
What Is The Most Effective Method For A Successful Real Estate Investment?

The French have always considered real estate to be a safe haven and an excellent investment. It will be difficult to prove them wrong. Still, investing your money in real estate is not synonymous with martingale and there are risks of disillusionment. Also, it is important to apply an effective method for investing in real estate. This method allows both to boost their purchasing power, increase their wealth, and do so without management constraints. What is this recipe? Here’s the key to not failing miserably in your real estate investment.

What precautions should be taken to invest your savings in real estate?

The first caution to bear in mind stems from the choice of location. Thus, investors who have invested in inappropriate sectors in Pinel have had their fingers bitten. It’s also important to invest your money so it doesn’t go to unpaid rent or worse, squats. Let’s not forget that it is very difficult to evict a tenant.

Before investing in real estate, you should also estimate the returns on the property that you are planning to acquire. For example, buying a rental apartment in Paris is not at all wise. Prices have skyrocketed and rents haven’t followed. This results in a significant drop in performance.

form of analysis Lionel Benhamouone of the founding partners of central scpi ,, the first French digital savings network:

“At present, investing in real estate through rental apartments is more and more complicated, especially when acting alone. That is why savers who contact us favor real estate investment companies, or SCPIs. It’s simple And profitable. »

What is the best way to become an annuitant for your real estate assets?

Rather than spending weeks searching for the rental apartment of your dreams, making an appointment with a notary, and getting the deed done before, it’s better to invest in real estate in a packaged way.

Specifically, to be successful with your real estate investing involves doing it through SCPI Investing. SCPI Investment is a real estate savings product that allows you to receive regular annuities.

These annuities can be of excellent quality as they net over 6% per year for the best performing SCPI. Beyond its performance, SCPI investments require no management constraints. Successful real estate investing requires delegated management.

All the work of researching the properties that make up SCPI’s asset portfolio and all their management is done by the management company through whom you have invested your money. With SCPI placement, goodbye sleepless nights!

Using SCPI Investments to diversify your assets involves only a small outlay as a few thousand Euros is enough to buy Performance SCPI. Of course, for rental apartments, SCPI can be acquired on investment credits.

Where can I find information on investing in SCPI?

The SCPI market continues to grow, with flows exceeding €10 billion last year. In concrete terms, there are over 200 SCPIs available to savers. It’s a lot and it’s easy to get it wrong. Since real estate may not be purchased for a few years, it is important to choose your SCPI carefully.

Many banks offer their own SCPIs but these are not the best SCPIs. Also, they only offer very limited SCPI options.

Beyond that, the key to maximizing your investment in SCPI performance is to seek advice from SCPI experts. There are SCPI platforms that do just this job and do it independently. They offer all scpi’s on the market. Are there any additional costs for using these SCPI platforms? No, as SCPI shares are priced the same regardless of the distribution channel.

as it develops Laurent Fagesmanager inside central scpi ,

“One of our clients had several choices between investing €150,000 in the purchase of a rental apartment or in the SCPI portfolio. The pooling of properties from its SCPI real estate portfolio and the performance of its portfolio have determined this. Since then, he has been depositing around 750 Euros net per month in his bank account without doing anything. ,

It is also a customer’s choice to prefer to invest his money in performing SCPI instead of doing so in acquisition of rental apartments.anne cocaine of stage ,

“Recently retired, this senior didn’t want to waste time managing the apartment he was offered to buy to supplement his income. It didn’t take him long to park his 80,000 Euro savings in SCPI, which we recommended to him. Now he gets around 400 Euros per month without any worries. ,

Given the ever-increasing inflation, our compatriots tell themselves that it is better to invest their money in real estate than in Livret A or, even worse, in a life insurance policy in Euro funds. They are right because real estate is a safe haven.

To do this, they thought buying a rental apartment was a panacea, but they quickly became disillusioned. For many years they have been turning to SCPI investing, which combines performance and the absence of stress.

To make their investments in SCPI successful for returns, investors are unanimous in going through platforms like SCPI Central SCPI.

Understand SCPI in 2 minutes

A real estate investment leads to the collection of rent. It is the best way to increase your purchasing power and fight inflation. In any case, it is better to keep your money in your bank account even if the banks are rubbing their hands and certainly more prudent than investing in a rental apartment when you look at the difficulties that may arise. Can be the reason for this.


Investing in an SCPI is not guaranteed, both from the point of view of dividends received and preservation of capital. SCPIs depend on the volatility of the real estate market.

Before making any decision to buy SCPI shares, consult with a professional to ensure that this investment matches your asset profile.

Finally, like any real estate investment, keep in mind the fact that SCPIs are long-term investments with a minimum holding period of not less than eight years.

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