
Leaders may be confident about the future, but their health is often put aside

For more than 3 years, the life of business leaders has been surrounded by several crises, including a highly strained economic context (inflation, energy crisis, etc.). A half-hearted position, which inevitably had an impact on his activities, his finances, and overall his health, whether physical or even moral. Although the success of a company depends on many factors, such as business strategy, innovation, human resource management, but the health of the leaders should not be neglected at all. In fact, it can have a direct impact on a company’s stability, such as poor decision-making, poorly developed strategies, or lack of human investment in the face of poor physical condition.

However, although the well-being of leaders is one of the cornerstones of a company, many business leaders underestimate it. A fact finding related to the ninth barometer, “The Attitude and State of Mind of Managers of VSE, SME and ETI in 2023” conducted by MMA Foundation of Entrepreneurs of the Future in association with OpinionWay and conducted with 1,500 managers. can last. This shows that regardless of the level of confidence in a recovered future, levels of stress and perceptions of sacrifice remain present in the daily lives of leaders.

confidence is coming

Despite the deep turmoil affecting the business world, the study shows that leaders are showing resilience and have a positive outlook on the future. In fact, in the middle of the year, 58% of business leaders say they are confident about the future of their businesscompared to 51% in 2022. A rate that varies according to the age of the leader as well as the size of his structure. For example, it is even higher among those under 50, 65% of whom are confident.

in parallel, The “larger” the company, the higher the level of trust: 56% among VSEs, 65% for SMEs and 83% among ETIs. A position summarized by Sylvie Bonello, General Delegate of the MMA Foundation Entrepreneurs of the Future “The Foundation has been questioning French women and men leaders about their physical and mental fitness status for 9 years. This year, the survey is the first to tell us that our business leaders are renewing their confidence in the future. This level of confidence goes hand in hand with motivation, and 31% of business leaders say they are ready to take on new challenges.

Such a position that it is still good to qualify. In fact, although they are confident of the future of their business, One-third of business leaders recognize the need to be cautious in their strategic choices. Furthermore, one in four leaders adopt a wait-and-see attitude and will adjust their decisions according to future events. Apart from this, a certain kind of fatigue seems to be creeping in among some leaders. In fact, 18% of them admitted that they are feeling discouraged and are no longer planning to start new projects in the coming months. This figure is rising, as last year the proportion stood at 14%.

Leaders’ priority is not always health

Beyond trust levels, the study also analyzed the health status of business leaders. According to this, 83% of them say they have good physical healthThe proportion is even higher among respondents under 50, at 86%. As far as psychological health is concerned, 77% of respondents also claim to be in good shape, a percentage that remains stable from year to year, but is affected by the stressors they face. Furthermore, 38% of business leaders do not feel at risk of developing a physical or psychological health problem, addiction or even isolation.

However, not all leaders are in the same boat. In fact, This area greatly affects their well-being and some areas of activity are the source of diseases. For example, among farmers, only 65% ​​of respondents consider themselves to be in good physical health, and 59% in good psychological health. These statistics highlight the specific health challenges that some businesses face.

Furthermore, even though most people have a good overall state of health, 70% of entrepreneurs report at least one pain or physical disorder (back pain).

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