
Freelancer: How to improve your client management?

When you’re a freelancer and alone on board, it can be difficult to manage everything, especially without a powerful tool or good organization. When projects follow one another, it becomes complicated to be well organized and attentive. And this is normal, when you are freelance you manage everything in your company: prospecting, marketing, social networks, missions and all administrative work in addition.

As a freelancer, your time is precious, so if you spend more time finding the information you need than pampering your clients, here are some tips to improve your organization and your client management as a freelancer. Here are our 5 suggestions for.

1. Centralize all information and documents in one place

This is the base! To be able to work well and be as efficient as possible in the least amount of time, you must be well organized. And it starts with centralizing all the documents and information you need for your work in one place, whether you use digital or paper format.

You need to create an organization that will allow you to find any information or any document in seconds. And for that, you need to know where to look and therefore where and how the information is stored.

With a good organization (whether by client or by project), you avoid wasting your time unnecessarily but also exhausting yourself unnecessarily. Also, it will save you from asking your customer for the same information multiple times.

For fans of paper, a good solution can be a binder with dividers ordered by the customer.

For digital fans, is a customizable and flexible project management platform. So you can adapt it to the way you work. You can even invite colleagues to your board: discussion is easy and straightforward. Handy when you need to quickly share information with your customers!

On, you also have the option of directly integrating Gmail, or any other mailbox, to make sure you don’t miss any important emails.

2. Facilitating Customer Requests

Another very important tip! Indeed, there is no business without customers or prospects. That’s why you should satisfy customer requests as much as possible and allow them to contact you easily and quickly.

For example, you can use a form to manage all incoming requests for new assignments, and then create a workflow for managing and responding to these requests.

With, you can integrate these forms directly into your workspace and thus provide a quick response to the requester through your company’s resource management dashboard. With a simple glance, you can estimate your workload for the software so you don’t overload yourself.

At the end of your assignment, also allows your clients to provide quick and easy feedback on your work.

Read also: Multi-Project Management: 6 Strategies to Avoid Stress

3. Monitor Deadline

When you’re self-employed, you always want to do more and always want to work longer hours. But it’s not the right solution: In the long run, you’ll burn yourself out of work and you’ll become discouraged and disenchanted with the world of entrepreneurship.

Instead, try to visualize each mission and break it down into larger steps to get an idea of ​​how long each mission task will take. This will give you better visibility of your workload and the time to dedicate to it. client projects follow up

Thanks to the ‘Time Tracking’ column of the software, you can follow the steps of your mission and the time required for it. This allows you to have specific goals and clear priorities to work at your own pace without getting tired. Thus you will do less but better work with a better organization and a more calm mind.

4. Set up automation

Automating repetitive administrative tasks is a significant time saver, especially when working alone. Plus, it helps reduce errors!

Thanks to, you’ll be able to integrate all of the tools you already use (such as Gmail, Dropbox, Zoom, Zapier and many more) so that you can stay on top of your business in case you need to change or migrate. without having to manage it from a central point. Everything on a new platform, a slow process and one that can be complicated to manage alone.

With, you can do it all: prospecting, email, administration and mission management.

5. Analyze Your KPIs

Analyzing your key performance indicators (or KPIs) is very important for the growth and direction you are going to give to your business.

Studying your KPIs will help you know how much you have won, how many new customers have contacted you, the total number of customers you have but above all, it allows you to see the growth of your business.


With, you can analyze all your different KPIs and their evolution over time all in one platform.

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