
14 Examples of the Best Showcase Sites

Currently, there are over 200 million active websites around the world. To look your best, you should take inspiration from the best showcase sites!

Whether you’re short on ideas or looking for new trends for clients, here are 14 examples of showcase sites to get you inspired!

What is a successful showcase site?

On average, a showcase site consists of 3 to 6 pages that present the company, its activity, its values, its products or services. A successful showcase site also contains advice and support for your potential customers.

Typically, this type of website also highlights the right information about your business: your value proposition, your achievements, and even testimonials. The visitor navigating there should quickly identify your expertise and know if you fit his needs.

From a technical standpoint, the best showcase sites are responsive with fast loading times, and they offer fluid navigation. Additionally, an attractive design is the key to instilling confidence in the lead. Therefore, using stock photos is not recommended. Authentic visuals are more effective in attracting visitors and increasing conversions.

Finally, a successful showcase site provides clear calls to action and easy ways to contact the business.

Want to know what the best showcase site looks like based on activity type? 14 Examples of Successful Showcase Sites Discover Now!

3 Examples of Large Company Showcase Sites

Whatever the field of activity, a showcase site allows a company to ensure its online presence, showcase its expertise and communicate its values. As we will see in these 3 examples…


Aganasoft is a digital company specializing in cyber security and network and telecommunications consulting. Its showcase site perfectly brings together the essential elements that every visitor should know about its services.

In just 2 clicks, you can discover the history of the company and the services it provides. Its sleek and fluid design facilitates navigation and allows visitors to quickly find the information they are looking for. It also has the advantage of reducing page load times.

The call to action is spread throughout the homepage to allow a potential customer to learn more about the offer or contact the company. At the end of the page, there is Aganasoft’s physical address as well as a Google Maps navigation map.

Renault Group

Renault Group

The Renault Group has a showcase site which, in addition to presenting the company, also contains links to their other websites.

The site, built with WordPress CMS, presents the latest information on group news as well as real-time developments on the company’s stock market shares. All of Renault’s commitments are easily identifiable on the showcase site.

The interface is minimal, fluid, and simple to use. Visitors can easily move from one section to another and get a better understanding of the Renault group values.

Walt Disney Company

Walt Disney

The example of the Walt Disney Showcase site, built with WordPress, is very interesting. It offers a clean design focused on the scene. In addition, the photos are of excellent quality, are authentic, and immerse us directly into the universe of the group.

Very little text is used on the home page. The interface supports direct access to information with tabs in terms of social commitments or company news.

Like Renault, the home page displays the share price on the stock market.

3 Examples of Showcase Sites for Independent Businesses

We have selected the 3 best showcase sites for freelancers, including the best practices needed to promote their services.

plural singular

plural singular

Pluriel & Singulier is the website of a psychotherapy practice based in Châtillon-sur-Seine. It brings together all the important information needed by the patient, including opening hours and the various practices offered.

What’s interesting in this example from the Showcase site is the “testimonials” section. It is not always easy to inspire confidence as an independent professional. That’s why using social proof, thanks to the opinions and testimonials of previous customers, is very relevant.

Finally, the last important point: the call-to-action “Make an appointment” appears in the middle of the home page. An effective technique to convert visitors quickly.

Flora Viola Yoga

flora viola

Yoga instructor Flora Violeau’s showcase site was created with Wix. Very modern, the design is minimal and light-colored to inspire perfection. The visitor is greeted with a full-page image referring to the practice of yoga. He immediately knows where he is stepping!

Navigation is facilitated by visual and segmented headings as per the requirement of each.

Social media buttons are visible and easy to use at the top of the page. In addition, they follow visitors to all pages of the site.


quetzal coach

Quetzal Coach is another example of a successful showcase site of an independent professional. In a more classic design, it clearly displays the information that visitors may need.

A carousel welcomes Internet users. It includes beautiful pictures and various services offered by the coach. In addition, a visual and intuitive menu allows the visitor to know the prices, areas of intervention and testimonials from past customers.

