
Open sandwich shop in 2022

The sandwich market does not know the crisis. Even if the ham and butter sandwich is a must among the French, it is also a market that promises great opportunities for many potential adaptations. The sandwich is suited for customers, for diets, for regions. It has everything to please! Do you want to start and open a sandwich shop? Follow Our Guide!

What training to open a sandwich shop?

No prior diploma is required to open a sandwich shop. Whatever your school background or your professional background, you can open a sandwich shop independently. Experience in catering or business management is a real plus!

But even if no diploma is necessary, some training is required to open a sandwich shop. You must follow a training course on sanitation and public health regulations (HACCP standards) lasting 14 hours and given by the National Training Center for Safety and the Environment. If you sell alcoholic beverages, you must also have a license depending on the type of beverage sold, which includes taking training in the sale of alcohol.

Again, nothing prevents you from following specific training courses in management, accounting, cooking, management to have all the keys to completing your sandwich shop project at hand. Add to that motivation and passion, and you put all the chances in your favor to succeed!

Steps to open a sandwich shop

develop a concept

The fast food sector, and take-out in particular, continues to grow. To ensure the success of your project, it is important to define the concept of your sandwich shop. There are already a myriad of food shops offering sandwiches, so it’s a question of defining your project to differentiate yourself from competitors and attract new customers. The possibilities are immense. But in order to help you, realizing a business plan is an essential task.

It allows to analyze the market, competition, target customers. This allows you to understand the demand and thus optimize your offer and your concept. Here are some questions you should ask yourself:

  • What type of food do I want to cook/offer (fresh, local, organic, original,…)?
  • At what value position would I place myself?
  • What types of customers are targeted (students, professionals, etc.)
  • Who are my direct and indirect competitors and what are their strengths and weaknesses?
  • Which image do I want to send back? (Traditional, Modern, Green,…)?

You can also choose between a sandwich shop at a fixed location or a mobile truck. In this case, obligation and strategy are separate.


For a traveling sandwich shop, you must obtain a professional travel business card from the prefecture, then request a location permit from the town hall(s) of the towns where you wish to establish, if this is your city of business. outside the municipality. ,

Ultimately, franchised or independent, it is also to be decided. Both have advantages and disadvantages. It is up to you which method of management suits you best.

work on your finances

Developing a business plan is related to another aspect, which is just as important: the financial management of your project. In fact, it includes the second part on the financial analysis of opening your sandwich shop. Through this analysis, you can estimate the cost (rent/purchase of premises, fittings, materials, equipment, stock, starting cash flow, etc.) and projected income and thus define the profitability and viability of your project .

This document will be required exclusively by the financial partners if you want to use a financial solution like a bank loan.

find a strategic location

Whether you opt for a fixed location or a mobile truck, the choice of location for your sandwich shop is essential. It should be according to the location of your concept, your customers, your competitors.

A busy location near high schools, universities, shops or train stations will increase your visibility. Also make sure the room or location is easily accessible, for example, with a parking lot nearby or on the subway exit.

If you choose to open a mobile sandwich shop, you will usually need to request authorization from the town hall to temporarily occupy the public domain in exchange for a fee. Similarly, if your premises allow you to extend a terrace to an outdoor space such as a sidewalk, you will also need to obtain a roof by applying for a temporary business permit.

Choose the Right Professional Insurance

Before you begin, you should also think about getting professional insurance to protect you from the risks associated with your new activity. At a minimum, professional liability insurance is mandatory. It covers you for damages caused to third parties, such as material, immaterial or physical damages: customer fall, food poisoning, etc.

If you choose a mobile sandwich shop, you should definitely insure your truck with auto insurance. Professional multiple-risk is a more complete insurance that usually includes CPR, premises, equipment, legal protection, etc.

Equip yourself with the right tools

The quality of your food preparation reflects the image of your sandwich shop and should satisfy your customers.

A distinction is made between sandwich shops that make their sandwiches on site, which is a traditional activity, and those that have ready-made sandwiches.

The former should be equipped with all the necessary equipment and kitchen utensils. Depending on your needs (for example cooking hot or only cold), the cost may vary but still represent a good portion of the initial investment.

In addition to the kitchen part, other equipment is necessary to manage your activity. In particular, you must have an archiving solution that is quick and easy to use. The mobile payment terminal and touchscreen cash register are perfectly suited for a sandwich shop.

Accounting software allows you to manage and meet your accounting obligations. An online accountant can also help you with these time-consuming tasks. Finally, other tools may be useful to you, such as website building software for example.

What is the legal status of opening a sandwich shop?

The choice of legal status is important and has implications for many aspects (fiscal, social, legal, etc.). If you start alone, your choice will be between micro-enterprise (often not recommended due to its limited business), sole proprietorship, EIRL, SASU or EURL. If you are two or more partners, you will move to a SARL or SAS type of business company.

Do not hesitate to consult our Comparative Table of Legal Forms for a more clear view or for any legal techniques involved in the choice of your legal framework.

As we mentioned, a sandwich shop can be either a craft activity if you make sandwiches on site, or a commercial one if you simply sell them without further processing. In the first case, the manufacturing process will be carried out with the Chamber of Trades. In the second case, it will be with the Chamber of Commerce.

What are the rules and standards for opening a sandwich shop?

We have already mentioned several obligations which include:

  • HACCP training to be able to sell food;
  • Application for a professional travel business card to be able to manage a traveling sandwich shop;
  • Request for authorization of location for setting up in a city with a mobile truck.

As a business that welcomes the public, you must also ensure that you comply with access and safety regulations: reception of people with reduced mobility, evacuation rules, fire detection, etc.

A number of performance obligations are also imposed on food businesses. You must display on the outside and inside of your sandwich shop:

  • prices;
  • menu, composition of sandwiches, as well as allergies and food origin;
  • no smoking sign;
  • Demonstrations related to the protection of minors and the consumption of alcohol if you sell it.

DDPP also requires a declaration form for sale of products of animal origin. Lastly, if you broadcast music, you must also contribute to SACEM.

Other obligations may exist depending on the type of sandwich shop you open (for example, selling organic products).


If you open a sandwich shop in a certain location, an announcement must be made at least 15 days before the town hall opens.

It will then provide you with an operating permit authorizing you to open your restaurant. With regard to opening hours, they are regulated by the prefecture.

If it’s a mobile sandwich shop, make sure your truck complies with the rules:

  • The vehicle’s gray card must include the words “VASP Store”;
  • The gas cylinder must be kept outside in the vehicle;
  • The presence of a fire extinguisher is mandatory.

There are many rules and it is important to follow them to avoid any inconvenience later. So don’t forget to find out about your project.

questions to ask

Can we open a sandwich shop without contribution?

It is possible to open a sandwich shop without contributing, ensuring that the project is adapted to your means. Help may also be available. Finally, consider alternative financing solutions such as crowdfunding campaigns or love money.

What are the rules for opening a sandwich shop?

The responsibilities of opening a sandwich shop are simple but numerous. They are related to cleanliness, security, protection of minors and even mandatory declarations.

What training to open a sandwich shop?

To open a sandwich shop, you will need to undergo training on hygiene (HACCP standards) and training to become licensed to sell alcoholic beverages if this is part of your activity. No other degree is required.

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