
Shopify Plus vs Shopify: What’s the Difference?

Do you want to build an ecommerce site with Shopify but don’t know what to choose between the Shopify and Shopify Plus formulas? Shopify’s native offering is a great option for freelancers and small businesses looking to sell online. But if you’re a large company that’s already making a lot of sales through point of sale and/or e-commerce, the Shopify Plus formula will interest you more.

The latter provides many features and support services to fuel your growth.

Pay attention to the main differences between Shopify and Shopify Plus!

What is Shopify Plus?

Shopify and Shopify Plus belong to the same platform. And even though the formulas are fundamentally different, they have many points in common:

  • They are made with the same technology.
  • They use similar themes.
  • They provide a uniform interface and all the basic functionality of e-commerce.

The difference comes down to “Enterprise” features that are unlocked when you use the Shopify Plus plan. These open up more integrations (with APIs and your third-party tools), access to your store’s built-in code, dedicated support options, and more.

While Shopify runs on the availability of its platform, Shopify Plus offers a set of support services for businesses. This is for groups that need:

  • More customization and control.
  • Greater automation capabilities.
  • Improved multi-channel and omni-channel functions.
  • fast pace.
  • Ability to handle massive amounts of traffic and sales reliably.

It is no coincidence that among the users of Shopify Plus we find such brands as Tesla, So Shape, Kylie Cosmetics, Solandro, Heinz.

Key Differences Between Shopify and Shopify Plus

What sets Shopify and Shopify Plus apart? Let’s review the main criteria that differentiate these offers…


The first major difference between the Shopify and Shopify Plus plans is the pricing.

For VSEs, SMEs and young entrepreneurs, Shopify offers 4 scalable formulas with different monthly costs:

starter offer

For 5€ per month, you can sell via Marketplace, Social Network or WhatsApp. However, you don’t have your own online store.

original offer

At €27 per month, this formula is perfect for beginners looking to get started on selling online quickly at a low cost. The offer also includes transaction fees for:

  • 8% + €0.25 for European payments.
  • 3% + 0.25€ for international payments (or via American Express).
  • 2% for transactions made outside the Shopify Payments platform.

Shopify Offers

Shopify Formula Most Used! At €79 per month, it allows you to take advantage of e-commerce automation to save time in your daily management.

Transaction fees are also low:

  • 1.6% + €0.25 for European payments.
  • 2.9% + 0.25€ for international payments (or via American Express).
  • 1% for transactions made outside the Shopify Payments platform.

advanced offer

At €289 per month, this plan is distinguished by advanced analytical functions that help you fuel the growth of your online store.

Transaction fees are also reduced:

  • 1.4% + €0.25 for European payments.
  • 2.7% + 0.25€ for international payments (or via American Express).
  • 0.5% for transactions made outside the Shopify Payments platform.

Shopify Plus aims for solid e-commerce with specific needs for automation, image management, APIs, and support. Offer starts from 2000€/month, but you have to discuss with their team to get a quote.

If the price seems high, you should know that this formula offers multiple options and personalized support. Which brings us to the next part of the difference between “classic” Shopify and Shopify Plus!

A dedicated account manager for your Shopify Plus account

With Shopify, you have phone, email, and LiveChat support. It is possible to call on Shopify experts from time to time to help you perform certain tasks or develop additional functionality. These services are not included in a Shopify subscription and generate additional costs.

In contrast, Shopify Plus provides personalized and dedicated support for your merchant site. As soon as you subscribe to this formula, a launch engineer accompanies you through the entire process of setting up and migrating your store. It helps you in synchronizing your third-party tools and finding partners to work on your specific needs related to your e-commerce. Its promise is to help you build a fully operational online store in up to 90 days!

Plus, a merchant success manager mentors and trains you, so you know how to use Shopify Plus’s full potential. This expert also analyzes the trends in your area and provides you with an action plan to animate and grow your e-commerce.

