
Outsourcing: A Dangerous Strategy?

Everything is just a click away! Because of social charges, but only infrequent needs, companies choose to outsource looking for competent people that it would be too expensive to have in-house. Implementation outsourcing represents an operation that should be widely thought of upstream. All aspects should be taken into account and all possible limitations of the identified model should be taken into account to avoid finding oneself in a critical situation in the short, medium or long term. Focus on outsourcing.

When you are a small business, the solution to outsourcing seems obvious, but you can see it, it is essential to clearly identify the ins and outs to not find yourself in a dead end. Many companies urge their employees to get a map of tasks, which not only results in a waste of time, but also those that require external skills and thus identify tasks to be outsourced. .

Different stages of outsourcing

When using outsourcing, it is better to minimize the risks. A few simple steps have to be put into practice. Get recommendations from other trusted customers or people you trust. Be sure to collect several offers so that you can choose the most interesting for yourself in terms of quality / price ratio. Once the offer is received, draw up a contract. Even in the case of a short-term project, legal and financial protection remains essential. Then write a precise file so that the person in charge of the task can understand it in an intelligible way and implement it properly. This is an important step. Also indicate a time frame that will be mentioned in both the file and the contract. Never overlook this point because promises fly away, as you well know, and the writing lasts. Plan any modifications within it. In the event of non-compliance with the requested work, these must be provided by the performer to guarantee the optimum result.

Major Difficulties of Outsourcing in France

Outsourcing sometimes means not managing production completely. You should be aware that a lack of geographic proximity with the person performing part of the service can slow down communication between your teams and the performer, and lead to a lack of coordination. Quality, which you no longer control, can also pose a problem, especially when it is less than promised. The flexibility and availability of an external service provider may depend not only on you but also on other services it will have to perform for other customers like you and prioritize if it turns out to be a better source. of benefit to him. And this, even if you manage to have the right to see the progress of the mission.

Additional challenges at the international level

In the context of international outsourcing, additional barriers can be added to the first and magnify the disadvantages: language, differences in production standards, production conditions, political unrest… all of these barriers must be removed. Should be taken into account and anticipated to avoid the upstream inconvenience that many companies experience. In many cases, companies wishing to outsource all or part of their activity find themselves on the carpet and have to return their activity to France and leave some feathers there! Today this outsourcing has been put into question due to pandemic, war, climate crisis, which shows that outsourcing to the other side of the world can make a company a dangerous strategy which will surely accelerate its growth. Makes it possible but which can prove to be dangerous!

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