
organize your event successfully

Since the end of confinement, leaders have again invested in organizing events. He felt that the events had a strong added value. Indeed, holding a professional event is a great way to draw attention to your company and therefore get closer to potential customers. Here are some elements to consider to make your event the best possible success.

Customer, the main asset of any company

If organized successfully, each participant will leave with a positive image of your company, which they will be sure to tell their contacts about later. Not to mention the fact that it can also be a great way to thank your existing customers.

To strengthen your relationship with your existing customers or find new customers, holding an event is an excellent opportunity. Yet the high stakes and risks of failure intimidate entrepreneurs. There are a few “simple” rules to apply to keep the odds in your favor and overcome your fears.

Participants and Speakers, Your Main Concern

At all events, there are two important factors to consider: the speakers and the participants. The participants should be satisfied with their performance at the end of the event. To do this, be sure to provide them with a physical position that will not disturb them during their maneuver. In order not to find yourself with a last minute withdrawal, don’t hesitate to call them well in advance, but the day before and even on the same day to avoid any unpleasant surprises. Replacing a worker at the last minute complicates tasks and causes stress to teams. This is reflected throughout the event.

What is your objective?

whether organize an event Often a good idea is, without a clear purpose behind it, plainly useless. Objectives can be varied, to attract local media attention, to make your company known in a particular area, to build a list of potentially interested people, to thank your current customers, to give a public demonstration of one of your products.. The option objective will then determine the most appropriate type of event.

Choose the event that best suits your strategy

Once the objective is decided, it is necessary to define the scale. The goal is obviously not to make the most important event possible, but the one that suits you best. Even for your first event, despite all your willpower and self-sacrifice, trying to impress everyone with a whole day of gatherings of hundreds of people is strongly discouraged. Conversely, you risk losing credibility if the event is not up to par. Start with simple things. The experience gained will then allow you to see the big picture. Not to mention the fact that often programs conducted for a smaller number of participants, but better targeted, are the most effective.

choose the date carefully

Do not hesitate to postpone your event if you feel that the date is not entirely favorable. You should look at everything, school holidays, the calendar of events related to your program, all events and situations that may interfere, the weather. Timing will determine the success of the event to a great extent.

make retro plans

It is better to have clearly defined roles rather than having an “all together” event, even though all partners certainly must cooperate. Whether you are there or not, someone is needed to lead, to take charge. Visualize the event unfolding in your head to see if each “part” of the event is well covered by someone. That way you give yourself every chance of not ending up with missing chairs one day. conference, or even without a glass of champagne. Without an accurate division of responsibilities, we risk facing ourselves a great difficulty that will lead the staff to look for the culprit. If a collaborator knows he is responsible for part of the project, he will do everything possible to make sure nothing spoils the party.

Estimate budget from scratch

Be careful that enthusiasm doesn’t compel you to organize an event that puts your financial health at risk. First, you don’t necessarily have to think through all the details. So we may be tempted to start without knowing what the final budget will be, telling ourselves that it will be reasonable in any case. Except that the closer the deadline gets, the more the bill grows, the costlier details follow one another until neglected and the budget literally explodes. To avoid this, take advice from experienced people in the field as far as possible. Ask them about any items you may have forgotten. Also consider the possibility of sponsorship or partnership to reduce the overall cost.

create a communication plan

You obviously need to spend a lot of time planning to attract participants, so that your event will get people talking about it. Depending on the type of event, the marketing plan can go through email, posters, social networks … but above all through local media. It is necessary to warn the latter sufficiently in advance to be able to inform their listeners, readers, Internet users … In any case, with the competition of this type of events, to have the chance It’s better to discuss than to actually attract attention…

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