
5 techniques to increase engagement on LinkedIn

For many companies, building engagement on LinkedIn is a quest. With over 600 million users and people connected daily, the professional social network is a real playground for you to grow your notoriety and make yourself visible.
This is without relying on the reputation of LinkedIn, which is known for its seriousness and its good results in terms of recruitment. Of course, you still have to be visible and get the right people’s attention.
Luckily, we’ve compiled 5 techniques for you to increase your engagement on LinkedIn.

Nevertheless, before presenting the 5 Techniques, it is essential to understand what engagement is on LinkedIn and also to know how to measure it to get the best results.

What is social media engagement?

Posts on social networks, and especially on LinkedIn, are probably intended to gain notoriety as well as visibility. These can be showcased through reactions, comments and shares, and then these interactions create engagement!

Whether it is LinkedIn or any other social network, the term engagement can be defined as the tendency of customers or consumers to interact with a company’s publications, its products or services.

To follow reactions to publications, engagement can be measured thanks to a performance indicator called engagement rate And knowing this result has huge benefits.

However, it is not only a question of measuring engagement rate to get results, but you will also have the possibility to influence the latter by publishing content that is optimized to generate interaction. You can then respond to these interactions, hence the importance of engagement. One study shows that responding to comments as well as studying the centers of interest of visitors can encourage them to spend as much as 20 to 40% more.

Why Measure Engagement on LinkedIn?

engagement rate Allows you to know the level of customer satisfaction and appreciation in relation to your activity! That’s why you should be interested in the results, because it is through them that you will know the effectiveness of your marketing strategy.

In fact, the level of interaction your audience has with your publications helps you understand what your leads and customers are looking for, and you will be able to meet their needs.

In addition, studying engagement allows you to gain visibility on social networks, and this can increase your traffic or number of prospects.

With regard to publications, for example, you can plan well by grouping them by duration. In particular, you will be aware of the publications that have had the most success and the correct interpretation of the result will serve as a formidable weapon to reach the goal on your next material.

To summarize at this point, engagement rate is a tool that allows you to develop your activity through social networks.

However, you need to know how to measure this engagement rate.

Techniques to measure engagement rate on LinkedIn

If the rate was calculated only from the results of interactions such as likes and comments, it is currently developing at the same time as social networks. Other factors can actually be taken into account now, and the aim will be to provide you with a result that is closest to reality in relation to the behavior of your leads, customers or ordinary visitors.

There are two main methods chosen as the most effective:

Interactions and calculations between customers

This first option is the classic method that simply involves dividing the total number of comments and responses by the number of connections you have on LinkedIn. You would then multiply the result by 100 to get the actual engagement rate. It is useful to remember that the style of memorizing response can be demonstrated by alike, I love, support, well done, interesting, etc.

In short: engagement rate , [(réactions + commentaires) / le nombre d’abonnés] x 100.

The method is quite simple, but it allows you to quickly get trend results. In addition, you can base yourself on this result to do your market research, by analyzing and calculating the engagement rates of the competition.

Calculation between the actual boundary and the interaction

This is the most recent method, which is to calculate the actual reach of your post to get the engagement rate result.

The formula is as follows: engagement rate , [(réactions + commentaires) / portée réelle] x100

The result of this method is relevant, as the calculation takes into account only all your contacts who have actually been in contact with the relevant publication.

In fact, it is not the total number of your subscribers who will have the opportunity to see your publication. There will be a part that might not know about it, because the content feed on LinkedIn doesn’t keep posts on newsfeeds for long. From this it can be concluded that this method is both the most accurate and the most effective.

What is the true engagement rate?

After doing the math, you can think about whether the result is good or not! An engagement rate of 2 to 5% is already excellent on some sites, and it is already enough for others from 1%. But in reality, the assessment of the result should be in relation to the achievement of your objectives and therefore you need to establish your own percentages and compare.

The first step would be to analyze the number of views on the posts! If increasing this number was the goal, be sure to always improve it based on the publication schedule for example.

On the other hand, if the objective was to generate subscribers, then do your analysis in relation to the number of new subscribers and try to improve the content of your publications to get better results.

5 techniques to boost your LinkedIn engagement

1. Bet on beautiful images

Like any social network, LinkedIn is no exception to the rule. Images are very important to capture the attention of users ready to scroll faster than light.
And surprisingly, posts with images get more comments.
If you’re wondering what to post, bet on simplicity. Use beautiful visuals while respecting your graphic charter and LinkedIn publishing standards. And if technology scares you, know that it’s not an excuse!
For your photos, don’t hesitate to use royalty free image banks like:

And if Photoshop isn’t your friend, trust Canva, a free software that will allow you to create gorgeous visuals with your brand of colors in just a few clicks.

Read also: 2020 guide to social media size

2. Post Regularly

Post regularly to boost LinkedIn engagement
You can publish articles regularly on LinkedIn. This will help you establish your expertise and establish yourself as a leader.
To optimize for this effective but time-consuming action, keep track of your statistics. You will be able to better determine:

  • What is your audience on LinkedIn?
  • What positions are your readers in?
  • how did they find your article

To increase engagement of your articles, mention your brand every time and put in a call to action to encourage your readers to comment and share. As always, the most efficient way to get what you want is to ask.

Read also: Linkedin Profile: Which KPIs to Follow?

3. Work on the Clarity of Your Message

infographic to boost linkedin engagement
LinkedIn is a different network. Your audience on this platform is probably not the same as your other social media. This means adapting your tone to your audience on LinkedIn.
There is no secret to this, you have to go through a testing phase. To find the approach that resonates best with your audience, you can experiment with different ways of delivering your message.
Regarding tone:

  • Humorous
  • informative
  • Serious
  • cynical

draft :

  • long post
  • short article
  • article information

Also make sure that your visuals enrich your publications and bring added value. It is possible using the A/B testing tool provided by Linkedin.

Read also: LinkedIn: 5 ways to make a post go viral

4. Bet on Video

Videos to boost LinkedIn engagement
If other social networks have long integrated video, LinkedIn is late in this area. And this is rather good news for you. That means there are still places to make yourself visible.
How to use video on this professional social network? Here are some ideas:

  • Film your premises and present them to your customers
  • introduce a new product
  • share your expertise
  • Introduce your teams

This media is growing. A survey conducted by Wyzowl showed that 38% of marketers have posted video content on Linkedin. Three quarters believe this to be an effective strategy.
What’s more, the video is highlighted by a LinkedIn algorithm, so why deprive yourself of it?

Read also: Why is video important for engagement?

5. Choose the Right Posting Time

linkedin post time

Finally, common sense advice but useful nonetheless, it could be that your engagement is low, simply because your audience doesn’t see your publications.
If Facebook, Instagram, and other Twitter are frequently banned at work, LinkedIn, for its part, is often authorized. This means that your audience is active on daytimes and weekdays with optimal duration from Tuesday to Thursday.
According to a study by Oberlo, here’s what’s seen:

  • Highest Shares and Clicks: Tuesday, 11am to 12pm.
  • Lowest commitment: 10 pm to 6 am.
  • Best time to post: 10 am to 12 noon and 5 pm to 6 pm.
  • Peak period of use: 12 noon and 5 pm to 6 pm.

Read also: LinkedIn Analytics: The Guide to Analyzing and Optimizing Your B2B Marketing

our tip

Now you are ready to be in the limelight! And to support you in your social media strategy, don’t forget that you can call on a community manager by submitting your project for free on

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