At the bottom of the page, the site presents a call to action that invites the user to contact Coach by email or telephone.

3 Examples of Showcase Sites for Artists and Creators

For artists, creators or photographers, the showcase site serves as a portfolio as well as a point of contact. It should therefore present its works, describe experiences and highlight the artist’s journey.

maud dardo

Maud Dareau

Let’s start with the example of tattoo artist Maud Dardo’s showcase site, Upon reaching the home page, the visitor can peruse a gallery presenting his achievements.

One “About” section shows the artist’s journey and another announces the events she will attend during the year. A Google Maps map directs anyone looking to get a tattoo done on Maude’s campus.

An email address is also available for making an appointment as well as mandatory elements to mention in the message. The customer also has an average response time.

Daniel Aristizbali

Daniel Aristizbali

Daniel Aristizbal is a designer. And this is clearly reflected on its showcase site! Visitors are welcomed by the interface created with original and unique animations, which show the graphic and colorful universe of the creator.

The menu is minimal with only two links: one that refers to the “info” page where Daniel’s presentation is, and the contact page. At the bottom, Internet users have 2 other links that direct them to the designer’s Instagram and Behance accounts.

elephant group


Elephant-Group, an audiovisual production group, chose a full-page design for their showcase site, which is quite a success! Right from the home page, visitors are immersed in high-quality visuals, which showcase the company’s latest offerings in carousel format.

A sidebar provides quick access to information about groups, achievements, and news.

This very professional design is an example to follow for all companies whose vision is at the center of their business.

2 examples of restaurant showcase sites

Looking for examples of the best restaurant showcase sites? Discover these two websites that combine practicality, modernity and ergonomics!

The Green Burger Factory

The Green Burger

What’s the Difference Between The Green Burger Factory’s Showcase Site, This is how it presents all the important information at the entrance of the home page. The header provides opening hours and days, as well as a phone number for placing the order.

The visitor can consult the menu or reserve a table upon arrival at the site. This information is listed along with the restaurant’s physical address as a bonus at the bottom of the page.

Note that the photos are extremely intriguing and they perfectly enhance the burgers offered by the brand.

mother’s son

mother's son

Restaurant chain Les fils Maman’s showcase site combines simplicity and aesthetics. The design made from the picture immerses the visitor in the childish universe of the sign.

In addition, from the home page, the latter can view the nearest establishment and access all the necessary information: address, opening hours, menu, etc.

The site also recounts the history of the brand and presents the 3 “guys” at the core of the concept, making it possible to humanize the restaurant.

best showcase sites

All areas combined, here are our top 3 of the best examples of showcase sites!

be rusty


UI/UX designer Jung Ho offers its visitors an attractive, modern showcase site that showcases the creativity of the freelancer. A colorful animation welcomes the Internet user to the home page, to attract his attention and encourage him to learn more… as well as the professionalism of the designer.

The visitor will be able to easily find out more about Jung Ho and his work, thanks to a simplified and fluid navigation.



If the example of the non-profit organization HEROines’ showcase site is one of the best, it is thanks to the high-quality interface. In addition to unique, inclusive and authentic photographs, the design promotes the association’s commitments and missions.

The visitor easily understands the purpose of the organization and how to help by donating or becoming a member.

Mikaela Reuben

Mikaela Reuben

Mikaela Reuben is a Nutritionist Coach. Her showcase site welcomes the visitor with a video of her chopping vegetables in her vegetable garden. In addition, Coach likes to communicate visually on his site. The latter includes some texts. Above all, Mikaela features unique and original photos, which underscore her commitment to healthy eating.

Also, if we have cited this example as one of the best showcase sites, it is also because of the “recipes” part. Coach not only sells its services, but also provides recipes and advice available to all visitors to the site.

our tip

Showcase sites ensure your online presence, helping you convert prospects and convince potential buyers. If you’re looking for inspiration, you can use these examples… or call an independent webmaster at Kodur!

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