
UX Ecommerce: 6 Best Practices

For an e-commerce site, conversion rate is a parameter that must be taken into consideration. Because attracting visitors to your merchant site is the first requirement, but the absence of conversions will not allow you to grow your business.

So in order to provide the best possible user experience, e-commerce UX comes into play with the aim of optimizing the conversion rate in a journey oriented towards an optimal experience for the visitors.

This experience will be the trigger for sales and develop a positive image of the e-commerce site. UX has to be taken into account from the design and construction phase of an e-commerce site, but it is also possible to customize the site once the site is put online.

Give Your Users Confidence With Optimized Ecommerce UX

When a customer visits a physical store, he will focus on the small details that will give him a sense of confidence. If unfortunately this sense of security is not present, the potential customer may simply feel uncomfortable and the sale will not be successful.

This overview remains completely the same on an e-commerce site. If you do not refine the various details of the merchant site, you cannot create an environment of trust and he will only have to continue his search on a competing site.

Often, it’s a visitor who won’t come back when you could have avoided this situation by playing on the details. This is why it is imperative that e-commerce UX is designed to develop clear pages without any potential confusion. Ergonomics should be placed at the center of your concerns, allowing you to develop a relationship of trust.

You not only have to adhere to web standards, but also develop technical features to meet the needs of visitors. No need to reinvent the wheel, what is currently being done will be enough to motivate you.

It needs to have an up-to-date e-commerce UX and be guided by a professional so that it gives you an objective vision.

For example, contact information should be visible to facilitate conversation. This transparency makes it possible to reassure the consumer and provide elements of feedback on a very diverse and varied range of topics. But don’t forget to include an available and responsive customer service by offering contact prospects via social networks.

Some tips to build trust.

You not only have to take care of the e-commerce UX, but also do it via payment. Use trust symbols like “3D-secured” and “Verified by Visa” directly. If you authorize payment by PayPal, don’t hesitate to indicate this.

Social experience is a must in online selling today, so use the Feedback module. This will allow you to highlight positive thoughts and once again it is an indicator of confidence for the users of your merchant site.

Deliver Credibility Through Ecommerce UX

During the buying process, the credibility of your e-commerce site should be beyond reproach. It’s one thing to build trust, but you also have to make commitments to build customer loyalty.

So your brand image should be developed in this direction through real visual identity. The choice of sizes and colors will directly affect the customer and he will more easily choose one or the other product.

If the experience offered is not satisfactory, you will not only lose a customer, but it will give you negative publicity. Otherwise, he will recommend your brand and become a loyal ambassador for your business.

It is therefore essential to use e-commerce UX to develop a content and graphic charter tailored to your values. It’s not only a question of working on visuals, but also texts, your logo, and the various articles you publish.

be concise and clear

If you have a properly developed merchant site, but unfortunately with a messy user interface, this will directly affect your conversion rate. As mentioned above, trust is essential, but also visibility of information.

The user should understand in a matter of seconds what kind of services and products you are selling. Why should a visitor trust you and buy your products? There is no need to choose a long text praising your company’s strengths. You need to be clear in your pitch with punchy visuals and use of bullet points.

Throughout the merchant site, you must offer your customers a consistent and successful design. If unfortunately your site is not finished or if you use different colors and visual elements, it will automatically cause a distraction for visitors. Unfortunately, this event won’t do you any good, as distractions affect conversion rates.

Navigation in the center of your preferences

mobile ecommerce site navigation

The design of e-commerce websites must respect internet and mobile standards

But, going beyond the previous recommendations, this time we are entering a more technical part.

Of course, you can get help from specialized developers, who will have no trouble deploying certain features. Like using a horizontal filter, because that’s the norm right now.

In fact, horizontal filters offer several benefits:

  • They provide a certain flexibility by integrating the various options via menu dropdowns.
  • There is no display issue when browsing on tablet or mobile phone.
  • You benefit from a full-page usage.
  • Accessibility remains permanent, even when the user scrolls. This difference undeniably provides for a more enjoyable browsing experience.

In addition, every technical element must be optimized, i.e. the use of images, menus, categories and of course the loading time.

Another technical element to consider is the implementation of the CTA. In fact, you want your visitor to perform a very specific action. But the incentive for him to accomplish this must be clear and reassuring. This is why you should be convinced by offering an attractive and understandable CTA in the form of a button.

Lastly, don’t overuse pop-ups, as these are the elements that make navigation unpleasant. If you do use them, limit the number of them keeping in mind the ecommerce UX to make them attractive and simple.

Some advice on conversion rates

funnel conversion rate

Developing an e-commerce site allows you to make your brand known and grow your online presence. However, you must not lose sight of your main objective, which will be to sell.

With that in mind, rely on simplified forms like checkout or sign in. Once visitors have won your e-commerce site, you will be able to maximize conversions by using simplified forms to avoid creating confusion.

Ignore frivolous information, just ask for an e-mail and a pseudonym. If other information must be used, the visitor will have the opportunity to complete it later.

Be sure to have a seamless conversion tunnel on a tablet, mobile phone or computer. By choosing a simplified conversion process, you maximize your chances of retaining an Internet user.

Do not hesitate to multiply user tests

ecommerce user testing

You’ve developed the e-commerce UX of your merchant site, but be aware that some elements that you see clearly may not necessarily be for the user.

Instead of relying on your first intuition, there are user tests to record various parameters, and specifically to monitor conversion rates. This is an extremely necessary step to avoid wastage of time and money.

Then the benefits are many, as you will be able to orient yourself towards a formula that guarantees the best conversion rate.

In fact, there is no miracle solution and you must work on all the elements of your merchant site to optimize the conversion rate. It is a set of parameters on which you must essentially act in order to be successful in convincing your visitors as well as provide the best customer experience.

Our Tips for Optimizing Ecommerce UX

Today, UX e-commerce is an essential concept in online sales. It is a way to differentiate yourself from the competition and attract potential customers.

But be aware, to provide the most enjoyable user experience, you must develop your brand image and take care of each and every element to leave the best possible impression. Hence it is necessary to entrust this mission to an independent e-commerce developer who will provide you advice.

Thanks to their experience, you will benefit from a merchant site that will deliver the expected success and beyond.

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