
Investment that doesn’t lack energy!

The news gives Energy the pride of place due to the inflation of gas, fuel oil and electricity prices. Indeed, without energy there is no economy! Applied to savings, one might say that without energy, there is no return! This is why you have to be cautious about investments that suffer from lack of energy.

If there is one investment that is not lacking in energy at the moment, it is SCPI. Why is there no energy crunch in SCPI? Why is it better to save on SCPI to boost your money?

Which investments are currently lacking in energy?

Increase in passbook A rate to 1. Has been doneer Last August, going from 1% annual return to 2%. This doubling of the performance of Livrate A is really important in inflationary conditions.

  • life insurance contract in euro fund

Life insurance contracts clearly lacked enthusiasm last year, with an average performance of 1.08% in 2021. The year 2022 is not looking better as their yield should also be around 1%. Also, life insurance contracts in euro funds are not the best source of energy for increasing purchasing power.

Investing money in the stock market is a double-edged sword as we are currently seeing as the CAC 40 has lost almost 15% of its value since the beginning of the year. Some investors get good results but some people lose a lot of money. Thus, placing your money in the stock market should be done in a rational manner, being aware of the risks of losing part of your capital.

as indicated Veronique Baronone of the founding partners of Central SCPI ,, the first French digital savings network:

“Between investments without energy and investments that are too risky, customers who contact us Selected SCPI. They know they will benefit from an inexhaustible source of energy: dividends paid by SCPI’s management companies. ,

Why is there so much energy in the yield SCPI?

  • Yield SCPI Increases Purchasing Power of Its Partners

The best performing SCPIs bring in around 6% net per annum. Hence SCPI is a profitable investment full of energy in inflationary conditions. The monthly or quarterly dividends they pay are combinatorial which allow them to collect excellent income.

  • Yield SCPIs are risk-controlled investments

In investing, as in any team, unity is strength. It is therefore better to co-own several hundred buildings, as is the case with the largest SCPIs in the market, than own one or two rental apartments.

  • SCPIs make it possible to own very profitable buildings

The majority of SCPI is invested in business real estate (offices, retail complexes, warehouse and business complexes, health and education real estate, hotel complexes, tourist real estate, etc.). These are logistic SCPIs, starting with scpi activemoManaged by Aldern, which offered the best performance on the SCPI market during the first half.

  • Produce SCPIs are becoming increasingly environmentally responsible

Twenty-six performing SCPIs currently hold the SRI (Socially Responsible Investment) label. Investing in SCPI SRI allows you to invest your money in buildings that are committed to improving their carbon footprint. Of course, SRI SCPIs also preserve performance purposes.

How to find performance SCPIs that have spare energy?

You have to take help from specialized companies like Leader of SCPI, Central SCPI ( Investors will get all SCPI, best SCPI deals and SCPI simulations of the moment in one place…

special advisor to Central SCPI Know all the SCPIs in the market and there is no risk of power cut in their daily work. They are really looking for the best yielding SCPI. Thanks to powerful tools like SCPI-Sign or SCPI Aggregator, they are able to provide you with a fast and efficient service.

as reminded thibault le cuckoowithin the manager Central SCPI ,

“We devote all our energy to working to increase the purchasing power of our customers and their wealth. So they don’t risk seeing our efforts rational. We don’t have any oil, but we have ideas that they Invest your money well. »

The energy crisis does not affect the performance of SCPIs, which owe much to their dividends, which are higher than inflation levels for the best SCPIs.

The performance of Livrate A and life insurance contracts in the Euro Fund has stalled. Also, why doesn’t the performance go back and forth by investing in SCPI? It’s good for the planet and your wallet.

However, before investing your money in Performance SCPI, you should consult with SCPI experts, such as Central SCPI ,, the first SCPI comparator on the market.

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Investment in SCPI is not guaranteed, both from the point of view of dividend received and conservation of capital. SCPIs depend on the volatility in the real estate markets.

Before making any decision to buy SCPI shares, consult a professional to ensure that the investment matches your asset profile.

Finally, like any real estate investment, keep in mind the fact that SCPIs are long-term investments that cannot have a minimum holding period of less than eight years.

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