You also become eligible for Spotify’s Merchant Success Program. A program that gives you access to webinars, training videos and checklists for achieving your development goals.

more customization options

With Shopify, you can use Liquid to customize themes. This open-source language, developed by the platform, allows you to modify the HTML or CSS of your online store. Liquid shares the same syntax as other programming languages. So if you have coding knowledge, you should be comfortable with Liquid.

However, without web development skills, you will also have the option of customizing the theme. You’ll only be limited to the options provided in the template’s back office, which may be insufficient for companies with extensive customization needs.

By subscribing to Shopify Plus, you have access to web design experts to help you set up an interface tailored to your graphic charter. You have a unique store that perfectly reflects your brand image.

Personalization of payment page

Shopify Plus allows you to customize the payment experience according to the terms you predefined (products ordered, basket price, etc.).

You will be able to customize shipping methods, customer areas and payment options. it allows:

  • Change discounts for specific products.
  • Offer volume-based pricing (this is handy if you run B2B or wholesale e-commerce).
  • Edit, hide, rearrange shipping options, prices and payment methods.

Other Shopify plans don’t have these options. You will have to buy additional add-ons.

Shopify Plus unlocks access to exclusive apps

Shopify Plus users get access to exclusive apps and features:

  • Wholesale channel for B2B companies and wholesalers. Through a separate window, accessible only by password, you can offer your products at reduced prices.
  • Shopify Flow to automate many tasks, such as marking loyal customers or sending re-order requests.
  • Launchpad for planning and automating flash sales, product launches or sales campaigns.
  • The Transporter app for importing customer, product and order records into your Shopify store.
  • Bulk Account Inviter to invite your customers imported from another platform or store to activate their online accounts on your Shopify store.
  • Shopify Fulfillment Network for managing large inventory and shipping fulfillments with carriers like UPS and DHL.

Integration with existing platforms

As a Shopify Plus customer, you benefit from an API to link your platform to:

  • Product Information Management (PIM)
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
  • Inventory and Order Management (IMS)
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Third Party Logistics (3PL)
  • Warehouse Management (WMS)

exclusive access to other resources

The Merchant Success Program isn’t the only service available to Shopify Plus users. There are other resources available to them, including:

  • A Facebook community where you can share your experiences with other Shopify Plus users.
  • A directory of partners that gives you access to web experts, agencies and solutions to meet your objectives.
  • Access to exclusive beta programs.
  • Access to the Shopify Plus Academy for advice and training on how to use the platform.

A “multi-currency” function

If you are an international business, Shopify Plus offers a multi-currency feature. The latter automatically determines the country and currency based on the IP addresses of your customers. This means that your customers will immediately see product prices in their own currency. However, they can always choose another country if they wish.

Additionally, if you use Shopify Payments as your checkout solution, you can set custom product prices by country. This feature is also available with the Advance plan of Shopify.

list allocation

To avoid potential shortage problems, Shopify offers to distribute your inventory between your e-commerce and other points of sale or storage. The number of slots you can set depends on the formula selected:

  • Basic: Up to 4 sites
  • Shopify: Up to 5 sites
  • Upgraded: Up to 8 slots
  • Shopify Plus: Up to 20 locations

With these plans, you can allocate your inventory to individual stores, pop-up stores, and storage warehouses.

augmented reality

How to make an Augmented Reality Application?

Augmented Reality is one of the biggest e-commerce trends of recent years. It provides a smooth and immersive experience to the internet users. Thanks to this, they can virtually try your products, which increases the chances of conversion.

With Shopify plans, you’ll be able to add it to your store, provided you purchase an additional extension. With Shopify Plus, you get this option automatically.

Shopify or Shopify Plus: Which to Choose?

With its 4 scalable formulas, Shopify is intended for VSEs in the launch phase or growing SMEs. This offer will be suitable for freelancers and companies with less than 10 employees.

If you make $1 million (or more) in monthly revenue, then Shopify Plus is a better option. It brings together all the features of the various Shopify formulas with a dose of customization, support, speed, and added technicality. This is the most complete offer to boost your sales and increase your notoriety!

Need help choosing your Shopify formula and building your online store? Whatever the formula, use a freelance Shopify developer. To do this, post an ad on and find a freelancer to accompany you!

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