
How to open a security company in 2022?

The security market is a rapidly growing market. With an average growth of 5% per year and an annual turnover of 30 billion euros, the demand for this sector is growing rapidly. Do you want to open a security company? We give you all the keys to make a company in this field.

Which diploma to open a security company?

To form a security company, it is imperative to obtain professional cards and undergo training for CNAPS (National Council for Private Security Activities) approval. The CNAPS is a public administrative police establishment attached to the Ministry of the Interior. If you want to open a company in the security sector, then its approval is mandatory.

The training requested will be different if you wish to run the company and/or practice operationally.

To be able to lead in operations

You must have a professional title. It is either:

  • a security and security company executive title issued by institutions such as JPM Conseil or Formaplus;
  • Or the title Security and Personal Protection Manager issued by ASP Bodyguard.

It is also accepted to obtain a professional license in the safety of goods and people with the security business option. Finally, you can also complete this training at ENSP, which provides training for private security company managers.

You may be exempted from this obligation to obtain executive approval if:

  • you are a judicial police officer, army officer or non-commissioned officer;
  • that you benefit from verification of experience as a security company manager for at least 2 years between 2003 and 2008;
  • or if you are civil servants of categories A and B, who have served under the conditions defined by the decree.

to exercise in operation

If you want to practice in the field, you will need to obtain a CQP (Certification of Professional Qualification). There are many types. On the one hand, CQP is APS for prevention and protection agents. It lasts for approximately 180 hours and after that you will start an internship after prior authorization from CNAPS. CQP ASC is a certification for sinophile security guards. It stays for around 350 hours. You will learn obedience, training, animal knowledge and veterinary skills. To receive this certificate, you must have an 18-month-old dog recognized by your training establishment. Other training courses at the RNCP (National Directory of Professional Certificates also accepted). Here too, authorization from CNAPS is required to access the training.

good to know

At the end of this training, you will receive a CNAPS professional card, which will be valid for 5 years.

What are the Different Types of Security Companies?

security companies

If you form a security company, your main mission will be to supervise buildings. Companies operate mainly in buildings but also in factories and warehouses. You will create security strategies against theft, damage, attacks and fire. The activities of security companies are considered business activities. So you have to register with Chamber of Commerce and Industry. This type of company requires managerial, commercial and technical skills to master the applicable regulations. That’s why we advise you to take the training to fully master your field.

fire protection companies

Your team will be made up of fire protection and personal support service agents. Please note that these must be SSIAP certified. It consists of several levels:

  • 1 for officers of the fire protection service;
  • 2 for team leaders;
  • For Heads of Departments 3.


Former firefighters, military firefighters of the Army, Air Force and Navy can benefit from equivalency by pursuing additional training.

Your main tasks will be:

  • control and maintenance of security installations;
  • aid to people in danger;
  • To evacuate it from the public in case of fire;
  • Raising awareness and prevention of the risks of fire outbreaks.

This activity is also considered commercial. Therefore you have to register in the register of Chamber of Commerce and Industry. To work in this type of company, it is important to master the materials, fire and safety regulations.

cctv companies

Remote Monitoring Company aims to remotely monitor security and alarm equipment and systems. As with your detection system, it will be your duty to alert owners and send an agent to the scene in case an alarm is triggered. This activity is considered artisanal. If you choose this type of company, you will need to register with the Chamber of Trades and Crafts. Apart from this, Craft Diploma or 3 years experience is necessary. This type of company requires genuine rigor, good interpersonal skills, and great accountability.

Finally, apart from these 3 main types, there are other professions you can pursue as a private security company. For example, you can pursue an activity as an independent security guard (vigilante, bouncer, etc.), independent dog handler, fund transporter, or private detective. The first two are also considered commercial activities and require registration in the Register of Commerce and Companies.

What are the rules for opening a security company?

The process of opening a security company is highly regulated. The authorization process requires several conditions.

First, you must have the nationality of a country in the European Economic Area or have a reciprocal agreement with France (USA, Mali, Monaco, Gabon, Togo, Switzerland, Senegal, Central African Republic, Congo-Brazzaville, Andorra). , Canada and Algeria).

Second, your criminal record must not contain any corrective or criminal convictions. You must not have been subject to eviction or individual and collective bankruptcy.

Third, you must have the necessary skills and professional qualifications to justify the training (CQP or equivalent) described above. Approval from CNAPS and obtaining a professional card is mandatory. Also, it is imperative that you take professional liability insurance.

Until recently, you would need to be licensed to exercise in CNAPS. This is valid for one establishment. Exercising without it can result in a fine of €45,000 and up to 3 years in prison.


If you want to open a remote surveillance company, be aware that you will need to obtain authorization from the prefecture’s Video Security Commission. The authorization is valid for 5 years and is renewable.

It obliges you to keep a register of recordings made, declare the location of cameras to the prefecture and notify the public about the presence of cameras by signs.

What is the legal status of forming a security company?

You can choose to become self-employed provided you exercise in complete freedom. If you plan to deploy a large project and you want to develop your activity, which is surrounded by partners and/or collaborators, you can choose to open a company. The company can be opened either as SASU or SAS.

What Qualities Are Required to Open a Security Company?

To get started in this activity, you’ll need to be organized and rigorous. Whether you work independently or decide to surround yourself with colleagues, you have to be immutable in your schedule and management of your teams. To manage your schedule, if you want to have your agenda online available for your customers to make contacts, you can consider installing a CRM software as well as an online appointment scheduling tool.

Working in a security company also requires good physical health, empathy and being able to manage distress or risky situations.

Opening a Security Company: 5 Key Steps

study the market

In order to open your own security business, it is important that you do market research. This will allow you to understand the key market trends, customer needs and expectations, and the level of competition in the area you are targeting.

To that end, you will be able to determine which sector you want to target, the proposition you want to offer and how to differentiate yourself in the market. Keep in mind that the security/security sector is a rapidly growing sector and has the highest weight on the security market with around 20 billion euros. The feeling of insecurity and current technology sets the road for a good future for this sector.

Select type of services

It’s important to be careful about the type of services you choose to offer. Indeed, as mentioned earlier, each type of service has its own set of rules and may require additional training.

set up a business plan

The business plan is a document that verifies that the project is financially viable. This is very important for your funding requests. It includes a section detailing the company’s strategy and the company’s financial plan. You must present your company, your proposal, your investment and personnel forecast as well as the financial plan with a forecast balance sheet.

Equip yourself with the right tools

Material means mainly include company vehicles, stock of surveillance equipment, staff uniforms, office furniture, computers.

In terms of personnel, in addition to security officers (vigilantes or dog handlers), you’ll need administrative staff, specialized technicians, sales representatives to set up equipment, and if necessary, agents in charge of remote monitoring.

find customer

To find customers, we recommend you set up a marketing plan. You will be able to attract your first customers by gaining visibility. If you are targeting a professional clientele, you can do cold calling, attend trade fairs and build a website.

If you’re targeting a specific client, we recommend submitting prospectuses to the targeted districts, building partnerships with rental management agencies, and being active on social networks.

questions to ask

How to find clients for security company?

To find customers, we recommend setting up a marketing plan tailored to suit a particular or professional clientele.

What budget to start a security company?

What training to open a security company?

To open a security company, you must obtain a CQS to justify your skills. If you want to run a business, you must obtain a manager’s license.

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