
duplicate content on the internet

Before regretting not paying attention to the plagiarism of your content, it is better to master the dangers of duplicate content. There’s no need to imagine copying content that’s already on the Internet to make your job easier, to enrich your site and add information: Google knows how to detect duplicate content, so don’t even try. Do… What are the problems with the material? Duplicate, how to assess risks and find solutions?

You want to improve your SEO and for this you should be careful to have unique content on the pages of your site, but also check that your content is not copied.

Duplicate Content? Kesko?

Content is considered duplicate when it is identical multiple times on the Internet. These are not just isolated words or phrases, but when the content copies a relatively large snippet from another site or the same site. Tolerance is kept at around 40% Similar text, but it is prudent to be far below this percentage.

url, unit of measure

The unit of measurement for Google is the url. You need to analyze the duplicate content by comparing one url to another url. If a character changes in the url, it’s another content to google.

Internal duplicate content on your site

If you have 2 different urls with the same content, duplicate content may be in your pages. Google will choose between 2 pages: so one page will be indexed. Therefore it is better that you create Unique Content in your site.

Also check from a technical point of view that your CMS does not generate duplicate content. All CMS, in general, are adjustable and they allow you to block certain parts. It is absolutely necessary to study all the scenarios to avoid duplicate content.

So, for example, if you offer three training programs that will be in the same location but with the same objective on each page, you’ll add the same audience. You create a great difficulty for referencing your pages by this repetition. You have to pay attention to details that seem insignificant to you and seek advice from Google to avoid any approval.

Duplicate content outside your site

It can only come from having .com and .fr. Suddenly, your own sites are fighting a duel. When someone copy and paste your content. And even more foolishly, you send your product sheet to, for example, Rue du Commerce. In the latter case, you have to give different and spoiled material.

Some competing e-commerce sites have almost identical pages because of “details from manufacturer or supplier”. If each contestant reproduces the same description; They will make the same mistake and offer similar content.

How does Google work?

He usually gives his preference to the most popular site or the oldest content. This material that it identifies as original is called “authentic material”. Others are then treated as duplicate content.

Why did Google implement this system?

For Google, its first source of cost is to send its robots every day, it costs in infrastructure, machine, man… The way to reduce it is to send crawlers to pages that are viewable. Be a crawler often. When you enter the duplicate content filter, the robot decides to send to your pages less and less frequently. The most important thing is to analyze the behavior of the Google bot thanks to the logs. Be careful to analyze logs, you must have specific tools like:

kill duplicates

Kill Duplicates is a tool that detects plagiarism pages on your site and contacts the owners of the copying sites. If your conversation proves to be impossible, an option allows you to contact the host who can take measures against this plagiarism.


MOZ Bar is a search engine plugin that identifies title tags, meta descriptions, but also the canonical URLs used on the pages you visit.

And then you can also study the advantages and disadvantages of the following tools to better control your content:

  • Grammer
  • scribe
  • plaguescan
  • copyscape
  • copyleaks
  • Plagiarism Checker X
  • quetext

So take the time to create unique content and never copy text from outside sites to make your job easier.

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