
Reviews on the Internet: an exercise to consider

69% of French people have already left customer reviews on the Internet, but are they really read? Are they just a way to complain when things go wrong? Pay attention to a common practice that may surprise you.

Rumors about reviews are rife and sometimes leave internet users with the dilemma of whether or not to believe in the credibility of reviews. This is even more so because some vigorous lawsuits over false opinions encourage them to be careful. what is it exactly?

Customer Reviews: Those Who Consult Them

As shown by the YouGov study for realtime in French and customer reviews on the Internet, almost all French people consult customer reviews on a product/service (94%) and 56% read them regularly.
Women are most willing to consult customer reviews since 63% do so regularly. This difference is significant as it is 15 points higher than their male counterparts (48%). Opinions are also more sought after by the younger generation as 69% of those aged 18-34 see them regularly, while 44% of those aged 55 and above visit them regularly.

But who writes customer reviews?

If 69% of French people have already left customer reviews on the Internet, the figure is much higher, especially among 25-34 year olds. 78% of this segment would have already done so and 31% regularly also (69% of those who do write them occasionally).

What encourages the French to leave a review

French leave a review because they are specifically requested after a purchase (39%) followed by an email. This reflex is less strong when sending an SMS encouraging people to leave a review (23%).
We note that in motivation to leave a review, the original will often be rewarded because in 34% of cases, the French would do so in the hope of having a sample as a thank you (34%), a figure inspired by women (40%). Similarly, contests are an opportunity to leave an opinion as 21% do so in this context.

More positive reviews than negative!

Unlike a priori, opinions tend to be rather positive as the vast majority leave a positive opinion (66%) as opposed to only 19% who do the opposite. So opinions are not to show their bad mood but to show their satisfaction.

But from where do they get this information?

Contrary to what one might think, the French do not necessarily seek an opinion on an external forum to have more objectivity as 54% of them find it more relevant to do so … on the store’s website, a figure that Shows that mistrust is not as strong as might be thought about rigging ideas and especially removing them.

How do they consult them?

In general, three areas come out at the top for opinion consultations. LEED has restaurants and bars as well as hotels (44%). Consumer electronic products are not left out as 39% do in this context.
This is also the practice for 18-24 year olds, even though restaurants and bars (54%) rank in the pole position, followed by hotels (49%), consumer electronics (46%).
However, this similarity stops at three categories and especially clothing as there is a difference of 17 points to be noted on this type of product. Similarly a difference of 11 points is to be noted for cinema films/programs or TV series, so young people are more fond of opinions than the national population for these two categories.

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