
+3.7% companies created in April 2023: Growth continues

In April 2023, 90,063 companies were created in France. This represents an increase of 3.7% compared to March. This growth is due to an increase in the number of micro-enterprises, but also in the number of traditional sole proprietorships. Find out in this article all the key statistics on business creation in France for April 2023.

The development of business construction in April 2023

This article includes figures reported by INSEE at the time of its publication. These figures may have been corrected by INSEE.

April accelerates growth for the quarter

The month of April 2023 has registered a growth of 3.7% as compared to the figures of March. Hence the growth in the number of companies remains higher than that of March, when it stood at 1.3% as compared to February. In February 2023, 85,738 businesses were created, compared to 90,063 in April 2023, testifying to a continued increase in the number of business creations.

Strong growth over last year

In April 2022, 85,405 companies were formed, showing a growth of 5% in one year. However, this increase has been reduced by the accumulated delays for the February-April 2023 quarter as compared to the same quarter a year ago (-0.3%). This difference is due to a significant decline in the formation of social forms and traditional individual occupations.

However, over the past 12 months, the total number of businesses created has increased by 1.5% compared to the previous year.

What are the most important registrations of April 2023?

Significant growth in micro enterprises

Nearly 2 out of 3 business manufacturing (63%) are micro-enterprises in April 2023. This number is almost the same (62.9%) in the last 3 months, showing the dominance of micro-enterprises in business creation. The month of April saw a significant increase in the number of micro enterprises with a growth of +4.9% as compared to March after a very low growth of 0.2% in March as compared to February.

During the last quarter, the number of micro enterprises created increased by 4.2%. Over the year, they grew by 3.6%.

If project leaders choose to form a micro-enterprise, it is because it has many advantages. This type of registration is quick and simple to set up, but also allows you to take advantage of a lower tax and Social Security rate. Finally, the day-to-day management of a micro-enterprise is simplified with simplified Auto-Entrepreneur Accounting.

Classic sole proprietorship rises in April but remains in bad trend

During the month of April 2023, the number of traditional sole proprietorships (IS) increased by 1.7%. The growth took place after March, while remaining low (3.2% in March over February). More than 36% of commercial constructions in April are related to this legal status.

During the February-April period, the number of IE creations declined by 7.1%, proving that this legal position is declining, despite the rising trend in April. At 12 months, this decline is less pronounced but remains significant (6.4%). This decline is the highest ever recorded for all legal positions.

This legal form has several disadvantages, which may no longer satisfy entrepreneurs as much. Despite advantages such as simplified manufacturing, the absence of turnover ceilings, or even more flexible taxation, it removes a certain financial security, typically depriving the entrepreneur of his unemployment benefits, while leaving him firmly in bankruptcy. exposes. An individual entrepreneur will also not be able to connect with other people.

sharp decline in social forms

Social forms include EURL, SARL, SASU, SAS, SA, SNC, SCS, and SCA. They represent 26.5% of commercial construction in April 2023, compared to 27.1% in March 2023 and 26.4% in February 2023.

During the period February-April 2023, social forms decreased by 7.1%, while they increased by 0.5% in the previous 12 months.

Boom in all sectors and stagnation in real estate activities

During the month of April 2023, business creation increased in all sectors except real estate activities, for which they remained stagnant.

In April 2023, many sectors continued their growth started in March. This is especially the case with the areas:

  • Industry: +0.7% in April after +9.6% in March;
  • Trade and repair of cars and motorcycles: +1.6% in March after +3.8% in April;
  • Lodging and Catering: +3.7% in April after +2.1% in March;
  • Financial and insurance activities: +0.8% in April after +2.1% in March;
  • Business Support: +2.6% in April after +2.9% in March;
  • Education, health and social work: +8% in April, +3.2% in March;
  • Household services: +3.4% in April after +1% in March.

At the same time, many sectors benefited from the rebound in April as compared to March. These are the sectors:

  • construction, which saw a 0.4% increase in April after a 0.3% decline in March;
  • transport and storage, which saw a growth of 12.7% in April after a decline of 6.4% in March;
  • Information and communication, which saw a growth of 4.4% in April after a decline of 4.9% in March.

In the February-April quarter, the education, health and social action sector is the one that contributed the most to the decline. This decrease can be explained by a decline in business creation, especially in the human health activities not classified elsewhere (-1,100 creation during the period).

The biggest decline in the last 12 months is the transport and warehousing sector, which has decreased by 22%.

This is explained by the collapse of margins due to increase in operating costs. Lately, the sector has faced the brunt of a slump in demand, leading to a sharp drop in business construction. However, we have observed that there is a big increase in business creation in this sector in the month of April 2023.

questions to ask

What are the highest business registrations in April 2023?

The number of micro enterprises grew by 4.9% in April, representing almost 2 out of 3 companies. The number of traditional sole proprietorships (EI) increased by 1.7%, while incorporated forms declined by 7.1%.

Which sector has shown the best growth in April 2023?

In April 2023, the transportation and storage sector grew by 12.7%, the largest increase in the month. The second sector with the best growth this month is the information and communication sector.

How many companies were formed in April 2023?

In April 2023, 90,063 businesses were created.

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