
Should we communicate with a personal profile or a brand?

Some surnames are so famous that they speak without explanation, such as Lagardere, Pinault, etc. and, moreover, are the subject of many articles on celebrity websites and in the media. However, sometimes circumstances make him regret to bear this name, which becomes a burden for him and his family. Entrepreneur communication strategies apply advanced techniques to capture attention and stand out. So, whether addressing the world through a personal profile (your name or one’s family name) or professionally (creating a name), which one best serves your company’s interests in the short, medium or long term? Is? And what benefits can you get from each of these options?

Personal profile or how to put your image to the benefit of your brand

In the entrepreneurial world, marketing is an essential component of marketing your products and services. Sometimes, by making your personal image your selling point, you can get more out of your idea:

  • fashion company The fashion world plays on personal image more than any other field. So it is better to put yourself forward to attract more and more potential customers. What they are looking for above all is an identity in which they can project themselves and not a brand (Betty’s blog, Estelle fashion blog, etc.)
  • personal development company : When working in personal development it makes more sense to communicate through a personal profile. Customers are not only looking for professional competence. Rather, they are aiming towards an ideal from which they can make their mark. This is why you will often see blogs linked to Facebook or Twitter profiles, a blog that highlights not the company but the person behind it with their personal experiences and experiences.

More damage? By communicating through a personal profile, you certainly establish a certain closeness with your customers and associates, but you sometimes run the risk of losing credibility. A word of advice: On the other hand, opt for a different professional profile to balance your image and convince as many people as possible. Giving your company your name is a falsely good idea because you don’t know the vagaries of life. Thus Spangero’s affair with horse meat in Findus divided an entire family. The leader should think about it, no one is safe from scams: when he chooses to give his company his surname he is not only himself but also his relatives (women, children but also his brothers and sisters…) includes. Also, keeping a company name can pose a problem if the company has been around for several decades or if its leader dies and is no longer appropriate for the context. The purpose of a brand and therefore a company is to remain sustainable and not be forever attached to the name of the founder.

Professional Profile: Brand at the Forefront!

Putting your brand at the fore is an undeniably lucrative marketing move. In this way, you manage to give life to a sign, slogan and business idea that, thanks to this technology, materializes in the eyes of your colleagues and your customers. With the “Company” profile, you can:

  • Establish your communication and create well-targeted ads without breaking the bank
  • Optimize the SEO of your website and your informative blog as well
  • Keep track of competing businesses by evaluating the success and popularity of business groups

Most important benefits: Convey a professional image of your company that will gain you credibility especially in the long term: an essential element for the future growth of your activity.

What to choose?

Instead of choosing between a personal or professional profile, choose both. Communication through the personal profile is reassuring and human. It touches the customer naturally and wins his support without even realizing it. On the other hand, the “company” profile seems like an authentic and credible value: a kind of foil for your communication that, while not forgotten, remains professional in nature.

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