
Start-ups are surfing the wave!

The presence of open data, digital data accessible to all, has revolutionized transparency and knowledge sharing thanks to its open licensing system. Since its existence, more and more young tech and legal companies are using them to collect data.

Open data: what is it?

This so-called open data is freely available to users, whether they are individuals, companies or government administrations. Free from rights, they can be exploited in unlimited ways. Open data meets 3 criteria: access, unrestricted use, and universal participation. The challenge remains interoperability because without it the data cannot be correlated with each other. But that’s the whole point of using them. Thanks to this, many new projects, services and products can be conceived. Sites such as thus provide free access to French public data, as does Legifrance, which is the official government website that provides information on legislative texts, case law and court decisions provided.

rise of legatec

Legatech are start-ups specializing in the legal field. From English legal technology, legal technology improves on the old practices of legal professionals, providing the possibility to dematerialize legal documents and effectively automate company processes and services.

Although this may seem natural, it has not always been so. At that time, legal information such as legal information was not freely available and was often paid for. Before 2020, information about the National Register of Commerce and Companies was definitely available, but on the condition of paying the price. Needless to say, this could represent a significant constraint for small and medium-sized companies, which did not have the necessary means to bear such costs. Luckily, this monopoly is over and today we can all check data without breaking the bank. And it is without relying on the ambition of some companies that start-ups like have built a real business in this area more than in the more enthusiastic sector. infinite data is the first French online portal that provides well-known data in an unlimited way. Updated daily, data from over 10 million companies and managers is freely available. The site offers an accurate search system that allows for free display of approximately 80 million documents. In this huge database, it is also possible to consult data from Insee, Inpi and Bodacc. Docubiz makes it a point of respect for the speed of research in its information bank, and in a matter of seconds, it is possible to consult and download over 10 million data, like a company’s extract kbis.

LegalTech is only at its beginning, in an increasingly dematerialized world, there is a whole future ahead of it. Individuals, companies or government institutions, everyone uses and consults the data.

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