed workers and freelance providers.

To get started, use ITG’s Income Simulator to get the best pay level and thus improve expected benefits.

With over 25 years of experience, the ITG team guarantees you a completely transparent service. You are always well informed before any kind of commitment. You also benefit from personalized formulas for better Social Security.

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