
Become an ambulance taxi in 2022

The COVID-19 crisis has shed light on the professions of the medical sector. Do you want to help others and become an actor in the health sector? Why not think about the profession of ambulance taxi? The profession of ambulance taxi is not highlighted and still displays enlistment in CDI at 90% at the end of training. If this job interests you, read this article to know more.

Ambulance Taxi: Mission

Ambulance taxis must move patients between their home and an appropriate care center (mainly hospitals and retirement homes). Emergency callers are patients who are injured, elderly or ill. Some patients even have a prescription from their doctor for a paramedic to take them.

It is a health professional who may be asked to act before care. A paramedic centers his work around his three words: comfort, care and protection.

The paramedic will also have to perform administrative tasks. He takes care of keeping a logbook, filling out reimbursement forms or checking doctors’ prescriptions.

What are the prerequisites to become an ambulance driver?

Before becoming an ambulance driver, you must have completed level 1 emergency care and management training. It replaces AFPS (Certificate of Training in First Aid). Training lasts a day and a half and costs an average of 75€.

To be able to practice Ambulance Taxi must have one of the following diplomas:

  • Certificate of Ambulance Capacity (CCA).
  • State Diploma of Ambulance (DEA)

To join a course you must fulfill the following conditions:

  • B permit.
  • There is a medical certificate certifying your ability to be a taxi ambulance.
  • Take first aid training (PSC1).
  • Keep up-to-date vaccination records.

Preparation should be done in health ministry-approved centers such as ambulance training institutes or organizations such as the Order of Malta or the Red Cross.


The ambulance driver must also have a certified B license.

Also note that your criminal record must not contain a sentence inconsistent with the profession.

What qualities are required to become a taxi ambulance driver?

Ambulance taxi works in emergency and other people’s health depends on its work.

The ambulance taxi should have the following qualities:

  • Learn how to manage stress and resist pressure.
  • Keep a good life rhythm to keep pace on weekends and nights.
  • Listen.
  • Learn how to empathize with reassuring patients.
  • Be calm and responsive.

You must also possess the following skills:

  • Learn how to perform first aid procedures.
  • Ability to drive efficiently and rapidly.
  • Ability to adapt to changing tasks.
  • Know how to use medical aid equipment.
  • Know how to work in a team.

If these qualities and skills are yours, then you have definitely found your way!

What is the legal status to become an ambulance driver?

You have many options to become an ambulance driver. You can be employed or self employed.

As a self-employed individual, you must have a clean room and take good care of upkeep and maintenance of the equipments on the vehicle. You should also have a telephone line available at all times.

One month before you start, you will need to take steps to get approval from the province. The request should be made to the regional health agency.


Please note that your annual turnover in self-employment cannot exceed €176,200.

If you prefer to form a company, you can choose between the following situations:

  • EI (Sole Proprietorship): More complicated than self-employed because it exposes your personal assets.
  • EIRL (Limited Liability Individual Company): Does not disclose your personal assets but you pay income tax.
  • EURL (Limited Liability Unipersonal Company): Your personal assets and your professional assets are different, you also have the advantages of a micro enterprise.
  • SASU (Société par Actions Simplifiées Unipersonnelle): You have the same position as an employee but this is a more expensive option.

The choice of your position depends on your needs, your size and your future plans.

What are the rules for an ambulance driver?

You must have a vehicle that meets the following standards:

  • Your vehicle must be a Light Medical Vehicle (VSL);
  • There must always be at least two people on board, one of whom has an AED or CCA;
  • All members must have a Class B driving license;
  • Vehicles must have essential medical supplies;
  • The vehicle must have a movement permit from the regional health agency;
  • The vehicle displays a blue six-pointed cross and the company name.

You can buy your vehicle new or used. If you choose to buy it used, check that you have transfer traffic authorization.

What are the other responsibilities to become a taxi ambulance?

Register your company

If you are building your own business, you will need to register. Ambulance taxi is a craft trade so you have to register with the chamber of craft trade. After that you have to do internship there.

take out professional insurance

You must also have the following insurance:

open a professional account

If you are opening your own business, consider opening a business bank account. Try comparing between several banks and take the offer that best suits your needs.

questions to ask

Is it necessary to be a graduate to become a paramedic?

To become a paramedic, all you need is the Brevet des Colleges (3rd level).

Can you become a paramedic without a license?

No, you cannot become a paramedic without a license. To become a paramedic, you must have a DEA (State Ambulance Diploma) or CCA (Certificate of Ambulance Capability).

What is the salary for an ambulance driver?

An ambulance driver can expect an average salary of €1,500 gross per month from the start. At the end of his career, an ambulance driver earns an average of €2,300 gross per month.

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