
Website Building for Notaries: 6 Specialized Service Providers

Like all businesses, your notary office needs an online presence to grow and make itself known more easily. Being visible on Google is essential when you know that more than 90% of all searches on the Internet are done on this search engine.

Creating a website has become imperative for most businesses and professionals. It is difficult to do without a digital presence in an increasingly connected world.

However, notary websites are subject to certain specific rules set forth by the Order of Notaries. Here’s how to respect them when building an effective and relevant notary website.

Website for the Notary Office: What’s Interest?

Nowadays, every company needs to have an online presence in order to gain visibility, especially on Google, and be able to grow. Creating a website for your notary’s office allows you to make yourself visible on the Internet and spread your activity.

If you are not authorized to advertise your office, you can distribute real estate advertisements and news of your profession to create communication with your clients.

A big part of a notary’s job is actually advising your clients: why not provide some information that will help them get an idea of ​​the likely outcome of their problem?

Your notary website can therefore provide your customers with a contact form secured by an SSL certificate that allows you to communicate personal information with complete confidence.

However, a notary’s order prohibits you from disclosing personal advice in writing through this contact form. This means that your customers will be able to make an appointment online but will not be able to discuss a situation that concerns them with you.

If you think you need a platform to exchange words and documents with your customers, you will need to use a specialized tool that secures exchanges and can be accessed directly from your notary office’s website. is connected.

To set this up, you will need a web developer who is an expert in the field and able to give you the best advice.

What are the Specifications of a Website for a Notary Office?

The website of the notary office, unlike most businesses, is subject to compliance with an ethical charter established by order of a notary.

The strict regulations to be applied require the use of a service provider who has some experience in this area, or at least is likely to have access to the resources needed to provide quality and suitable work.

First, your study domain name is assigned and should take the following form:,

Simply put, you need to write your full name, which can also be grouped under the mention of nomd’unassocié-et-Associés-nom de la, if you want to practice within the same firm. There are many professionals.

Notary does not have no right to advertise to his notary office. This significantly reduces your site’s chances of reference and distribution. However, with relevant support from an experienced professional web developer, it is possible to get proper visibility for your site.

Your web developer will need to assist you in the selection of Mention your affiliation with the notary network To improve the visibility of your studies, and to present your office as close to your prospects as possible. For this, it might be interesting to introduce your team and include photos of your colleagues on the site. Here again, it’s storytelling techniques that can help you develop the impact of your network and your notary office.

By order of a notary, you have the authority to Publish news related to your area of ​​activity and intervention, This is excellent news and a valuable tool because upgrading your website allows you to update its context and therefore make it more visible on search engines. However, be careful about the information you wish to disseminate as it is your professional responsibility to do so in the event of a problem.

To get your notary’s website online, you must obtain authorization by order of a notary, who will send you an approval number.

To do this, the following information must be provided:

  • a temporary url,
  • a certain url,
  • Hosting arrangement for your website
  • and the contact details of the web agency or freelancer that built your website.

Obtaining an approval number by order of a notary is mandatory, and it may be interesting to accompany these steps for greater ease and peace of mind.

6 Specialized Service Providers to Build Websites for Notaries

Finding a service provider you can trust is essential to getting a website that meets your expectations.

Here are some service providers who have a certain expertise and a good knowledge of the rules for notary office websites.

Encoder is a free professional/freelance networking platform. The principle is simple: You submit a project for free by accurately responding to a form available on the site, and your request is sent to freelance web developers willing to complete your project.

They are the ones who send you an accurate estimate mentioning the requested budget and the time required to complete your project. It is up to you to choose by comparing the quotes, but also the profiles of the freelancers.

You have access to ratings given to web developers by previous clients, which allows you to get a fairly accurate idea of ​​the quality of the work each has provided.

There is no cost to submitting a project and joining Freelancer is completely free.

For example, paid options are offered by the site to highlight your project and get quotes more quickly. This is a particularly economical solution.

Expert in building websites for notaries, NOTA is familiar with the operation of the rules to which you are subject. You will get a powerful and responsive website integrating the tools you really need.

NOTA also offers to accompany you in the necessary steps to obtain your approval number, which is mandatory for the publication of your website. Prices are available upon request.

This professional has expertise and expertise in creating websites for notaries. It offers a complete build and a responsive and well referenced site for a reasonable price, especially when you will gain access to training on how to effectively manage your website.

The average price is indicated in 1580 euros. The professional also provides technical support included in the price for two months.

Fiducial is a well-known company in the office automation sector and also provides website building services. It brings together professionals selected for their particular skills by field of activity: so you will have the pleasure of collaborating with a web developer specializing in building websites for notaries.

To start, the company offers a free 30-minute meeting to discuss your needs and prepare an estimate.

Webipro also offers the use of web developers specializing in the creation of websites for notaries. The company’s operations are based on communication to be able to create a website that fits your expectations.

You will also have access to an accurate calendar that will allow you to know the deadline for your website creation as well as assist with the process of obtaining your approval number.

Webgazelle offers a monthly subscription formula for building your website and hosting. For an average of 99.90 euros per month, you get a very well referenced site adapted to your needs.

Be careful though, as the all-inclusive formula that involves referencing your site and writing content can cost up to EUR 299.90 per month. Hence it is a very costly solution.

Pay attention to the prices sometimes charged by particular platforms, remember to compare the prices for building your website.

Our Tips for Creating a Notary Website is a free platform that connects freelancers with clients. Using means access to thousands of freelancers specializing in other areas such as graphic charters or storytelling content, who can help you build your notary website and prepare appropriate and relevant content according to the rules set out by the Order. can help you do it. Notary’s.

Don’t hesitate to submit projects for free on and directly compare quotes given by freelancers.

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