
Increase your productivity with the 60-60-30 method

According to a study by the Draugiem group, employees who take a 17-minute break for every 52 minutes of work are more productive than others. Knowing that the average employee experiences 56 interruptions in a work day, it is important to find a technique to optimize their time and make the most of it.

To help you out, try the 60-60-30 method! What is this about? How to apply it? All the answers are in this article!

60-60-30 Method: Definition and Concept

60-60-30 Method There is a time management technique that allows you to divide your work hours into several sequences. The goal is to maximize your concentration and, therefore, to increase your performance.

The technique is based on natural human biorhythms, specifically by alternating work phases and relaxation sessions.

Simply put, it is a question of distributing your working day as follows:

  • 50 minutes of intense concentration at work;
  • 10 minutes rest break;
  • 50 minutes of work;
  • 10+30 minute break…

The first 50 minutes are reserved for intense work without any distractions. This means: no phone calls, checking email, chatting with a co-worker or social media. You cut everything off and close your office door (or put headphones on if you’re in an open space).

Then you take a 10-minute break during which you can get up, stretch, drink coffee, walk, etc.

Jump! When the break is over, you return to work for another 50 minutes. This time, you can optionally turn notifications back on or be available to your coworkers.

The session ends with a break of 10 + 30 minutes. This time, you can do a “little” relaxing activity, like calling a friend, checking your Instagram feed, or drinking a cup of tea, and then enjoy a wonderful relaxing moment. You can take a nap, take a yoga session or take a lunch break.

You resume at this rhythm until the end of the day and the trick is played!

5 Steps to Implementing the 60-60-30 Method

The 60-60-30 method is simpler to set up, but it still requires prior preparation. Here are 5 steps to increase productivity with this technique!

1. Prepare in advance

For 50 minutes of work with total concentration you should know in advance what work to do during this period. If it’s not clear which mission you have to complete, you’ll have a hard time concentrating for 50 minutes.

So, work with the to-do list with priority. If possible, update it as you go through your day. In the evening, make a list of priority missions for the next day. When you go to work, you’ll know what to do in the first 50 minutes.

2. Get Rid of Distractions

For the 60-60-30 method to work, you need to be able to keep all potential distractions out. Turn off your phone, log out of social media, put your smartphone on silent, exit your inbox, etc.

If you work from home, ask people around you not to disturb you. It’s best to be able to isolate yourself in one room.

3. Find a Timer

It is important to set a timer for 50 minutes. If you constantly have to look at the time, you will get distracted. You can adjust your smartphone or install applications such as Windows “Alarms & Clock”, Free Alarm Clock, Weeny Free Alarm Clock or Easy Timer on your computer. You can also use it during your break.

4. Use 10 Minute Breaks Effectively

When it’s time to rest for 10 minutes, use that time to completely unplug from work. Leave your office, have breakfast, get some fresh air, have a drink, talk to a coworker… in short, switch off and regain your strength. Plus, getting up and walking keeps some blood flowing for the next 50 minutes, which will give you some energy.

5. Eat Healthy in 30 Minute Breaks

A 30-minute break from the 60-60-30 method allows you to go to lunch. However, if you want to increase your productivity, then opt for a healthy and balanced diet. If you overeat, you risk losing energy during the next phase of work.

Opt for a menu based on fresh ingredients rich in vitamins and minerals, without forgetting the good contribution of protein!


If you want to improve your productivity, the 60-60-30 method may be the ideal solution! turn to try…

Your workload doesn’t decrease despite your productivity? Assign Some Missions to Freelancers! Solicit their bid for free by posting a project.

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