
Going to set up your business…in the provinces, dream or reality?

You’ve spent several weekends in May in the provinces and this Pentecost weekend confirms your idea of ​​packing your bags once and for all in the provinces. Have you long dreamed of leaving the capital and its suburbs and setting up your business in the provinces in order to lead a better life and enjoy your moments of rest? You dream of a rural environment to forget the traffic jams and transportation that annoy you every morning. Is it possible ?

All the people who move to the provinces or who want to move to the provinces are looking for a better quality of life above all. but also a favorable economic environment for their development.

Too stressed in Paris, they often taste the joys of the provinces during the holidays. They call it quits to return to Paris to work with a certain nostalgia. Thus his idea of ​​settling in the provinces becomes universal. Moreover, the fields provide them with interesting opportunities and even help them to settle down. He disguised himself and set out to build a business in the provinces thanks to his expertise.

TGV, aircraft and new technologies a winning combination

Today, it is possible to sell your products and services from anywhere in France and around the world with an internet connection. In addition, TGV has reduced the distance. In addition, it breaks the time record (it takes about 2 hours to go from Nantes to Paris). The Internet now makes it possible to work in a network, with suppliers from all over Europe, among others, and employees located all over the world.

Settlement in the provinces, an economic issue!

Relocating to the provinces also means reducing costs. In addition, rents for an office or commercial premises (storage, retail) are sometimes 5 times lower in the provinces than in the Paris region … and this in large provincial cities too. Wages are also lower there than in Ile-de-France.

Areas are just waiting for you!

Creators in this area are especially welcome. For example, they are offered reception structures such as economic development agencies. In particular, in the Nantes region, they are supported by the CCI, the local authorities or the local associations. In some cases, tailor-made assistance will be offered, or even financial or physical support (campus, computer equipment, etc.) will be offered.

Some examples of companies that have chosen the province

Bordeaux, a region that seduces

ManoMano, a pioneer in online DIY and gardening, settled in Paris in the Bordeaux region after 5 years of development. The company now has over 2 million customers and 1,600 merchants. It has become an international platform, present in 6 European markets. After fundraising 60 million euros in 2017, he decided to continue his adventure in Bordeaux. For managers, it is an easily accessible metropolis (TGV, plane, river, etc.) and, moreover, an attractive economic center. In addition, the city’s position in terms of notoriety for the good life allows it to attract the best talent in tech. In particular, developers need to develop it.

Nantes St Nazaire, an attractive center

Half of the companies founded in Nantes Saint-Nazaire in 2018 are from Île-de-France: Safir, Ferricides Pharma, Mystras…. Some 40 companies are from Île-de-France, a symbol of the region’s attractiveness. This is because they find a pool of qualified employees in Nantes. Among these companies established in the region, IT services companies (Inside Groupe, Nova Technologies), e-commerce solutions companies (Vante-Privée Groupe, Sertio), or start-ups serving new consumption patterns (Via Terroirs) Are. To whom this field was a choice. Furthermore, the rise of activities related to artificial intelligence such as Syllabs (editing robots), Okin (health) or silent sensors (IoT) shows how dynamic this field is.

For all these entrepreneurs, the choice of setting up in the metropolis of Nantes Saint-Nazaire is strategic for their activity, both in terms of its economic dynamism and its proximity to Paris.

So, it’s time to go!

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