
How does a server work? – Blog Coder

A server is a computer device that takes a physical form, intended to provide a number of services to users. They are generally required for businesses.

There are many different types of servers, which can vary in purpose and how they work. In any case, their maintenance is essential and should be done by a competent professional. Don’t hesitate to contact a server maintenance professional at!

We take you through the main servers and how they work.

What is a Server?

Server is a powerful IT tool that allows equipped computers easy access to the web through file sharing, and also provides secure data storage.

This makes it possible to connect computers in the network, but also the company’s printers and guarantees good functioning of online sales or work platforms in the network. It is also a powerful tool for managing email.

When we talk about servers we can hear two definitions: hardware and software.

Hardware servers are also called hardware servers. It is a high-performance box or hard disk, which is installed on a network computer and greatly improves its power. Its role is to connect computers and software in a network to allow the exchange of information internally. It is also the box that stores and processes the recorded data.

Software takes the form of server software. It can be used on one or more computers, depending on its use.

Its main role is to distribute the assigned functions to the computer on which it is installed. There are three software servers: systems, programming and application software.

Main types of servers and how they work.

A server operates using its own security system that aims to strengthen the security of your company’s data. It operates continuously, which allows your employees to work on their computers whenever they want, or for updates and service provider intervention for system maintenance.

Thanks to this, each employee works under a protected network, wherever they are. The server performs its functions in complete autonomy according to the protocol it would have been ordered upstream to. For greater security, it may be interesting to set up a network administrator who will ensure maintenance and give you access to the data stored in the server, if necessary. It is also the element that will protect your server from security breaches and keep it in good standing.

However, there are several types of servers, each with its own uniqueness. Here is a brief overview.

How does a DNS server work?


The translation of DNS servers is done by the Domain Name System. Its role is to translate the domain names of websites into IP addresses.

It essentially works across the network. It is set up to easily identify various websites and acts like a directory, identifying an IP address for each website which is recorded by the server for the purpose of protecting and identifying the actions taken on the computer. goes. These correspondences established between domain names and IP addresses are called “DNS records”.

How FTP Server Works?

FTP server is a tool that allows you to send and retrieve files to and from another server. Its full name is File Transfer Protocol. It works by establishing two separate connections between the client computer and the server: a connection that allows file commands and a connection that allows file transfers. Once these connections are established, the client computer can download the files it wants from the server, or transfer them to the selected server.

Often, FTP servers operate without encryption, resulting in a low level of security and data protection. This can mainly be blamed on the FTP server. However, in the context of hosting a website, FTP servers are primarily used to store files that allow the site to display it at a specified URL.

So the risks are not so great if the FTP server is combined with some other type of more secure server that will guarantee the confidentiality of your users’ data.

How does web server work?

A web server is a device that allows for the storage of data that allows your website to function once online. It can be static or dynamic depending on your needs and possibilities.

A static web server consists of a computer and an HTTP server, which takes the form of software. The static web server transfers hosted files to the server unchanged.

A dynamic web server is made up of complementary software elements, such as an application server and a database. The server is dynamic because, unlike a static web server, hosted files are updated by the application server before they are shared with the HTTP server.

Therefore the web server must host the elements that allow the website to function properly once put online. These elements are HTML documents, images, Javascript files, videos and font files…

The web server is always running and always connected to the Internet, which allows your site to work 24 hours a day. When you want to connect to your website, the browser you are using sends a request to the web server that hosts your files. The server then processes the request and reads the file, updates it if it is dynamic and transfers it to the browser.

How does a file server work?

File servers allow centralization and access to common files by all authorized users. Often these servers are installed by companies that network and require an online workspace. Employees can then easily work on common files and shared folders via the server or using business applications.

A file server is a relatively secure tool, as only associates authorized by the system administrator have access to it. In addition, people have to identify themselves before accessing shared files and folders, which further strengthens data security.

File servers can be accomplished by an authorization structure, which allows each user to read, modify, or create files according to the permitted actions. It is also possible to store individual or more specialized files on a file server, accessible only to a specific range of collaborators.

File servers often operate through a local area network, also known as a LAN. It is part of the operating system of the computers in your fleet and enables group work and peer-to-peer collaboration. It is necessary to allow efficient processing of files in companies. To operate optimally, file servers must be administered regularly and storage must be monitored to improve efficiency.

Employees who are not on site can access file servers by connecting to the company network via a VPN that extends the professional network to the employees’ local network.

How does a proxy server work?

A proxy server is an intermediary between the web and your computer. It ensures the security and confidentiality of the data shared and received at various levels, which are determined by the type of use of the web, the needs of your employees or company policy.

Simply put, a proxy server sees Internet traffic before it reaches you, and vice versa. It acts as a firewall and filter for the web to protect you from malware and potential security vulnerabilities. The proxy server can also create shared network connections and cache data so that your requests can be processed faster. So it’s quite an effective safety net.

Our tip for choosing the right server for your needs.

Which servers you might find useful depends on your needs as a business or freelancer. They should be selected for their efficiency and in such a way that they are compatible with the IT tools you use on a daily basis.

Whether it’s building your website, sharing your files, or protecting your network, it can be interesting to choose an effective combination of servers.

Choose to rely on a freelancer who collaborates on to assist you with this process and benefit from a quality turnkey service.

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