
How to attract attention to your business?

Entrepreneurs are sometimes powerless against competition or against established giants in the same field. It’s difficult for a young company to establish a niche and some people will do anything and everything to draw the least amount of attention to themselves. Before making the big communication expense, let’s take a look at the tools a small business has to differentiate itself at a low cost.

In France, there are approx. 53.8 million Internet users, ie more than 85% of the country’s population. According to the We Are Social/Hootsuite report, among the 65.51 million people in France are:

  • 60.92 million internet users, i.e. 93% of the population (+2.4% as of January 2021),
  • 1.5 million additional internet users,
  • 52.60 million users on the social network, ie 80.3% of the population,
  • 3 million new users of social networks in France,
  • 5h34 time spent online per day, including 2h19 via their mobile,
  • 86.5% of users access the internet through their mobiles.

This report provides an overview of the number of users that can be reached by a marketing campaign across different social networks:

  • YouTube: 52.60 million users
  • Facebook: 31.35 million users
  • Instagram: 26.55 million users
  • LinkedIn: 23 million users
  • Snapchat: 24.20 million users
  • TikTok: 17.48 million users
  • Pinterest: 11 million users
  • Twitter: 10 million users

Small businesses sometimes find it difficult to compete against the competition or gain the notoriety of their choice in the market. Making yourself visible in terms of advertising or communication represents a significant cost for entrepreneurs. However, it is not worth hiring a movie star or spending huge sums of money to stand out and be recognized. Here are 6 tips to stand out for entrepreneurs with limited spending.

Be clear about your activities

“Communicating Your Business” Very comprehensive and accurate advice. This is precisely the reflection you should present to your company. Is my proposal too general or is it lacking in accuracy? The minds of investors and customers will be more attracted towards accurate figures. Today we live in an age in which we are over-informed. Customers are often overwhelmed by the huge amount of information on the Internet. Help them by specifying your activities and your offer in a clear and detailed manner. This way you will be able to differentiate yourself from your competitors.

develop a corporate culture

Management and leadership techniques are numerous and sometimes complex. Your team needs to participate and live for the company. Being an authority figure may not be the right fit for you and your team. A good leader is one who:

  • clearly communicates its objectives
  • be honest
  • Interested in these employees
  • broadcasts your passion and your vision
  • Always listen to others.

You also need to strengthen the team spirit around your brand. Build a company culture that everyone can afford and give employees a way to share in the company’s success and teach them to care about results.

blogging for success

Blogging is an effective way to build a new business or differentiate yourself from others. A blog can help to start a business and change its notoriety. However, blogs remain a complicated tool to handle. More and more companies have their own blogs. Blogging is not a hobby and should provide a satisfactory return on your time investment. But the job is not easy, in general, you have to work on your blog for several months before you start seeing tangible results. The key lies in patience and application.

Segment your customers to better understand them

Young companies want to attract more and more customers. They generalize their services to attract them. Quantity may not be the answer. In reality, you run the risk of losing a place that suits your offers. Analyze your customers and their behavior. Once you have studied the niche that best suits you and its needs, you will communicate more effectively. It’s important to group your customers and tailor your communications to meet their unique needs. If you do this by segmenting your customer email list or in some other way, results will increase and your customer loyalty will intensify.

follow a scandalous business plan

Knowing the end goals of your business is important. These are your dreams and they inspire you. But over time, its goals are sometimes forgotten. Take the time to measure how things are changing: if you can develop, adapt or remove some points. Your business plan is an active document. Use it to your advantage! You can measure based on the business plan how your business is performing and if any changes need to be implemented to move your business for better growth.

Hire a Marketing Consultant

A marketing consultant has a way of analyzing situations that you can’t imagine sometimes. He has gained experience working with multiple companies and has a broad knowledge of what works and what doesn’t when it comes to setting and achieving your marketing goals. Plus their marketing function is outside of your business, they are more open to new innovations and ideas that produce results. And these can boost your business. A marketing consultant can be considered a solution provider. Chances are they have access to all the right service providers for your marketing needs including graphic and web designers, PR agencies as well as SEO (search engine optimization) online marketing experts or public relations specialists.

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