
Auto-Entrepreneur: Which Trades Require Professional Qualification?

Being your own boss is not that easy. It requires self-discipline, perseverance and above all, determination. However, beyond personal qualities, some activities also require a professional qualification. Why is the latter needed? Which professions are involved? How to use them as a self employed person?

Why vocational qualification is needed as a self-employed person?

As the LegalPlace website explains, some activities cannot be performed without professional qualifications. This requirement is intended to achieve the following objectives.

To ensure the quality of services offered

In a time when professional qualifications are required to find work, the importance of self-entrepreneurship is a bit different. Actually, it is a kind of guarantee in the eyes of the customers. This is proof that you are capable of carrying out such a mission while respecting consumer law.

Safety of others and the auto-entrepreneur himself

A person with auto-entrepreneur status has a responsibility to protect himself as well as ensure the safety of others. Assuming you are an independent electrician, you should have proven experience in this area before you can intervene in a particular situation. Otherwise, you run the risk of endangering the lives of your customers as well as your own. Without proof that you are eligible for this profession, you will be banned from practicing it.

For your information, here are other trades requiring professional qualification: Beautician, Dental Technician, Architect, Plumber, Chimney Sweep, forester, hairdresser, heating engineer … It should be noted that the list of regulated trades is not exhaustive. Before starting any field, it is best to find out about the required qualifications along with the activity you are going to practice.

How to practice these trades as a self employed person?

To practice these trades as a self-employed entrepreneur, you must have one of the following supporting documents:

  • an approval,
  • License,
  • an authority,
  • a diploma recognized by the state,
  • business card, etc.

Of course, to achieve auto-entrepreneur status you must first follow the traditional steps. The supporting document you see above complements your registration with the Register of Trades.

Is experience a supporting document?

It is also possible to reach some regulated trades through experience. For example, to become a self-employed plumber or chimney sweep, one must have at least three years of professional experience in the chosen field.

Is it possible to combine one of these professions with a salaried activity?

the answer is yes, but subject to certain conditions that are generally attached to your employment contract, Indeed, the rules of non-compete must be respected.

Is it possible to practice two regulated activities at the same time?

If you are already engaged in a regulated profession, note that you can practice another. However, you are obliged to declare the second activity envisaged in the business directory and to fulfill all necessary conditions.

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