
5 Key Network, Business Booster

When you call a prospect without introducing yourself on behalf of an interpersonal relationship, you are in a cold call situation. Using your network can increase your chances of success. yes but how?

1 – Use the power of recommendation

A common situation in telephone prospecting is to contact prospects who do not know you. If you’re effective, you’ll manage to get one or two appointments out of ten attempts. As you must have understood that in this type of case the time wasted is huge and above all you will get the pleasure of having to endure many rejections which is hardly good for your morale. Getting a recommendation is a good practice that can save you both efficiency and time. Using a recommendation changes everything and puts you in a “hot call” situation. And for good reason: When you call on behalf of someone they know, your chances of getting it are close to nine out of ten.

2 – Build your free sales force

Your best prescribers will certainly remain your customers, but they will also be professionals who know and trust you. It is essential to have a long-term follow up of all your contacts: clients, former clients, lost prospects, consultants, suppliers, ex-colleagues, … as they can recommend you provided you don’t lose contact for too long and that they have You have a good image of professionalism. Ideally, if one of your contacts is looking for a supplier or service provider in your area of ​​expertise and quality, everyone in your network should automatically mention your name. Hence it is necessary to be in regular touch or mark their feeling in a positive way.

3 – Never eat lunch alone

Professional networking has the disadvantage of being time-consuming, it is absolutely necessary to use up all your lunches – even some snacks – to meet face-to-face with the network’s interlocutors: connectors, prescribers, advocates, publicists, Informers, watchmen, etc. Never eat lunch alone as you can optimize this time to maintain your network! Cocktails and other receptions are usually good opportunities to network, at least to establish first contact. It is often necessary to schedule an actual appointment so that the contact is not only superficial.

4 – Invest in LinkedIn

Business networking experts are unanimous: Modern networking also includes professional social networks such as LinkedIn. This tool remains a networking facilitator and accelerator. Use Them Like a Professional: Take the time to get to know them well and discover all of their features. But never forget that a handful of clicks do not replace a handshake (except in prison). Online social networks make it possible to identify target contacts, set up appointments, and maintain relationships with people in the network.

5 – Success is in the follow-up

Professional networking professionals know it: Success is explained by careful monitoring of your network. Absolutely avoid “disposable networks”, which involve using people and never giving them any news. It is essential to thank your network and keep informed about everything you do and you will be successful because of it. You can remember them fondly at different times of the year, such as year-end greetings. These are a great way to keep in touch with your different circles.

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