
7 Lessons That Entrepreneurs Can’t Learn in Business School

In school, we learn to write and read, the foundation of our achievements and whose interest no one can deny. But the truth of La Palais, it is a springboard, but does not include all the lessons. The school is a treasure trove of wealth, both in terms of knowledge and human relations, and no one disputes this. However, entrepreneurship teaches us lessons that cannot be taught in business school or university. Entrepreneurs learn from their experiences that make them valuable. Here are 7 lessons higher education cannot teach you.

overcome misconceptions

Average does not exist because it equates to mediocrity in the world of entrepreneurship. Many French students hope to pass their exams with the minimum score required to advance to the next level. This is not generally accepted by French attitude schools because the minimum required allows you to be in the upper class. Sometimes students aim for that average grade instead of just the perfect grade because they can have the same degree with half the effort. In the world of entrepreneurship, this average does not exist. The rule is simple: Either you are the best (or one of the best), or your business will end.

Good grades are no longer the criterion of success

The reputation of some schools can help you deal with investors or banks. But in reality, although your average at HEC Paris may be 18/20, if your business doesn’t grow, your track record will be of no use to you. Having a diploma is just a paper that proves that during a certain period of time you were able to pass several exams, take courses and pay for a school and that allowed you to gain knowledge and skills. The entrepreneur learns that a business plan that works will become his diploma of success.

You are the only one to find the way to success

The days of holding your hand are over. The path you took in college and the program you pursued will not guarantee you success. You have to forge your own path to success. If you have decided to become an entrepreneur then you are already on the road to success. Your success is not written in books.

no one is stuck in the same box

The French education system imposes on students choices of orientation, choices that seem irreversible and which place young people in a position to lock themselves in a category from an early age. Higher education is often regarded as the perfect place to find out what we really want to do with our professional lives. In fact, many graduates do something completely different from their original background and realize that the real world is a place where the only constant thing is change. Imagine that it takes us 7 years to study, change orientation and be competent in one field, so a man who is 80 years old will have only 11 opportunities for change. Knowing that he’s finishing his Bac+5 on 23, he’ll only have 5 opportunities to convert, is absurd. Entrepreneur believes in himself and knows that he can learn and create whatever he wants on his own.

Being a workaholic sucks

Being a workaholic is often well regarded. Sleepless nights, sleeping at work or studying till the last minute, these things are useless and stupid. Workaholics create more problems than they solve. They like to feel like indispensable people. Workaholics make people who don’t stop until after and feel like they are on the edge of the company. To the extent that you are not able to solve tasks that are actually worth doing, you simply find yourself tired and unfit to do quality work. It is never wise to make important decisions in the face of fatigue. Workaholics are not heroes. The real hero is the one who finds the fastest way to get things done.

Always copy to prosecute

Sometimes copying can be part of the learning process, such as an art school student reproducing a painting in a museum. When you’re a student, this kind of imitation can be a useful tool on your way to discovering your own path. Unfortunately, copying is generally harmful in the business world. Copying is the formula for failure. You have to understand why something works or why something doesn’t. When you copy and paste a concept, you remember the essence and lessons of that concept. So much of the work of a creator is invisible. Copying gives no essence, no understanding, and nothing concrete about future decisions. Also, if you are a copycat, you can never survive because you are always in a passive state. This is not the way to live. Entrepreneur learns to be inspired by what he sees but copy and paste should always be avoided

Nobody is perfect !

Don’t be afraid to show your shortcomings. The flaws are real and people are sensitive to them. That’s why we love real flowers that fade, not perfect plastic ones that never change. Don’t worry about how you’re supposed to sound and how you’re supposed to act. There is beauty in imperfection. You might not look as professional as you’d like, but you’ll look a lot more authentic.

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