
How to open tree climbing in 2022?

Tourism is a lucrative sector in France, representing 7.13% of GDP in 2016. Since confinement, the French and tourists are becoming more in touch with nature. Outdoor activities are very popular. For example, the number of treehouse openings has doubled in recent years. The popularity of tree climbing has also increased. So, if you want to open up climbing a tree, then this article is for you.

What is tree climbing?

Tree climbing is a perfect activity if you want to enjoy a fun and sporty moment in the forest. Suitable for all ages, various routes have been set up with different levels in the trees to guide the travelers and ensure their safety. However, equipment installed in trees is mobile and is removed at the end of the activity.

Indeed, it is these nuances that differentiate tree climbing from the PAH, an acrobatic course at altitude, which consists of fixed equipment. The PAHs are placed on natural supports which make it possible to build a number of pathways to form a true establishment for physical and sporting activity, commonly referred to as EAPS.

Who can open by climbing a tree?

It is necessary to obtain some authorization to open Acrobranch. In fact, you must be a state-recognized qualified trainer or be an employee of an association, club, or company. Note, tree climbing is a tourist activity, it is important that you remember to master English.

You should also know that PAH and tree climbing are controlled by youth and sports officials of DDCSPP (Departmental Directorate of Social Cohesion and Population Protection).

What are the rules for opening tree climbing?

To open a tree climbing course, you will need to obtain the following documents from your town hall:

  • PLU (Local Urban Planning);
  • environmental classification of the site;
  • an operating agreement or development permit;
  • POS (Land Use Planning).

They are necessary to be able to start the construction site.

The operating status depends on the National Forestry Office of the Departmental Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry. Some conditions may vary depending on the locality. Do not forget to contact the organization before starting work.

You have to declare yourself to DDJS (Departmental Directorate of Youth and Sports) at least two months in advance. The organization can then provide you with a membership number.

6 Tips to Open a Tree Climbing Course with Complete Peace of Mind

1 – Study the market

Before starting your tree climbing openings, we recommend that you conduct a market study. You need to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is there competition in my area? If so how can I isolate myself?
  • Who are my customers? What are their habits?
  • How is my region changing?
  • Are customers satisfied?
  • What are the needs of my customers?

This market study will allow you to define your project, target your customers and finally understand the opportunities and risks.

2 – Create a business plan

The business plan is a document that you will be able to present to your investors or your potential partners. In other words, it is a detailed report of the project.

You can start your business plan by presenting your project, your values, and your team. Then combine your market research with your analysis on supply and demand. Then, define your business strategy, i.e. your proposition, your marketing approach, your services and the values ​​you want to determine. Don’t hesitate to create a graphic charter (logo, colors, slogan) to present your company’s identity. Finally, to confirm the viability of your project to investors, you can include a forecast financial document such as a forecast income statement.

Pay attention to the look and clarity of your business plan. Everyone who consults it should be able to obtain the information sought.

3 – Choose the right location

It takes 3 to 7 weeks to build a treetop course. This is an investment that will commit both your finances and your energy. So to avoid any kind of trouble, keep these things in mind:

  • choose a woodlot;
  • Check that your area is quite touristy and that your location is accessible;
  • Locate the location to check that the location is suitable for work;
  • Remember to choose a place rich with natural supports to facilitate the installation of equipment and the feasibility of the project.

Note, you don’t only have to set up a course. You will also need to think about setting up a chalet, storage space, toilet and a bar to welcome visitors.

4 – Define a strict and clear security procedure

Tree climbing is an activity in the midst of nature, so it is necessary to take measures to respect the environment. Don’t hesitate to remind visitors not to throw their garbage on the ground and to point out trash cans on site with signs.

Courses can go up to 20 meters high. To avoid accidents as much as possible, make sure visitors are supervised. Trainers should remember safety instructions and the use of equipment before each start of a session.

Tree climbing courses should be supervised by qualified sports coaches. Instructors accompany people throughout the course. Participants are equipped with PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) i.e. harness, lanyard and connectors. It is essential that each participant is always connected to a lifeline on the course.

For all courses where practitioners’ feet are more than one meter off the ground, mass equipment (nets, mattresses, railings) is mandatory.

5 – Invest in the right equipment

Your equipment is part of your security process. We recommend you invest in quality equipment. This will avoid unpleasant surprises and allow you to keep them longer. Do not hesitate to compare online or seek advice from a specialist shop.

6 – Communicate on your tree climbing opening

For your business to work, your customers need to know about your opening. To do this, you can create an account on social networks and start communicating about your activity. Don’t hesitate to visit neighboring businesses to make yourself known.

You can also make your mark by distributing flyers to which you indicate an introductory offer. For example, you can indicate a 10% discount to travelers during a certain time-limited period or during events such as the start of school holidays…

What are the other obligations to open tree climbing?

open a business bank account

You have to do a lot of transactions for your business. We advise you to open a professional bank account to simplify your management. You can compare among several professional banks and choose the best bank that suits your needs.

Choose the Right Management Software

Your new business is going to take you a long time. Try to invest in effective software to facilitate your management. Consider getting cash register software as well as a TPE. Accounting is an important part of entrepreneurship, don’t hesitate to invest in accounting solutions to free your time. If you have multiple employees, you can also use the planning management tool.

insure your business

Your park will get the public to do an activity that involves risk. Hence it is necessary to take liability insurance. This insurance covers all damages, whether physical or physical. You have to choose multi-exposure insurance, this is what is most recommended for leisure parks.

questions to ask

What Budget to Open Tree Climbing?

To open tree climbing, it is necessary to plan a budget of between 3000€ and 6000€ depending on the construction and equipment.

Who can open by climbing a tree?

Any tree climbing course can be opened as long as there is a state-qualified sports coach at the activity site.

What does PAH mean?

PAH stands for Acrobatic Course at Height. Tree climbing is part of this category of outdoor activity.

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