
8 benefits of working with freelancers

52% of companies have decided to allocate more budget to work with freelancers. and you ? Still hesitating to call self-employed workers?

However, freelancers offer several advantages to VSEs and SMEs. If only because of their flexibility… but not only that! We give you 8 reasons to strengthen your team with independent service providers:

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1. Save

The average cost of employee benefits is estimated to be around €9.07 per hour. With a freelancer, this budget can be distributed differently. Especially since service invoices can be deducted from your expenses.

In addition, there are no additional expenses for office supplies, training or equipment, as the self-employed typically use their own equipment.

2. Have a Large Pool of Talent

Hiring permanent employees means tapping into a pool of talent limited by your location. On the other hand, if you are considering hiring freelancers, your options are much wider.

Plus, you’ll be able to get help much faster. Recruiting for a permanent position can take months, not to mention the cost of recruitment. Hiring a freelancer can be done in a few days or a few weeks.


If your project needs immediate assistance, you will always be able to find a talented freelancer ready to work right away at

3. Avail Instant Availability

A major part of the life of a VSE/SME lies in conducting its activities flexibly. To be competitive, you have to be responsive and respond quickly to customer needs.

However, as we have just seen, it is faster to find a freelancer than a full time employee, especially thanks to specialized platforms like

As freelancers come to the job with the skills they need, they will spend less time training and more time taking action.

4. Receive Quality Work in Record Time

Freelancers live up to their reputation. They are motivated to do a good job and deliver results quickly. Not because they are superhuman, but because they can grow their business.

They know how to adjust their work schedules to meet the needs of their customers, even if they are urgent requests. Plus, the more tasks you assign to them, the more comfortable they will be with your way of doing things.

Not to mention that if you give them more missions, they’ll be able to assign you a sliding scale value. The price/quality ratio would be even better!

Get quality work done in record time

5. Benefit from Expertise for Specific Missions

according to statistics:

  • 45% of freelancers provide qualified services
  • About half of freelancers attend further training programs
  • 66% of freelancers hold back to stay abreast of the market

Apart from the skills acquired at their own expense, freelancers have worked for various clients and gained extensive knowledge.

You may not need their expertise on a daily basis, but they can be a great asset for specific projects. And your contract with them ends when the project ends.

Convenient for short-term needs that require strong skills.

6. Optimization of Human Resource Management

Another advantage of hiring freelancers: better management of your human resources.

According to the nature of their position, freelancers work for themselves and themselves. They are their own bosses and therefore do not require you to manage them. No need to set up your own schedule or get involved in the micro-management of your tasks. They have, above all, the responsibility of the result. So they manage the means to achieve it.

Optimizing Human Resource Management

7. Improving Business Productivity

In addition to efficiency and expertise, hiring a freelancer allows a small business to focus on what it does best.

You delegate time-consuming tasks or tasks for which you have no aptitude to the service provider. This allows your team to focus on what they do best to add value to your business.

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8. Get a Facelift

Keeping your head in the handlebar, you may lack perspective on your decisions, your motions, and your movement. A freelancer will bring a fresh perspective to the project you entrust to him.

He can bring you new ideas and more creative approaches to help you move forward.

did you know

Self-employed people are more innovative and more receptive to new technologies. They can intervene to come up with state-of-the-art solutions to solve your problems or help you achieve your goals.

Freelancers offer many benefits in terms of collaboration, management and above all, productivity. Especially for small and medium businessmen! So, if you need skill fast, post your ad on now.

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